Aberrations in the Venus-Mars Cycle

Guest blogger Robert Blaschke writes another fine article:  Aberrations in the Venus-Mars Cycle. He describes Dane Rudhyar and Alexander Ruperti’s work on the Venus-Mars synodic cycle and  offers insight into Mutations in 77-Month Recurrence Pattern since 1960.

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Cardinal Cross Lunar Eclipse

Guest blogger Gary Caton writes beautifully on this week’s Cardinal Cross Lunar Eclipse, both with a mundane perspective and in a personal way. He includes  helpful ideas on how to navigate through our personal relationships, as they are bound to be a place of high focus! Thank you, Gary..

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Cry, Baby, Cry

Mary Plumb’s new blog, Cry, Baby, Cry is personal – she describes the myths of Chiron in Pisces, Ceres and Pluto in some current real life events..

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Inner/Outer Landscape

Mary Plumb writes about Pluto’s station this week (with a kick from the Sun in Aries at the bending). Enjoy – and, comments welcomed and appreciated!

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