In their roles as social “engineers,” Jupiter and Saturn can only work with the raw materials we provide — especially the “story” we tell ourselves about life on this planet Earth and our roles in that life. From our chosen narrative flows a great deal of power: to extract and deploy the Earth’s resources; to determine whom and what we will value, or not; to decide whose needs and talents will be served and cultivated, and whose will not.
Do we, as economist/author David Korten puts it, continue arranging our society and economy — and our ability to live as a coherent body politic — around the “Sacred Money & Markets” story, or around a less-destructive “Sacred Life & Living Earth” story? (1) These choices have long-term consequences that we’re already seeing in today’s climate change and geopolitical turmoil (often tightly interrelated); however, in 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be offering us an opening for change. As we’ll discuss ahead, the tone of that change is uncomfortably up for grabs.
Both stories speak to the “limits of growth.” In the first story, these limits are ignored in favor of short-term gain to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and stockholders, and any risks to health and environment are simply offloaded onto consumers/taxpayers. The second story redefines GDP so that business practices and products are judged for their long-term effects on communities, health, and the environment: Positive effects are net gains; negative effects are net losses. This simple realignment of our core values would be revolutionary — it’s happening already in small ways around the country — but the new Jupiter–Saturn cycle in Aquarius may provide an opening for a broader shift.
A Winding Down
This cycle begins at 0°+ Aquarius on December 21, 2020 and will be a “mutation conjunction,” the first in a long series of Jupiter–Saturn cycles beginning in air signs. This element-based series will last approximately 200 years, until 2219, if we allow that the 2159 Scorpio cycle in water is anomalous, as was the 1980 Libra cycle in air (interrupting the 1842–2020 stretch of earth cycles). Profound changes usually follow a mutation conjunction, so dramatic possibilities lie ahead.
We’re not quite there yet, though, and as the current Taurus cycle (2000) winds down, we’re seeing global instability dismantling the social orders in many places, including in the United States. The 2016 election was a shattering experience, only deepening the fractures in our body politic — this has happened before, and it wasn’t pretty.
Confidence in our economic system and jobs market is shaky as well: Will we all be just “gig” workers in the future? Will we be automated out of a job entirely? Despite some statistical signs of widespread progress — and hopeful possibilities on the horizon, which we’ll discuss — there is deep reason for concern.
The astrology of the past four years has been crazy intense, so the recent turbulence and the constructive developments have likely prepared us for the dramatic Aquarian shift that is upon us. (2) Of course, even under the influence of change-oriented Aquarius, positive outcomes are far from guaranteed. Aquarius also has a dark side that we’ll consider, so while there will be reason for hope, there will also be clear potential pitfalls.
One of the most stubborn pitfalls is our default mode of perpetual war and economic struggle/stagnation — both raise serious future concerns for this new Aquarius cycle. How do we live in the predicted “jobless economy”? How do we deal with the insidious connection between climate change, ecocide, and geopolitical turmoil as millions of people continue being displaced? Aquarius can be a pragmatic problem-solver, but again, the “story” that we build our solutions around will mean everything.
The old order has seemingly continued to deteriorate during the last years of this waning cycle (Election 2016 certainly spoke to this), but perhaps there’s a silver lining and an opportunity for lasting change coming in 2020. We will need to consciously shape this new reality.
The Jupiter–Saturn System
The Jupiter–Saturn cycle functions as a system within and dynamically related to the broader solar system. Systems analyst Donella Meadows notes that “behavior is latent within the structure” and that systems therefore cause their own behaviors! (3) In other words, how a society structures (Saturn) its economy — beginning with its short- or long-term focus — will determine its behavior (Jupiter) and, by extension, who benefits and who does not.
For instance, in the buoyant drive for growth and expansion, Jupiter is always challenging “the odds” laid down by Saturn, whether in a casino or in our national economy. Co-ruling Pisces with Neptune, Jupiter tends toward excessive behavior: Gambling away a paycheck out of deluded optimism gets old real fast; building a house on a flood plain or a coastline in the future may soon seem much the same. Similarly, societies don’t solve problems in a vacuum — their efforts reflect cultural values and biases, ideologies and power dynamics, and this context (“story”) absolutely influences priorities and outcomes.
