In this past week, we saw the Full Moon conjunct Mars and the partile square between Saturn and Pluto.
Perhaps I’m responding to the post-lunation disseminating phase in this week’s blog, with my somewhat random collection of thoughts and observations.
On Friday the 29th, it was grand to see President Obama respond to Mars’ transit to his Sun (12°33’ Leo), as the biggest, brightest Full Moon of the year (10°15’ Leo) was nearly exact. The Sun represents the King, the ruler, and with Mars retrograde in that sign, all questions of rulership and authority are being re-examined closely. Mr. Obama seemed both effortless and in command of himself in the room full of his Republican House adversaries. It was a riveting political performance and a fine display of Mars in Leo.
The Saturn-Pluto square is another layer of the story of the times. External manifestations are fascinating to observe as the challenge for power and control signified by these two planets continues to unfold. The Supreme Court decision on January 21st, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, was one quite graphic (and profoundly disheartening to many) display of these planets in action.
I appreciate and applaud those astrologers who have commented on the case. (See Claudia Dikinis for one fine assessment.)
Although mundane astrology is an interest of mine, I wasn’t quite up to looking at that yet and was drawn in another direction.
A minister of my acquaintance gave a sermon that I attended on Sunday. Although I am not part of her congregation, I know her to be in touch with the archetypal worlds, and with the second Saturn-Pluto square perfecting in the afternoon, I was curious to hear what themes would inform her sermon. With Saturn in Libra, we know that all matters of how we experience others are in focus, and the Sunday sermon was about trust and relationships.
Countless surveys and research show that people on their deathbeds commonly say that it is the people in their lives who have brought them the greatest meaning. Yet we know this can take us into a fraught and complex web. (Although hopefully not always as dire as Sartre’s famous statement: “Hell is other people.”) (1)
The minister said that relationship conundrums can benefit from our willingness to see ourselves more clearly, and that relationship struggles are not as solid as we think. One kind thought, one gentle inquiry towards the other (whom we are thinking of as the cause of all our troubles) might go a long way to bridging the gap between ourselves and others. With the pressure and insistence of the square aspect, if we walk along our edge and resist our instinct to seclude and withdraw, we may make a very creative move.
She also gave some guidelines for managing relationships, and all of them resonate for me with Saturn and Pluto. First, take responsibility for whatever we are irritated by in other people, i.e., self-responsibility. We can also reduce our self-importance (try whilst in the midst of an argument with a friend or intimate!) and act with impeccability. Impeccability is not about being perfect, but about being awake to recognize when an action or decision is needed.
Although Mars retrograde may especially incline us to see what others are doing wrong (is it just the people around me who are behaving badly?), it is best, of course, to resist the urge to just have a fight and get it over with, and consider our own actions and motivations. Blaming others and complaining about our circumstances may in fact be a diversion or distraction from what we really need to be doing.
In terms of propitiating the gods and working with the internal dynamics articulated by the Saturn-Pluto square, we are impelled to stay at the very edge of our awareness, recognize painful and recalcitrant truths about our own conditioning and beliefs, and be open to experiencing what may be the most challenging step possible — that of letting go (i.e., of some one, some thing, some thought). Staying true to the inner heat generated by this square may indeed be the most honest, the most magical, the most transformative way forward.
I’ve been thinking about Neptune, too. Transiting Neptune has been at its discovery degree, 25°53’ Aquarius, for the last year. (Neptune was discovered on September 23, 1846 as it stationed retrograde and conjoined Saturn in the sky.) This is also very close to the U.S. Sibly chart Moon (27°10’ Aquarius) and the president’s South Node (27°18’ Aquarius). This transit perfects for the first time in mid-March.
Although I can’t resist the thought that maybe the entire U.S. public is in some kind of trance or spell, I also want to give Neptune the infinite respect it is due. I trust that the confusion or veil often brought by this planet is also a balm to the soul, and being offered for good use. In deference to Neptune’s call to the higher octave — currently infused with Chiron’s wise teaching from out-of-ordinary-time — I don’t know how anyone is keeping spirits up these days without a regular homage to Neptune. We can see countless ways all around us. People are dancing, moving their bodies, making music, writing poetry, and singing their hearts out; others are weeping with sorrow and pouring money, prayers, and supplies to Haiti.
In its connection to the invisible worlds, Neptune also beckons a more subtle awareness of the breath. The breath is our constant companion and that which will stay with us until we leave this world. As a wise yogi said recently, the breath connects us to the life force, which is always positive.
