The Venus Songbird?

Frank Clifford re-visits some charts of famous vocalists from the Music Issue and has us take a different look at voices, musical styles, and charts.

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Aug/Sept issue

Aug/Sept 2014


Highlights of this issue:

    • Ceres, Climate Change, and the Bardo State
    • Contemplating the 12th House: An Optimist’s Take on Self-Undoing
    • Uranus-Pluto: Technology, Power, and the Start of the Cyber War Era
    • Uranus vs. Pluto: A Tale of Two Economic Approaches
    • Planetary Points in the Game of Life: An Introduction to Ashtakavarga
    • Ask, Don’t Assume: The Art of Client-Led Astrology
    • Mars in the Fixed Signs…..and much more



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Directory of Astrologers