Location (Saturn) is a more literal context, but equally important. Population overshoot (Jupiter) within resource-and space-limited environments (Saturn) can be disastrous for animal species and for humans. Other areas may actually benefit from population growth. Likewise, some locations or environments are poorly suited for certain activities, e.g., taking risks with fire (Jupiter rules fire sign Sagittarius) in a drought-prone region (Saturn).
Every society needs to strike a working balance between risk-taking (Jupiter) and restraint/responsibility (Saturn), but businesses and national economies that rapidly expand with insufficient long-term focus (Saturn/Aquarius) and underlying substance (Saturn/Capricorn) often become insolvent. (4) The 2007–08 financial crisis was a very rude wake-up call in this regard.
Jupiter’s focus is by nature short term, however, and it tends (if unrestrained) to transfer any risks it takes to others (for example, to consumers through higher prices or to workers through layoffs), avoiding responsibility. Jupiter makes 2.5 revolutions for every one Saturn revolution, so there’s a natural tension between short- and long-term focus and between freedom and responsibility, which tips out of balance very easily. Needless to say, transpersonal planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto interact with Saturn and Jupiter in all of this, but on the nuts-and-bolts level of society, Saturn provides the context and Jupiter drives the output.
Because a U.S. focus is central to this analysis, we’ll consider the astrological highlights of those years alone, but also in reference to the U.S. Sibly chart.
The U.S. Jupiter and Saturn
The Sibly chart captures the primacy of Jupiter in the U.S. national character: Jupiter rules the chart’s Sagittarius Ascendant and the 1st house of identity/personality, and co-rules our Pisces (Equal) 4th house, suggesting that we’re always looking to expand on the “homeland.”
All charts are calculated in Equal houses and the Mean Node.
Chart 1:
United States (Sibly chart), July 4, 1776. 5:10 p.m. LMT, Philadelphia, PA
This connection reflects our naturally optimistic national character — in keeping with Jupiter/Pisces, we see ourselves as the “Big Fish in a Small Pond” (the world). We project pride (Sagittarius rising), and if we’re not seizing an opportunity or reaching for the next plateau, we feel this lack in our collective “gut.” Clearly, America has a Jupiterian soul, for better or worse.
Sibly Jupiter inhabits the chart’s “other”-oriented 7th house, where it closely conjoins Venus and is exalted as part of the larger 7th/8th-house Cancer grouping (including Venus, the Sun, and Mercury). Jupiter’s expansive impulses are simply enshrined in this chart, only somewhat checked by its over-wide square to Saturn in Libra.
Jupiter is naturally associated with the 9th house, whose Leo cusp in the Sibly chart is ruled by the Cancer Sun; this reflects the influence that economic growth issues (Jupiter conjunct Venus) have always had on the nation’s vitality, its Executive (Sun), and its international relations (9th). Bill Clinton’s 1990s mantra, “It’s the economy, stupid,” said it all.
Saturn in Libra is also exalted in the 11th (Equal) house, focused on limiting and structuring (“checks and balances”) our government and on empowering Wall Street (2nd-house Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn). As co-ruler of Aquarius with tech-oriented Gemini Uranus, Saturn infuses our national Aquarius Moon (the “People”) with a drive for technical innovation (explaining our impressive history of invention). But Libra Saturn is also disposited by Cancer Venus, which conjoins Jupiter.
This relationship challenges Saturn’s restraint with Venus and Jupiter’s expansive material priorities and ambitions — perhaps explaining why scientists (11th-house Saturn co-ruling Aquarius) who warn against limitless growth (Jupiter) agendas because of climate change have been so undermined. We’ve had a real love–hate relationship with regulation and restraint (and scientific fact, where convenient), but less is not always better when it comes to regulation and restraint. It’s not hard to imagine, for instance, that undermining — instead of strengthening — the Environmental Protection Agency’s air and water pollution standards will be disastrous going forward. This new cycle should help us to strike a more constructive Jupiter–Saturn balance.
