Article Submissions
Thank you for your interest in writing for The Mountain Astrologer.
If you’d like to propose an article, we ask that you first carefully review the Query Letter Guidelines below.
Please note that we are a small, independent publication and receive a high volume of submissions. We do not read unsolicited articles or manuscripts. Submissions that fail to follow our guidelines will not be read.
We look forward to connecting with you.
To propose an article, send your query letter to and include “TMA Query” in the subject line. Query Letters should be 1–3 pages maximum.
- Summarize your proposed topic and outline the main points you wish to cover. Be as specific as possible.
- What sets your article apart from previously published material on this topic? What makes it new/fresh/interesting? Has the topic appeared in TMA before? Search our Article Index, consider if you are adding anything to the conversation, and revise your topic accordingly. We discourage submissions that appear in a vacuum (with no references or awareness to previously published material). Where do your ideas fit in to the larger, published conversation about astrology?
- What is the estimated length? Feature articles are limited to a maximum word count of 3,500 words. Smaller articles (short anecdotal material, chart interpretation tips, and other material of interest) between 500–1,000 words are also considered.
- How many charts or illustrations will you include? We suggest no more than 3 charts. If proposing more, give a clear rationale why.
- Provide a few sample paragraphs from various parts of the article (not just the introduction).
- Include your biographical information (your work and interests, as well as how readers may contact you). Your bio should be 100 words maximum, including contact information.
We will respond as soon as possible, but please allow 60–90 days. If we accept your article proposal, will request that you submit the
completed article. At that time, we will send you the remainder of our Writers’ Guidelines.
Do not send your article unless requested. Please understand that we do not “pre-accept” any article or series based solely on a query letter or proposal — we will need to review the finished article for final approval.
We accept electronic files only. We prefer that you submit your query via email in one of the following formats, ordered by preference:
- Microsoft Word 2011 or newer
- Shared Google Doc
- Shared Dropbox file
- RTF (rich text file)
- Time-Sensitive Articles: We recommend that you begin the query process at least 8 months before your preferred publication date. We can sometimes accommodate unexpected current events submissions — if timing is tight, please include “URGENT” in your subject line.
- Articles with Charts: If you propose to interpret a chart or charts (and especially if your delineation involves the Moon or the houses/angles), please include in your Query Letter the complete birth data, the source, and the Rodden Rating for each and every chart example.
- Multiple & Simultaneous Submissions: We do not accept more than one submission at a time, nor do we accept simultaneous submissions (sent to several publications at once).
- Previously Published Content: Submissions may be previously self-published. However, we do not usually accept articles that have been formally published elsewhere in the English language within the last 5 years.
- Reprints & Book Excerpts: We occasionally reprint journal articles and book excerpts, and writers may query us about this. Do not send us a sample chapter without prior approval. Start with a Query Letter.
The Mountain Astrologer is dedicated to maintaining strict standards of astrological publishing based on careful data citations and through professional delineation and interpretation of published charts. As such, we encourage you to review this information in detail before submitting your Query Letter, article, and/or supporting materials.
We comply with benchmarks established by the Association of Professional Data Collectors who convened their first international meeting on May 30, 1997, in Brussels, Belgium. One of their goals is to advance data standards, and we agree with their position that data presented without a source is unprofessional and unacceptable. If you’re submitting birth charts, event charts, or other astrological charts with your article, you must provide the original source of your data (e.g., birth certificate, birth record, mother’s memory, rectification [mention by whom and what source was used for the rectification], etc.).
Don’t make the mistake of proposing an article only to discover, too late, that your chart data is inaccurate. Speculative data sources result in speculative interpretations and premises, which then contribute to the image of astrology as meaningless speculation. Save yourself time and trouble — check your data before you begin.
Step 1: We will review your query letter. If we choose to consider your article, you move along to the next step, and we will provide you with thorough writing guidelines. If we decline your query, your journey with this topic ends; however, you may attempt another query on a different topic, which starts the process over. We highly discourage “trying your luck” and throwing anything and everything at us. Repeat declines are usually a signal that we are not the right venue for your work. Please exercise discretion when pursuing publication.
Step 2: If we request your article for consideration, you are invited to send us the entire article and charts/illustrations and all endnotes/references. Submit polished work that is ready for publication. We will not consider “draft” stage work — we need a full and complete article that matches your query proposal. Once we receive your completed article, we will circulate it with our editorial team. We will notify you within approximately 60–90 days of receipt of your completed article whether it has been accepted, accepted pending revision, which move on to step three, or declined, which ceases your journey at this stage.
Important: Once you’ve submitted your finished article, do not make any further revisions or additions unless we request them. If you feel that changes are necessary, please contact our editing team to discuss the matter. Make sure the file you send is clear and ready to go.
Acceptance is based entirely upon our perception. We take into consideration factors like content, quality, how the article compliments TMA’s vision, and its appeal to our readers.
Step 3: Upon acceptance of your article, we will send you a contract outlining our terms, conditions, compensation, etc. This includes permission for us to publish your article in the print and digital versions of that edition of the magazine. Before the contract is finalized by TMA, you will be asked to satisfy all requests for information specific to your article. We reserve the right to edit, condense, cut, or otherwise alter the text of all material sent for publication without the advance approval of the writer; however, we do consult authors about substantive changes.
Step 4: You will receive a copy of the magazine in which your article appears. Rejoice and share the news with your friends and colleagues!
Thanks again for your careful attention to our submissions guidelines. We look forward to your query letters.
Best wishes,
TMA Editorial
Blog Submissions
Send all blog proposals to &
- Blog proposals must include a 2–3 sentence summary.
- Plan to propose time-sensitive topics at least 2 months in advance. If you would like to cover a breaking news story, please include “URGENT” in the subject line.
- Submissions may not be published elsewhere, but may be previously self-published.
- TMA does not accept more than 3 blog proposals at a time.
- Submissions must not exceed 2,000 words.
- If you plan to interpret charts, please include them in your proposal, along with the Rodden Rating of each chart example.
Art & Poetry Submissions
- Art & Cartoons: Send low-resolution files of original artwork. If successful, we will request high-resolution files for publication.
- Poetry: Please send no more than 5 poems at once. We will only read the first 5 sent. Also note that longer poems tend to be less successful than short- to medium-length poems.