Mercury, Venus, and the North Node are already in Gemini, and the Sun and Moon will come along for the New Moon on May 22. With appreciation for the sign’s inherent curiosity and bringer of diverse ideas, here are some blogs on various themes, points of view and timelines. Please enjoy reading.
ZenRen, astrologer and Reiki Practitioner, writes on current planetary themes illustrated with artwork, her own and others. The entry on New Moon in Gemini May 22, 2020 includes this welcome and cheerful thought: “There’s a lot happening on this new moon, starting with a conjunction between Venus Retrograde and Mercury in Gemini in the wee hours of the morning. This influence is so positive and pleasant. Small happy surprises are likely.”
In Mercury Retrograde – Summer 2020 — with a drawing by Raoul Dufy — she writes: “In The Four Agreements, Miguel Ruiz writes that ‘nothing in life is personal.’ This is important for the crab to remember, beholden as she is to the tides of her innermost being, jostled by the moon. These tides are not inherently uncontrollable — they are the chitta and vritti of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and their unruliness inspired the entire practice of yoga and meditation!”
Roland Legrand founded ABLAS, A Better Life School of Astrology, in Australia in 1982. His videos are quite thorough and touch on mundane and personal topics. This link is to a 25-minute presentation, The New Moon of May 22, 2020: Movement and Communication. Regarding May’s Jupiter and Saturn retrogrades, he says: “Be aware, the retrograde is always hiding something.”
Political astrologer Jude Cowell has been writing Stars Over Washington since 2005. In the entry for May 10, July/December 2020: Pluto opposes Trump natal Saturn, the author looks at the president’s transits and also considers the chart for the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction set for Washington D.C. She juggles lots of charts and includes her handwritten notes, a visual display of how she integrates different data points. One succinct observation: “So 2020’s Pluto opposition to the authority, authenticity, maturity, and sense of reality (Saturn) of Trump includes his management (Saturn) of current crisis conditions which are cosmically imprinted upon current and future events by the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto — January 12, 2020 at 23° Capricorn — conjunct Trump’s natal Vertex of fate encounters and opposing his cold Saturn in the watery, subjective, tribal sign of Cancer.”
John Townley of AstroCocktail writes a regular What’s Happening: Astrology and the News column. The current blog begins: “May is for mourning — not just for the pandemic dead and dying but for the foolish decisions (or lack of any) made during the all-planets-forward winter and spring. During this roller coaster period, when the planets have the pedal to the metal, hasty actions abound, little thought is given. Then, as all the planets go retrograde in the following six months, life is tied in knots with redesigning and regretting earlier obliviousness.”
The Oxford Astrologer writes on New York, The City with Jupiter Rising. Using the January 1, 1898 chart (for the Greater New York, when the five boroughs were united), she writes: “New York City is taking a battering. The virus appears to be stomping through the five boroughs like a horrible hungry ghost, killing people, emptying streets, destroying livelihoods. And yet, at the same time, New York’s famous resilience, resistance, sense of humor, and sheer vitality persist.” And further: “The epochal triple conjunction — Saturn-Pluto-Ceres — in January was at 23° Capricorn, next to New York’s North Node, its destiny point, the direction it goes. The North Node sucks things in. Maybe some of the swirling darkness of that conjunction was inhaled then and got stuck in the city’s lungs (ruled by Mercury).”
For readers interested in history, Doug Walker has a wonderful compendium of articles at Historical Astrology: Using astrology to chart the ebb and flow of history. On the introductory page, Walker writes: “While the focus of this site centers on the astrology of American history, it also covers U.K. astrology, and people and places in Europe and around the world. Included are historical horoscopes, synodic planetary cycles, and mundane planetary definitions. As historic astrology is our focus, we do offer a brief history of astrology in various places. For these astrology histories, see the sections on Sumerian astrology, Babylonian, Greek, and Roman astrology. Plus, there is a section on very ancient Egyptian astrology.” These are thorough, well written articles on a very easy-to-read (i.e., well-designed) web site.
As an example of his range of topics, here’s a link to The astrology of Eris, which begins, “The astrology of Eris has been acting as a powerful, silent, invisible player in the story of man.”
Editor Edward Snow of The Astrology News Service (ANS) always has wonderful articles. ANS is a collaborative effort of the major astrological organizations to “proactively improve astrology’s image by educating the public about astrology’s believability and value to society.”
Here is a link to Snow’s article detailing an astrological prediction of the pandemic: French Astrologer Andre Barbault reports pandemics occur when outer planets from Jupiter to Pluto orbit in close proximity
And, for the intrepid: How Bad Will it Get? by Mitchell Scott Lewis, who predicted the 2008 global economic crash. In his analysis, he writes: “I have never strayed from my belief that this longest bull market in our history was a stock bubble that would burst and bring down the economy of the U.S. and the world. My timing was the following: In 2020 we would see the markets become very volatile with wild point swings of 1,000 points a day up and down. That would be followed by a powerful recession that will last at least until 2022 … I did not know that a pandemic would be the trigger that would set this off. I wasn’t looking for it, but I did know that for whatever reason, we were about to see a total collapse and recession.”
And here’s another view of the upcoming New Moon, from Jamie Partridge at Astrology King: New Moon May 22, 2020 – Recovery and Rebuilding. “The May 22 New Moon gains a strongly positive influence from Saturn. But Mercury and Venus square Neptune is just as strong. With fixed star Alcyone, this signals a turning point in the spread of the coronavirus pandemic … While the risk of infection may still be high, we should be over the worst by now. The New Moon trine Saturn suggests that recovery will be slow but steady. Some restrictions and hardship will remain, but progress can now be made. Saturn will keep you realistic and wary of the dangers posed by Alcyone and Neptune.”
Okay, I think that’s enough for now — I hope these links offer worthwhile and engaging thoughts for your week.
Have a good week everyone.
Thanks, Mary, for this! I’ve shared the Edward Snow article on both my personal and astrology Facebook Pages.
much appreciated.
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