The Unfinished “New Order”
Saturn conjoined Pluto for their new cycle at 22° Capricorn on January 12, 2020 — a highly significant moment for two reasons: (1) Both planets are meeting within a 5° orb of Sibly Pluto, and (2) Saturn reawakens the 1993 Uranus–Neptune conjunction point (19° Capricorn) to get there. This 1993 event marked the so-called inevitable threshold between the post–World War II/Cold War order and the postmodern, globalized new order. This “new order” has disrupted jobs and security for millions, but the super-wealthy have profited enormously, so it’s a difficult order to reverse.
This new cycle follows the November 1982 cycle, when Saturn conjoined Pluto in late Libra. Far too much happened during this roughly 38-year period to recount here, but it’s notable that the new 2020 Saturn–Pluto cycle debuts square to where the November 1982 cycle began. This is not the norm, so perhaps the reinvention of the “old order” — e.g., the U.S. economy — is far from over. Again, there are two starkly different visions for the future out there, and what may seem “inevitable” is really a choice.
Jupiter’s conjunction with Pluto happened in April 2020, shortly after Saturn’s, enhancing the effects of Pluto’s Sibly return in 2022. Inflated defense budgets and national debt are likely (Sibly Pluto opposes 7th-house ruler, Mercury) — perhaps the reason global trade deals are often sold as being “good for national security.” We’ve perhaps witnessed this most markedly in the past four years in the Trump administration’s confrontational approach to U.S. trade with China. Our choices ahead will determine whom the economic order works for in the U.S. and elsewhere, and whom it doesn’t serve. Perpetuating systemic poverty (a clear misuse of Jupiter-Pluto) is a sure way to inspire terrorism and war. (5) Yet even this week we see the wealthiest Congress on record struggle to agree on even a modest Covid aid package that families impacted by the pandemic’s economic fallout are desperately awaiting.
Clearly, to steer us more constructively, our leaders must be up to the challenge, and they must have our cooperation. Our innate divisions were leveraged to horrific effect during the years of Saturn–Pluto’s 1982 cycle; we’ve either supported others’ wars for dubious reasons (e.g., the 1980s Iran–Iraq War) or have become enmeshed in our own long-term Middle East entanglements (the first Gulf War and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq). Hopefully we can unite for more than marching off to war going forward. This will require very conscious intention: The Plutonian players who benefit from perpetual war and discord — the environment and “masses” be damned — are brilliant manipulators.
Now, let’s look at Jupiter and Saturn’s big “debut” in Aquarius.
Conscious Engineering with Jupiter and Saturn
The conscious engineering of a social order that fits our collective needs for the coming generations will be the whole point of this cycle. In fact, an Aquarius cycle seems to be a rare gift: Jupiter and Saturn last launched their cycle in that sign in 1405, and this won’t happen again until 2199! Not only that, but we’ll get the benefit of the entire sign with the cycle launching at 0°: Saturn will remain potent throughout its 2½ years in Aquarius (the sign it co-rules with Uranus), and by the time the 2040 Jupiter–Saturn cycle begins in Libra, Jupiter will have made two complete passages through Aquarius, stimulating that “engineering” project. It’s as though the Cosmos would like us to make the most of this rare gift while we can.
The year 1405 was not the “good old days” by any stretch, but it was a significant period for human civilization, which bridged the Middle Ages and Renaissance humanism. In this transition, human beings became valued; they were no longer just degenerate sinners, waiting for salvation in the next life. The world woke up to human potential and the idea that working to benefit society is a path to human fulfillment. Fast-forward six centuries to 2020, and a new Aquarius cycle could help humanity to build on those 15th-century ideals. Conscious action will be key.
There’s one problem, though: Our American “social contract” is very brittle. As with any society built on laws, American society is sustained by the implied agreement underlying citizenship: We enjoy “inalienable rights” (within the limits of the law), and in turn we take on certain responsibilities toward the society as a whole and toward each other. Trouble is, we can’t seem to agree what those rights and responsibilities are anymore.
A society and its economy would theoretically be much simpler to run if human needs and rights, the environment, and ethical considerations didn’t matter — if only the fit (and who would determine that?) deserve to survive, and the rest simply fade willingly into the shredding social fabric. This dystopian choice of societies would enshrine the “Sacred Money & Markets” story for the foreseeable future.
