Aug/Sept 2013 issue

Aug/Sept 2013


Highlights of this issue:

    • In through the Out Door: The Cosmic Signature of Monsanto and GMOs
    • How My Uncle Escaped the Iran Hostage Crisis
    • Mortality 101: A Death through the Lens of Astrology
    • Consequence: A Novel Speaks Symbolically through a Young Author’s Birth Chart
    • The Aries Point Bloom
    • Chiron through the Houses…and more



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Directory of Astrologers

April/May 2013 issue

Apr/May 2013


Highlights of this issue:

    • The Year of the Snake vs. the Smart Meter Grid
    • Experiential Astrology
    • Uranus Choose Me: An Impersonally Personal Experience
    • Shamanic Divination and Dream Chart
    • The Practice of the Garden: Experiential Astrology Then and Now
    • Stories in the Sky: An Interview with Wendy Ashley….and more



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Directory of Astrologers | Book Reviews

Dec/Jan 2013 Issue

Dec/Jan 2013

Highlights of this issue:

    • Pluto, Uranus, and the Financial Crisis: Reaching the Limits of Growth
    • Saturn in Scorpio: The Pleasures and Pressures of Intimacy
    • The Saturn-Neptune Trine
    • Twelve Signs, Twelve Distinct Planetary Rulers
    • The Divine Science: Reflections on a Life in Astrology
    • C.G. Jung’s Crisis and Renewal
    • Horary Astrology, Part 2: Questions and Significations….and more



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | TMA’s Directory of Astrologers

Dec/Jan 2011-12 Issue

Dec/Jan 2011-12

Highlights of this issue:

    • The “Outing” of Ophiuchus: What It Means for Astrology and Humanity at Large
    • Astrology and the Art of Synthesis: An Interview with Noel Tyl
    • Into the Blue: Neptune in Pisces
    • Remembering Ellen: An Astrological Reflectification
    • Astrologers’ Forum on 2012: Bill Herbst, Bob Makransky, J. Lee Lehman, Rick Levine, Tem Tarriktar, Julija Simas, Alan R. Wheatcroft, Kushal Kumar
    • Student Section…..and more.



 From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Letter