Happy Monday (Moon’s day) in this solstice week. The Moon ingresses into Pisces at 4:48 p.m. (7:48 p.m. ET) and it is also the night of the mystic Jalaluddin Rumi’s Reunion with his Beloved, his Wedding Night, considered the holiest night in the year by the Mevlevi Sufi Order. He died on December 17, 1273.
Here is a collection of blogs (and a few videos) on the season.
From Aepril’s Astrology: Winter Solstice: Shortest Light, End of Days, Rebirth of Sun! “This Solstice has an apocalyptic nature, to be sure. Much has been made about the Mayan calendar and the End of Days. Many of us are obsessed with Zombie Apocalypse, Vampires, the biblical book of Revelations, etc. The Winter Solstice on December 21, 2012 at 11:11 AM Universal Time (7:11 AM EST) also marks the completion of the 5125 year great cycle of the Mayan Calendar. Emotional reactions to this pending event range from fear to dismissal to excitement and anticipation, or mixtures of many feelings. Uncertainty about the outcome is part of the package. Ultimately, it is rebirth that we’re experiencing now!”
Roeland de Looff writes The Astrology of December 2012: Ascension, Disaster or both. “The chart of December 21, 2012 is another incentive for not wasting our energy on pursuing material wealth but for enriching ourselves by finding inner peace. Whatever may or may not happen on December 21, 2012, finding inner peace, happiness and evolving in a spiritual sense is certainly the best and the only way to protect ourselves.”
Lynn Hayes writes Lynn’s Skywatch: Planetary Illuminations has the aspects for the month. About these immediate few days, she writes: “Between the 16th and the 22nd of December a series of minor planetary alliances involving Venus will bring out any hidden issues in our relationships with others and make it important to find balance and harmony as well as beauty in our lives. We will be more sensitive to dissonance as well. On the 16th a challenging square from Venus to Neptune opens up the creative centers and enhances our craving for aesthetic experiences, but can also bring confusion and a lack of clarity.”
Winter Solstice 2012: What is Ending? What is Beginning? Astrologer Genevieve Vierling reports on her extensive research on the Maya predictions for December 21, 2012 (including John Major Jenkins and the words of several Mayan elders). She concludes: “I would love to keep going, but I feel this is long enough. Too many words! We also need to ‘feel our way’ and trust what arises in our hearts. By keeping our hearts open we will receive exactly the truths and information we need to know through this gateway into a new cycle yet to be revealed. Namaste.”
Frank Piechoski writes on the Winter Solstice 2012 chart, with an accompanying world mundane map. “The main thing this chart suggests is the balance that is needed to get through the troubling times ahead. The world needs to deal with both the Mars/Saturn and the Mercury/Uranus see-saws that it seems to be riding. Aggression versus Restriction and Thought versus Enthusiasm are the themes for this time period.”
Astrologer Diotima looks at the solstice chart set for Washington, and a bi-wheel with the U.S. Sibly horoscope, at Faith gets a reality check: “The angles (Ascendant and Midheaven) of the transit (Winter Solstice) chart are almost identical to the natal USA chart — within a degree of each other. So we can assume that the effects of this Winter Solstice chart will be felt strongly by the whole country. You might also immediately notice that transiting Jupiter is almost exactly conjunct the USA’s natal Uranus, pulling that planet in to the transiting Yod. ”
Theodore White’s
Global Astrology site has several new articles, including an assessment of the solstice chart set for Washington.
“The winter solstice chart shows a need for prudence, for honesty and avoidance of others who waste valuable time. The season calls for readjustments in how one views the world and for changes in personal life that have been disrupted by forces outside of one’s personal control.”
Here’s a site called Birth 2012 dedicated to broadcasting worldwide prayer and ritual events for the 21st and the 22nd. (Their mission statement, “Empowering the Movement to Birth a New Era,” can be found here.)
Unify Earth (“What we can imagine, we can create”) is coordinating people with events for December 21st. (The site was a bit confusing when I checked it, but it is a work-in-progress.)
Here’s a new 10-minute video, Capricorn: A Meditation for the Solstice, from artist, photographer, video producer, and astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike.
For the traditionalists, Paul Winter Consort had their 30th annual Winter Solstice Celebration at the Church of St John the Divinein NYC earlier this week. You can watch a short video of the highlights, including The Forces of Nature Dancers and Drummers, or download free music here.
A nice synopsis from the site: “In ancient times, observers watched the sun sink lower in the sky each day, and feared it would disappear completely and leave them in darkness.
People practiced special rituals intended to entice the sun’s return. Bonfires and candles, with their imitative magic, helped fortify the waning sun and ward off the spirits of darkness. These symbols live on in our modern seasonal customs: the candles of Hanukkah and Christmas are kin to the fiery rites of old, which celebrated the miracle of the earth’s renewal.
These traditions reflect our need to come together in times of extended darkness. We celebrate not only the rebirth of the sun, but the community of life on earth.”
Carl Boudreau has a 38-minute video on The Astrology of 2012, Winter Solstice, Mayan Calendar, etc. He bases his assessment on a triple composite chart between the December 13 New Moon, the solstice chart, and the December 28 Full Moon chart. (Among his comments below the video, someone posts: “I’ll be so disappointed if I still have to pay back my student loans after 12/21/12. I am hoping for a swift way out.” Carl responds: “Sorry guy, I don’t think the end of the Mayan Calendar or the winter solstice will have much effect on student loans.”
Tem posted some links at TMA‘s Facebook page, including Melbourne-based Agent 12 Julija’s article on the solstice. “It’s the End of the World as we Know It – so we’d best do something about it!”
Also, from Kenneth Johnson — long time student of Maya cosmology and the author of Jaguar Wisdom and many other books — his closing statement from an article on the time: “The elders of Momostenango are recommending these actions to their citizens for their private moments during the transitional days of Dec 20 and 21:
Turn off the computer.
Turn off the cell phone.
Turn off the television.
Experience the beauty of silence.”
Please see Ken Johnson’s website for information about his extensive work with the Maya.
Please post any other sites that you like for 2012 celebrations; I know there are many others out there.
The Solstice hour happens at 10:11pm in Melbourne, so Agents and friends will be having and “End of World ” Party- with a chant, meditation. Will be thinking of you all- Happy Solstice.
Hello, Mary. Thank you so much for including my new video, Capricorn: A Meditation for the Solstice, in this collection of links! What a wonderful surprise to learn you had posted it here (courtesy of Eyerises’s comment on YouTube). Wishing you and all our TMA community a most happy Solstice and many blessings in the coming year. 🙂
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