The other possibility — a society that rediscovers, values, and cultivates human potential and is willing to craft a new social contract, a new “American Dream” that fits today’s realities — is less cinematic but far more hopeful. It may look a bit like Rutger Bregman’s Utopia for Realists. (6) We’re living in a “bleak paradise,” he says, because we’ve come a long way from medieval times (the last time Jupiter–Saturn launched a cycle in Aquarius), but we’ve lost a vision of progress, and for that we need to rediscover utopian thinking.
We may not accept Bregman’s ideas about utopia, and we will hopefully never accept the dark, disturbing homegrown views of utopia (e.g., returning to a “white homeland”) that Election 2016 re-energized, but we can’t quibble about the human need to know what progress might look like. This coming cycle will support pragmatic utopian visions and movement, if we’ve created resilient social/economic structures to fit the need. As we’ve seen in 2020, the balsamic end-times of this waning cycle have targeted and stressed all our financial, health and political systems, but these challenges have also raised our awareness of how critical such systems and structures are for human well-being. The cost has been incredibly heavy, but perhaps we can now better see what seriously needs to change going forward.
No Holds Barred
Set for Washington, D.C. on December 21, 2020, the new Jupiter–Saturn cycle chart shows 1° Aries rising, with Chiron three degrees into the 1st house and with the 9th-house Sun–MC–Mercury conjunction at the cardinal World Point of 0° Capricorn, square the Ascendant–Descendant horizon and Chiron.
Chart 2: Jupiter–Saturn Cycle of 2020: December 21, 2020; 12:08:17 p.m. ST.; Washington D.C.
This is an aggressive, no-holds-barred chart, and with chart ruler Mars dignified in the Aries 1st house, and discordant, disruptive sidekick Eris whispering in his ear, there’s a sort of “Mad Max” energy about it. Pluto reinforces this, squaring Mars–Eris from a 10th-house seat of power. This feels like a significant turning point for the nation, and we have to wonder what these three planetary gods are plotting.
Brute, divisive force in the service of a Plutonian agenda can produce scorched-earth destruction — terrorism is not off the table, unfortunately. But Aries can also light a fire under the slower, plodding energies of earthy Pluto to push a different type of transformation. If calls for a Bernie Sanders–style “revolution” are still afloat, this may be the time to start one. Bill McKibben’s support for “waging war on climate change” may finally resonate. (7)
Transiting Pluto in the cycle chart is within a 4° orb of its Sibly return position, and the “no holds barred” points described above (cycle Ascendant, Chiron, and Mars–Eris in Aries) span the Sibly 4th–5th houses, suggesting that American power will be transformed by grassroots action and collective emotion.
Chart 3: Inner wheel: U.S. Sibly chart, July 4, 1776, 5:10 p.m. LMT, Philadelphia, PA; Outer wheel: Jupiter-Saturn Cycle conjunction, December 21, 2020; 12:08:17 p.m. ST.
This can be perfectly welcome and constructive, but if conditions haven’t defused the recent, Internet-enabled “angry mob” phenomenon we’ve seen, things could sour quickly. (8)
Cyber-crime and terrorism (radicalism takes many forms and has many sources) may escalate, and surveillance will increase accordingly. Civil rights and the “security state” will be hot topics, with good reason.
The cycle chart Pluto trines Sibly Neptune in Virgo, which is at the north bending of the transiting Gemini–Sagittarius nodal axis, with cycle chart Neptune transiting at the south bending in Pisces. This should help to release toxic emotion; however, with the transiting North Node conjunct 7th-house Sibly Mars, that release could itself be volatile, projected outward onto perceived “enemies,” from inside or outside the country. These dynamics have deep roots in American life, but this new cycle could escalate existing situations.
The Pisces Moon strikes a softer note, rising at the cycle chart’s horizon (and in the Sibly 4th), but its waxing square to the cycle Sun in the Sibly 1st house reinforces the cycle’s problem-solving thrust. Re-imagining American identity is job #1 here, but this Moon, which rules the cycle chart’s Cancer IC and sextiles Jupiter–Saturn–Pluto (widely), also reflects an opening for basic grassroots (IC) economic issues, like food and shelter.
