There’s always a lot to digest post-eclipse, and this week I visited some long-time bloggers to see what they are up to. Some of these I haven’t linked to in awhile; here’s a sample from their excellent (and diligent) work.
Nancy Sommers of Starlight News wrote Heil Donald (posted on September 6) about Trump’s recent immigration speech that “brought to mind the savageness of a Nazi rally scapegoating the Jews.” Further on she writes: “It is hard not to see Trump running into more trouble over the next ten days, with transiting Saturn moving into a sesquiquadrate with his natal Venus (25°44′ Cancer) through September 17. There is also the transiting Pluto station currently sesquiquadrate his natal Ascendant (29°55′ Leo) and square to his natal Chiron (14°55′ Libra) through October 2, a configuration that not only puts him into the midst of a major power struggle, but also constantly attacks his vulnerable sense of self-worth (2nd-house Chiron), which he skillfully hides within the brazenness of his narcissistic ramblings.”
In the write up for the “harrowing uncertainty” of September, at John Townley’s AstroCocktail he writes: “Underneath still lurks the treacherous T-square of Saturn and Neptune, this time with first the Sun and then retro Mercury, so what seems solid isn’t, and promises are as easily broken as made. In classic “October surprise” fashion, the truth is made clear next month, as this passes, so don’t rush into the first offer you see, as it could be a well-laid mine. But, la de dios no tiene trampas, as they say. Keep a sharp watch on deck, set full sail, lash yourself to the mast, it’s going to be a show…” (Check the current homepage for a visual of what he’s talking about.)
This site also keeps a current archive of News Stories of interest to astrologers from around the globe, monthly — or yearly — sky video animation, and pdf forecast for the month.
Frederick Woodruff at Astro Inquiry has a new view of an always relevant topic: Depression and the Solar Consciousness. “Depression is a critical function of Saturn. We could say depression counterbalances the incessant solar radiation and propulsion of the heart. Without the mitigating function of Saturn, the solar principle could not be experienced as such. This is experienced in a literal way, with the heart’s expansion and then contraction as it propels the circulatory system’s various functions.”
Alex Miller at Daykeeper Journal has an The Veepstakes Winner: Astrological Profile of Mike Pence. (He’s made him interesting!): “Also in the solar mix is asteroid Eurydike at 19° Gemini, which represents a sense of loss, harking back to a past which is now gone beyond hope of recall. This says much about Pence’s conservatism, which seeks to reclaim a golden era that never truly existed, except in perception.”
Ed Tamplin’s Weekly Horoscopes September 2016 includes comments on Hillary’s Neptune Moment: “The obscure gas giant accompanies a cloud of confusion, unknowing, and uncertainty. It came following the September 11th memorial, when a video of an unsteady Clinton being escorted toward her black limo went viral. It also proved something once and for all. Hillary was definitely born around 8:00 a.m. and not 8:00 p.m. Based on 30 pivotal life events, I have always made the time 8:06 a.m. The morning birth time meant that from August 25 to October 7, 2016, Clinton’s secondary progressing Moon would join both her progressed and natal Neptune. During that period she would face increasing rumour, a possible scandal, or a health problem, as Neptune tends toward energy loss and respiratory ailments. Clinton went down with pneumonia.”
The prolific UK astrologer Marjorie Orr has charts and commentary for many current news events, including the death of the chief exorcist for Rome, Father Gabriel Amoth, who was “against yoga because it encouraged Eastern religions; and against Harry Potter, since it gave children an interest in black magic and wizardry.” She also has a chart for the Saturday bombing in NYC. “The explosion came a day after the Lunar Eclipse with the Full Moon in Pisces square Mars in Sagittarius. At the time of the bombing, transiting Mars was moving through the 8th house, and (forming) an explosive trine to Uranus, as well as having moved to exactly square the Lunar Eclipse degree. The Lunar Eclipse set for NY has Uranus on the IC, so very unsettling.”
Michael Wolfstar has written his weekly NewsScope for years. Topics for the week of September 12 — which will probably be updated by the time you read this, but you’ll have access to this column as well — include Hillary Clinton Overheated: “Looking at her progressions, she currently has a progressed Sun-Mercury conjunction at 11º Capricorn, which is being squared by her progressed Moon at 11º Libra. These three planets are all within 0º03’ of exactly aspecting each other. And they’re all aspecting her natal Neptune. However, Hillary is being propelled forward by her powerful Mars, as she attempts to match Trump’s ability to endlessly insult and criticize.” Other topics are Kim Jong Un Unhinged? and Tom Hanks Stars as “Sully”. (Update: this morning’s NewsScope covers an analysis of Uranus/Pluto, Apple and Edward Snowden.)
Don’t forget to note and honor the Autumn Equinox this week: Thursday, September 22 at 7:22 a.m. PDT. May we all have a moment of beauty and balance beyond measure!
Have a good week, everyone.