Greetings, dear readers. Here’s a mix of blogs for this week — mostly non-political (except for a few nostalgic looks at the past president) — and looking at the big sky picture including the solar eclipse, Eris the troublemaker and Saturn in Sag.
Willow’s Web Astrology catches us up with Necessary Discordant Notes as Uranus Makes its Final Conjunction to Eris in Aries. “With the current Eris–Uranus–Mars conjunction in fierce-and-feisty warrior sign Aries, this is no time to hold back. This is no time to stay silent out of habit or fear or a desire to remain socially meek and acceptable. It’s time to get your concerns on the map. It’s time to throw down.”
For anyone longing for another look at President Obama, Christina Rodenbeck, The Oxford Astrologer, has a short piece looking at his horoscope — both back and ahead a bit: Catch You Later, President Obama.
(Here’s her homage to George Michael: Just A Little Broken: RIP George Michael.)
Peter Stockinger at the Traditional Astrology Weblog writes on the Solar Eclipse of 26 February 2017: “Jupiter is the planet ruling this eclipse. At the time of the eclipse, he will be located in Libra. He is retrograde, which adds a certain degree of debilitation. It is also noteworthy that he is conjunct fixed star Spica. Robson knows that when Spica is with Jupiter we may expect: ‘Popular, social success, wealth, ecclesiastical honor and preferment’.”
Chanini Nicholas also considers the Solar Eclipse in Pisces: New Moon Horoscopes for the Week of February 20th: “Occurring on the same day as the rebellious Mars–Uranus conjunction, Sunday’s solar eclipse is a new moon, generally a time of new beginnings, but this moon is a wrap up of what has already occurred. Occurring near the south node and Neptune, Sunday’s eclipse is the last in a series of eclipses in Pisces. This past two years has taught us much about the dangers of being deluded into thinking that someone will come along and save us. The past two years have taught us much about the importance of kindness and what happens when compassion leaves us. The past two years have taught us much about what we need to lose in order to gain a fair and just world.”
Ichrak Dahou at Atlas Astrology writes on Saturn in the Third Decan of Sagittarius: “The third decan of Sagittarius points to elimination in order to increase coherence, division in order to create fruitfully, and focus in order to embody more fully a more transcendent or deeply considered strata of understanding and consciousness.”
A Stunning Scale Model of our Solar System, Drawn in the Desert is a 7-minute video that puts things in perspective. A group of friends “constructed a model by drawing circles in the desert around a 1.5 meter sun and a marble-sized Earth small enough to get lost in filmmaker Wylie Overstreet’s pocket. The result is a stunning work of land art that allows viewers to see the full circle of the Earth with their own eyes.”
Susan Herskowitz, The Uranian Astrologer, hasn’t posted a new video blog for a while, but there are lots of articles and videos in her collection, including The Barack enigma. Beneath the distance and detachment.
(She also profiles Chelsea Clinton, Pope Francis, Taylor Swift, and others.)
If you are new to the subject, go here for Susan’s introductory article: What are the Transneptunian Planets?
Aaron Cheak, PhD, is a scholar of comparative religion, philosophy, and esotericism. When you have time for a long essay about Mercury’s inner–outer, Eastern–Western, microcosm–macrocosm implications, settle in for his recounting of a marvelous journey — to New York, Halifax, Los Angeles, Seattle, and beyond:
Curiouser and Mercurioser: Ruminations on a Hermetic Retrograde. “At certain times, Hermes only leads us to clarity when we abandon our preconceived plans. As with the Greek principle of aporia, only when we reach the point of pathlessness can a new way open before us.”
Ok, that’s all for now. Be well, enjoy yourselves and one another as we travel together in Sun-in-Pisces land.
The August eclipse is right on Trump’s ascendant and very near his progressed Sun. Also, he has significant problems at that time with Saturn. His ascendant is usually given as 29 Leo-the royal star Regulus. Such eclipses are usually regarded as dangerous for royalty especially and other very prominent people. Recall the death of Diana and Mother Theresa at the time of a 1997 solar eclipse. Trump already a faces threat from his afflicted Mars. At the very least, it looks extremely bad for his administration and possible a great threat to health and well-being.
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