Jupiter and Saturn are elevated in the cycle’s (see chart 2) 10th house at 0°28’ Aquarius, widely conjunct Pluto and, by similar orb, square Mars–Eris. The Sibly progressed Moon at 2° Aquarius will conjoin the cycle point at that time (chart not shown), so the country should be emotionally attuned to this cycle’s agenda.
Jupiter and Saturn also square 2nd-house Uranus in Taurus, which disposits this cycle, pointing to a drive for lucrative, high-profile developments in technology. When seen with the Sibly chart (see chart 1), this square spans the Sibly 2nd (cycle Jupiter–Saturn) and 5th houses (cycle Uranus).
Clearly a key player in this cycle, Uranus in Taurus will hopefully drive earth-friendly technological developments, but we’ll need constructive ways to channel the distracting intrigue of Mars–Eris square Pluto and the Neptune-enhanced toxic emotions. Otherwise, developments, such as a new high-tech generation of weapons (a nuclear arms race with North Korea?) and mercenary warriors (or robots who push the limits of military ethics for free), could become the default. There’s a lot at stake here.
Earth-Centered Revolution in an Air Sign?
In the Jupiter–Saturn cycle’s 2nd house/Sibly 5th house, Uranus can, on the other hand, invigorate our material/financial values, informing the policies and creative initiatives we bring forward. Let’s remember the significance of this mutation conjunction in air, ironically disposited by an earthy Uranus! A positive, earth-centered Uranian revolution is long overdue, and one infused with Taurus’s common sense can inspire technologies that solve real problems, such as:
• rebuilding our crumbling or outdated infrastructures (roads, bridges, etc.) with sustainable materials that can withstand earthquakes, prevent sinkholes, and so on.
• producing new technologies that improve resource stocks (energy, land/soil, drinking water, clean air, bandwidth) and their efficient use. Our electric grid (Aquarius) is in dire need of updating. China is slated to have 20 million electric cars on the road by late 2020 — what are we waiting for?
• producing technologies and infrastructures that help to prevent and predict — rather than cause — environmental disasters, epidemics, and cyber-terrorism, and that help us to respond more effectively when such things happen.
• educating the next generation of Americans to be “makers, not takers,”11 creating the jobs they need to thrive and the support systems they need in order to have a voice (a new re-imagined era of labor unions?).(9)
Redefining our GDP to promote this list of priorities over technologies that simply overwhelm our landfills and churn “free market” dollars seems like a more sustainable choice.
History offers interesting precedents: Uranus transited Taurus in the 1850s and the 1930s, both periods of industrial development and material progress preceding major wars. After each war, the infrastructures and inventions that were created (railroads in the 1860s, our manufacturing base in the 1940s) were repurposed for economic expansion. We’ve also seen this happen with the Internet (originally the military’s “Arpanet”) — a Cold War–era invention. Perhaps war doesn’t have to be the only motivation for developing infrastructures.
In Concrete Economics, the authors describe both these periods in history as experiments in social design, the opening of new economic spaces that entrepreneurs could latch onto and run. (10) Both periods featured a tangible mass “giveaway” that profited generations to come and triggered enduring growth: the 1862 Homestead Act (land given to those willing to settle the western territories), and the post-WWII GI Bill (health care, money for education, and home loans for returning military).
The coming Taurus-disposited Aquarius cycle should support a “concrete economics” agenda — tangible progress that’s grounded in practical reality and widely shared. It could provide an opening for that revolutionary “Living Earth Economy.” Affordable (even free)
may be the next great “gift that keeps on giving.” How else will American workers face the daunting challenges ahead?
Pitchforks and Driverless Vehicles
Technology (autonomous vehicles, robotics, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and more) is fast replacing human workers in a host of fields, and as discussed, talk of a jobless economy is hitting the airwaves. In 2016, truck-driving employed 1.6 million Americans and was the #1 job in 29 U.S. states. (11) Driverless vehicles, trucks, and drones are starting to eliminate some jobs.