Have a good week everyone!
(1) Wikipedia
Hi Mary, excellent recap of what was a difficult week for many in a multitude of ways. The energy was harsh resulting in friends and neighbors not feeling well.
You mentioned “I can’t resist the thought that maybe the entire U.S. public is in some kind of trance or spell, . . .” The collective is so much more reactive than the individual. It’s the individual who can shout “Stop the world, I want to get off!” much easier than can a nation (Moon ruled).
Celebrations of music, dance, art, writing, poetry, protests and paintings are the healing balms transformative individuals bring to the suffering collective. We are trying so hard to stay “awake” through the Uranus-Neptune mutual reception. Neptune’s discovery degree is so powerful! I note that I’m sleeping much more than normal. I can’t seem to shake myself from slumber. My dreams are long and vivid.
I had a look at Obama’s progressions re his masterful handling of the GOP conference this past Friday. His Sun will progress to cardinal Libra on August 25, 2010. T-Saturn retro will meet up with his progressed Sun on July 7 this year. He’s got a hard road ahead as his progressed sun hooks into the USA’s transiting cardinal cross.
His progressed Venus is on the Fixed star Regulus, the King; progressed Mars is conjoined to Arcturus and lucky Spica. These two personal progressed planets are well-fortified.
His progressed Moon will conjoin the USA’s progressed Sun at 5 Pisces on February 13, 2010. Happy Valentine’s Day as Obama’s progressed Moon has that secret, sacred moment with the USA’s progressed Sun. The transits for Valentine’s day bring something sweet to us all and hopefully to Barack and his lovely wife.
Delightful, insightful writing. I am a fan, always looking forward to what Mary Plumb has to say.
Mary –
Great blog post – thanks for this. WIth my sun at 26/46 AQU I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO feeling Neptune. On the positive side, I’m taking a photography class and writing poetry. On the negative side I just feel totally vague and floaty and lost.
I do think the collective is in a bit of shock after having been robbed by the rich. We’re moving to a new era, but many still think the old one still exists. Saturn:Pluto is exacerbating that sense of frustration, of things being “off” and Neptune keeps it vague.
Perhaps we’ll look back on this ‘calm before the storm’ as the Cardinal Commencement energy heats up – we’ll look back and say I should have rested more…..
Hi Claudia
Thanks for your further insights..
I do agree that the president’s progressed Sun moving to the Aries Point in Aug 2010 should make him more effective.
And thanks for mentioning the Jupiter Venus conjunction coming up…here’s to sweet moments of love and forgiveness all around..
Hi Gaea,
Thank you! Glad to see you here..
Hi Diane,
Good idea…sleep more!
Best to you…
Hi Mary, So great to read your new blog and hear what the “real world” (your minister)is saying is going on, without an astrological bias. Of course I also appreciate Claudia’s astrological background for the most recent SC ruling on corporations and campaign financing. I am reading Jeffrey Toobin’s NINE, while here in PR, and am just up to Roberts confirmation. I wanted to know the precedent for this current ruling and all I had to do was read your blog and get her link. It truly amazes me that corporations were granted, in a footnote, equal protection under the law and 33 days before the freed slaves!! It was a great pleasure to get the information so quickly. Thank you both.
I’m still sleeping a lot and am contemplating baking a 1/2 batch of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. Hey, whatever gets ya’ through the night 🙂 Thank you Kate for your compliments and Diane, sweet dreams channeled through your poetry and photography. Love to Mary always, too. Happy Valentine’s Day! /Claudia
Hi Mary,
I love your blog. And I’m impressed you have one! I’m in the UK at the moment and from an non-astrologer point of view, this full moon time seemed very beautiful and very powerful. It is interesting to listen to news re Obama on the BBC. Thank you for sharing your insights and knowledge. A lovely read.
Hi Suzanne!
Nice to know you appreciated the full moon from wherever you..
I do post a new blog for TMA every Monday. I write some and have great guests writers as well..
Enjoy yourself over there…I lived there for two years (1993-95)
I loved it..
Re: Obama and his masterly performance!!! – when will we get an aspect, transit, whatever that will see him do something, yes DO something for our citizens, out of work, no healthcare, losing their homes, etc.???
At this point we all know his rhetoric, all words, no action. Is that in his chart somewhere?
I remember Braha’s brilliant Vedic chart of GWB. Maybe you could talk him into an Obama chart, we might then see what it is we’re dealing with.
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