Perhaps it was Neptune, the Sun, Chiron, Mercury, and Venus all being in Pisces on Sunday, but I became entranced with YouTube astrologers and didn’t find my way back to my other, planned topic for today’s blog. I hope you find something here that equally captivates you.
Dr. Dorian Greenbaum’s presentation on Philosophy and Fate in Hellenistic Astrology is an erudite and enjoyable way to spend 45 minutes. The talk was given at the Sophia Centre in Bath, U.K. in June 2016.
Aaron Cheak, Ph.D., has a 1-1/2 hour talk that originated at Kepler College, Astrology, Alchemy, and Magic in Hellenistic Antiquity.
Esoteric Astrology is a one-hour video based on an introductory article about the subject by Phillip Lindsay. For those unfamiliar with the term, Esoteric Astrology is based on the work of Alice Bailey. “Esoteric Astrology looks at the natal chart from the angle of the soul and how it utilizes the zodiacal energy to expand consciousness during each incarnation. This is an especially artistically produced video, which offers a very good introduction to the material.
A YouTube channel called Archetypes in the News has a 20-minute presentation: Feb. 19, 2018: Donald Trump and the 13 Russian Indictments. This astrologer (I couldn’t find his name) is politically oriented; his talk echoes an article by Thomas Friedman, “Whatever Trump Is Hiding Is Hurting All of Us Now.” (If you want to get right to the astrology, forward to the 8.26 mark.)
Astrology Forecast for March of 2018 is a nearly two-hour video of an episode of the very popular Astrology Podcast, with astrologers Chris Brennan, Kelly Surtees, and Austin Coppock. “The forecast for March features a shift of inner planets from Pisces to Aries, Jupiter stationing retrograde in Scorpio, and Mars ingressing into Capricorn where it will eventually meet up with Saturn and Pluto.”
Rick Levine’s Astrology Forecast for March 2018 is 75 minutes. He describes this month’s highlights: “March is a study in impulse versus restraint. The cosmos is saying yes with Venus and Mercury entering spontaneous Aries on March 6, followed by the Sun on the Equinox on March 20. However, there is resistance as the Aries planets square Saturn on March 10, 13 and 29.”
Go here for Sam Geppi’s 25-minute presentation, March 2018 Vedic Astrology Predictions.
Maxine Taylor’s Trumpology Report, March 2018 is a 30-minute astrological forecast for Trump and the U.S. horoscope. (She has many other videos here, covering Trump’s children, Stormy, Melania, Elizabeth Warren, eclipses, etc.)
And my last suggestion for this week is Robert Cosmar’s YouTube channel, The Astrology of Life. He is a very experienced astrologer, speaks with a measured voice, and posts many videos, mostly short (10-15 minutes) and on timely subjects.
Back in May 2017, he posted Is Trump’s son-in-law headed for trouble?” With no birth time known for Jared Kushner, Cosmar looked ahead to transiting Pluto conjunct Kushner’s Sun, exact for all of 2018, and said: “… it’s not going to be a pleasant time for him.”
In a video posted on March 2, 2018, Hope Hicks and the President, Cosmar places her solar planets in Trump’s natal chart. Among his observations: Hicks’s Neptune is closely opposed to Trump’s Mercury – “white lies” anyone?
Here are Cosmar’s thoughts on the Florida School Shooting Event Chart (10 minutes).
To get a feel for Cosmar’s approach, watch this eight-minute video, Healing America’s Wounds: Jupiter in Scorpio. “It is time to face the consequences of our darker nature and admit we fall very short of the purpose of our existence. Pain is a great teacher and sometimes the only teacher before we destroy all that we are and what we have or had.”
I know there are countless others out there uploading quality astrology onto YouTube channels. Readers, please let me know your favorite spots.
Have a good week, everyone.
Thanks, Mary. Your playlist is very much like mine but you gave me a couple of additional good leads!
I especially love the Astrology Podcast and have been subscribing via Patreon to the audio version for about a year. I only recently found Archetypes in the News. I’m still trying to suss that one out.
I’ve been reading Rick Levine for years, and find his monthly Youtube videos very helpful for the little tidbits of knowledge he includes, almost off-hand, that help me understand astrology better.
So, thanks for gathering all these great resources for us! And keep ’em coming!
Hi Sandi
Thanks for your comments…glad you like to selection..
Be well,
Fascinating list of articles! Each one is very intriguing!
Thanks for posting!
Kaypacha and the Pele Report one of the best
I too love Rick Levine
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