The same justification used in the 1990s to send jobs overseas to cheaper labor sources is now used to automate jobs: “If we will just keep developing our skills with the times, we’ll always have jobs.” In theory, yes — but globalization has proved that theories don’t pay the bills. Not to worry! Bregman’s Utopia for Realists (see footnote #8) proposes a universal basic income that subsidizes people’s needs so that severely shortened work weeks (or joblessness altogether) can liberate them for more interesting pursuits. Really?
Importantly, Pluto will follow Jupiter and Saturn into Aquarius in March 2023, and the basic rationale for our re-envisioned society will be difficult to change thereafter. The disenfranchised will not simply “go gentle into that good night” at that time. Faced with nothing to lose, they’re more likely to “rage, rage …” (12) Extremist movements grow in the shadows until opportune moments embolden them. The fascism of the 1930s is largely considered an Aquarian phenomenon, and the new Aquarius cycle could be twisted for that purpose.
In 2014, progressive activist/billionaire Nick Hanauer famously said, “The pitchforks are coming for us plutocrats.”(13) He was on the right track but off by a few years, astrologically.
Holding Court over Sane Technologies
This is a good point at which to consider Venus’s role in the Jupiter–Saturn cycle chart (Chart 2). At 7° Sagittarius, she is holding court in Jupiter’s sign, in his natural 9th house of ethics, education, and foreign affairs. Out of orb for a sextile to the Jupiter–Saturn cycle point, she quincunxes and disposits Uranus in Taurus, so she wields clout. Ethical considerations raised by Venus and Jupiter here will be critical during the Jupiter–Saturn cycle — especially when Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius in 2023 raises the stakes. Any ethical conflicts at that point in time (especially with regard to technology) will become all the more influenced by vested economic interests.
Howard Sasportas reminded us that Uranus (and thus Aquarius) can tend to “unleash horrors on the world in the name of advancement and progress. Or when utopian ideals (as in the French Revolution) don’t take into account the realities of human nature, they convolute and turn in on themselves, sometimes strangling almost everyone in the process.” (14)
So, the great challenge of the 21st-century Aquarius cycle is to mesh the ideals of humanism with positive, realistic innovations in technology — especially technological solutions to problems impacting human well-being and the environment. Hopefully, we will also come to grips with what Sheila Jasanoff calls “the ethics of invention,” which she argues touches everything we experience these days. (15)
These ethical considerations evoke Venus in Sagittarius, opposite Sibly Uranus in Gemini and quincunx Sibly Jupiter in Cancer. Perhaps the compelling (but at times, discordant) interests of consumerism, ethics, and the “common good” (Uranus disposits the Sibly Moon, the People) can be more consciously addressed.
Can technology also help to rebuild our ailing democratic institutions? In an article in The Atlantic, Jonathan Rauch proposes that American politics “went insane” because we have gradually undermined our political infrastructures (including party and Congressional “middlemen” who bridge the divides in constructive ways). He argues that we’ve replaced working political structures with systemic chaos, removing incentives for compromise and deal-making. (16) Surely, with Jupiter–Saturn providing the warm-up act for Pluto’s transformative force, we can rebuild our political infrastructures to better serve the business at hand.
Final Thoughts
It’s worth mentioning that Sibly progressed Jupiter and Saturn are both retrograde at the commencement of the 2020 Jupiter–Saturn cycle — Jupiter turned Rx by progression in 1905, and Saturn followed suit in 1997. There were significant shifts in U.S. public policies and the economy during both of these periods: Teddy Roosevelt promoted Progressive Era policies (breaking up overgrown corporate monopolies, famously) from 1900 to 1909. The economic boom during Bill Clinton’s presidency (1992–2000) produced a surge of jobs and higher wages, and in keeping with Saturn’s diminished force, he pushed to dismantle many regulations (including the Glass-Steagall Act, which established banking reforms in part to restrict excessive speculation in the financial industry). This deregulation supported the tech-driven growth spurt of that time, but it also produced the infamous dotcom bubble that burst in 2001. Bottom line, progressed motion for these planets does seem to matter in our economy.
That said, Sibly progressed Jupiter goes direct in July 2025, less than five years into the Aquarius cycle. We may see a discernible shift in economic policies at that time and a tendency toward inflation. Just one more thing to watch and manage — consciously!
