June/July 2015

June/July 2015


Highlights of this issue:

    • Working with Transits: An In-Depth Psychological Approach
    • The Lunar Gestation Cycle: Working with Moon Families
    • The Soul’s Diary: The Artistry of Secondary Progressions
    • Progressing the Moon
    • Using Solar Arc Directions in Your Practice
    • Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise
    • Using the Huber Life Clock



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Directory of Astrologers |

April/May 2015

Apr/May 2015


Highlights of this issue:

    • Venus, Mary Magdalene and the Re-emerging Sacred Feminine
    • Fate, Free Will, Horoscopes, and Souls
    • An Interview with Dennis Elwell
    • Contemplating Life as a Sun-Sign Astrologer
    • Kristin Hersh: A Journey through Music, Mania, and Metamorphosis
    • The Elements from a Medical Point of View
    • Paradigm Shifters and the New Planet, Eris



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Directory of Astrologers |
Letter from the Guest Editor


Guest writer Samuel F. Reynold’s offers a thoughtful and insightful look at Dr. Martin Luther King’s connection to the historical events in Selma, and their depiction in the new film.

Continue reading

Feb/March 2015

Feb/Mar 2015


Highlights of this issue:

    • When Major Astrological Cycles Converge: Two Hot Spots for 2015
    • The Astrology of Pregnancy
    • Planetary Cycles and Musical Inspiration: From Richard Wagner to Led Zeppelin
    • Alex Haley’s Roots: In Black and White and All the Stars Between
    • Pluto Generations: From the Maxis to the Minis
    • Sedna: Treasure from the Depths
    • Navigating Professional Storms: A Case Study in Career Horaries



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Directory of Astrologers | Sample Article