TMA sends all good wishes for a safe and happy week to everyone.
Mundane astrologer Theodore White offers a survey of world events since Uranus enters Aries. Among his observations – two volcanoes, aid flotillas trying to get to Gaza, violence in the streets in Jamaica, and the mosque attack in Pakistan.
White’s earlier blog, Astrology Guide for 2010 , is a fine overview. I’ve linked to it before, but it deserves a second look.
Astrologer Robert Phoenix looks at the horoscope for BP CEO Tony Hayward.
Nancy Sommers’s Starlight News Blog has another of her finely-tuned assessments of the President’s horoscope. It’s titled “Pressure on the President” and includes such points as Obama’s current solar arc Saturn quincunx to the natal Sun and progressed Mercury square natal Saturn.
Pat Paquette’s blog is Uranus in Aries: Acting to Change the World. She writes, “Uranus in Aries now asks, ‘so what are you going to do about it?’ ”
Archie Dunlop makes a connection between Uranus in Aries (ruling the head) and the mounting evidence suggesting that cell phone use is not entirely benign.
If world events are getting you down, Esoteric Uranus looks at the metaphysics of the tilted planet as described by Alice Bailey.
Boots Hart has a long article called Uranus in Aries: Never the Same Old Thing which looks at the asteroids and fixed stars in the discovery chart, as well as its previous transits in the sign. (Remember the California Gold Rush, anyone?)
In Uranus in Aries: Radical Reinvention Barry Perlman offers thoughts on how we can “courageously hit the newly-shifted ground running, with fights for both survival and self-satisfaction burning hot in our bellies, and do whatever it takes to reinvent ourselves, making up the rules to this never-before-played game as we go along.”
It’s not too late in the season to get your hands in the earth: Here’s a nice site for Gardening by the Moon tips and an introduction to Rudolf Steiner’s biodynamic gardening (and why the sidereal Moon sign is recommended). Both sites offer calendars for sale, along with lots of good free information.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for the link. It really feels like there is a unifying theme here with Uranus in Aries as it relates to the will directed self.
Nice overview.
Hey Mary –
I also like Robert Wilkinson and Lynn Hayes Donna Cunningham’s Sky Writer is often good too
And — of course, YOUR blog!
Thanks for the great gleanings,
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