Clearly, this analysis has only grazed the surface of this momentous mutation conjunction in air sign Aquarius. The deeper character and personality of this cycle will emerge gradually as the various phases unfold, and the following dates are key:
• August 19, 2024, First Quarter square: Jupiter at 17° Gemini; Saturn Rx at 17° Pisces
• December 22, 2029, opposition: Jupiter at 19° Scorpio; Saturn Rx at 19° Taurus
• April 25, 2035, Last Quarter square: Jupiter at 29° Aries; Saturn at 29° Cancer
The next air cycle will commence on October 31, 2040 at 18° Libra, and so the wheels keep spinning!
References and Notes
(All URLs were accessed in December 2020.)
(1) David C. Korten, Change the Story, Change the Future: A Living Economy for a Living Earth, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2015.
(2) This blog is an updated version of the author’s article, A Silver Lining in Aquarius: Engineering the Future with the 2020 Jupiter–Saturn Cycle, published in TMA April 2017. Raye wrote in detail about the aspects leading up to this conjunction in that article. Her extensive and ongoing research into these current topics is also contained in an an e-book, available here: A Silver Lining in Aquarius: Engineering the Future with the 2020 Jupiter–Saturn Cycle.
(3) Donella H. Meadows, Thinking in Systems: A Primer, Sustainability Institute, 2008, p. 1.
(4) Saturn co-rules Aquarius with Uranus, which takes approximately 84 years to make a complete revolution — perhaps the proverbial “7 generations” that Native Americans say we should use as a measure for planning.
(5) Ted talks: The risky politics of progress
(6) Rutger Bregman, Utopia for Realists: The Case for a Universal Basic Income, Open Borders, and a 15-hour Workweek, The Correspondent, 2016.
(7) The New Republic: A World at War
(8) Joel Stein, “The Tyranny of the Mob,” Time magazine, August 29, 2016, pp. 29–32.
(9) Rana Faroohar, Makers and Takers: The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business, Crown Business, 2016.
(10) Stephen S. Cohen and J. Bradford DeLong, Concrete Economics: The Hamilton Approach to Economic Growth and Policy, Harvard Business Review Press, 2016, pp. 83–84.
(11) Ryan Petersen: The driverless truck is coming and its going to automate millions of jobs.
A more recent reference (A peek into the future: Autonomous trucks are coming but drivers will still be needed) suggests that ideas are changing about how dire the future employment situation looks for truckers. We don’t have the new census data about the industry yet.
(12) Dylan Thomas, “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night.”
(13) Nick Hanauer, The Pitchforks Are Coming….For US Plutocrats: Politico
(14) Howard Sasportas, The Twelve Houses, Thorsens, 1985, p. 265.
(15) Sheila Jasanoff, The Ethics of Invention: Technology and the Human Future, W.W. Norton & Co., 2016.
(16) Jonathan Rauch, How American Politics Went Insane: The Atlantic
Chart source:
United States (Sibly chart), July 4, 1776. 5:10 p.m. LMT, Philadelphia, PA, USA; Nicholas Campion, The Book of World Horoscopes, The Wessex Astrologer Ltd, 2004, Chart 370.
© 2017 Raye Robertson – all rights reserved
Bio: Raye Robertson is a practicing astrologer, trained by the Faculty of Astrological Studies. She holds degrees in English and Film Studies, and has recently retired from 20+ years of teaching in those and other disciplines. Raye’s work in mundane astrology focuses on current events, global challenges, and social/generational issues. Her individual chart work focuses on childhood issues, including autism and other developmental challenges. She invites readers to check out her new blog at Diary of a Mudane Astrologer. Reach her via e-mail at:
Hi Raye
Wow! Really great. You touched the all the bases, concise and meaty. I think you have given us a good view of the conditions of the terrain as we cross the threshold into a new era.Thank you
Thanks so much for your feedback, Eugene — much appreciated…Here’s to a happier New Year! Raye
Shame this is so US centric, when US is no longer a world leader
Good point, Rosie, but it’s the focus I can speak to with the most experience. I hope there are some points contained in it that you can apply to wherever you live. Thanks so much for the feedback, Raye
thank for the valuable article
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