Hello everyone. I’ve got a varied assortment of links for this week’s blog – I’m not sure if there’s a common theme, but all are meant to be informative and enjoyable. Happy reading!
Pam Younghans writes a weekly astrology journal at North Point Astrology. Saturn and Uranus both station within 25 hours of each other on July 20-21. She writes:
“During the two weeks on either side of a planet’s ‘station,’ when the planet is virtually standing still (from Earth’s perspective), we tend to feel that planet’s effects more directly. I often use the analogy of a train station to explain this effect: If we’re standing on the platform and a train is approaching, at first the vibration and the sound are distant. As the train gets closer and also starts slowing, the vibration and sound get stronger. When the train finally comes to a halt, the vibration and sound are at their most intense in our experience. Then, when the train is ready to leave the station, we have a reversal of our experience, with the sound and vibration slowly diminishing.”
Ed Tamplin is very thorough on world events. His weekly horoscope includes the U.S. Solar Return chart. “The USA’s birthday horoscope, for 2014, features a Cancerian Sun opposite Pluto, with the Libran Moon squaring both. Mars, the planet of war, is opposed to revolutionary Uranus. The Mars Uranus opposition, in a challenging square to the U.S. Ascendant, indicates unstable international relations. The unpredictability of Uranus in fiery Aries suggests sudden eruptions or insurgencies and the increased prospect of aerial and cyber warfare.” Ed then discusses the last time Pluto was in hard aspect to the U.S. Sun (October 1977).
Lorna Bevan writes at Daykeeper Journal. In her article July—the Wheel of Fortune Turns, she writes: “During this summer of grace, the harmonious water trine between Saturn and Chiron will form and reform the sacred geometry of a series of Grand Water Trines as Mercury, the Sun, and Venus follow each other through Cancer. Wherever 16 degrees of Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio fall in your chart is your Merkaba, your soul vehicle and chariot, your three-sided pyramid of healing, recharging, and ensouling.”
Doug Walker’s site, Historical Astrology, has many substantive articles on Using Astrology to Chart the Ebb and Flow of the Historical Process. A recent addition, The Astrology of Ancient Sumer is informative and easy on the eyes with a fine layout and multiple graphics.
Jude Cowell at Stars Over Washington posted a new article called Laid by the Stars: The District of Columbia Boundary Stones. She writes about “the laying of the District of Columbia boundary stones on the land that President George Washington selected (former surveyor as he was).” She also has a post on the U.S. Solar Return chart.
In The Corruption of Tony Blair, Christina Rodenbeck looks at the current business affairs of the former Prime Minister. “Since leaving office in 2007, Tony Blair has become a multi-multi millionaire. Like Satan himself, he has become a fixer, middle-man, adviser to the international .001% — dictators, autocrats and tyrants — from Kazakhstan to Abu Dhabi to Manhattan…..On the day that Blair won the election, Pluto, the dark lord, master of our darkest desires, tempter, transformer, was smack on Blair’s descendant, the angle of partnership, of contracts. If we were going to be entirely metaphysical, which we are, we might surmise that he made a pact with the devil when he crossed the threshold of Number 10.”
Jeremy Neal at Chirotic Journal writes about Rolf Harris, Hadean Times: The Rise and Fall of Rolf. (He was a television personality in Britain during the 1960s and 1970s, convicted in 2014 of twelve charges of indecent assault.) “Many of my generation are reeling somewhat from the news that Rolf Harris, whose cheerful, positive, and uplifting manner is somehow keyed into the DNA of our childhoods, has turned out to be a fake.”
The author includes Orcus and Ixion in his delineation.
“Clues to narcissism can often be gleaned from the placement of Ixion, who delineates the areas and the styles of personal entitlement. Once again, Ixion, like Neptune, is peregrine conjunct Atlantis 1198. This gives a style of narcissism, if one can call it so, that invades the privacy and sexual boundaries of others (+Atlantis, in the 8th house). It operates secretly, covertly, and peregrine: it’s either full on or completely absent.”
Steve Judd has a short video on the Chiron return (age 51). He speaks of a “comprehensive understanding” of interdependence that is possible then, as well as a time when our own self-sabotage becomes very obvious.
[…] Source: mountainastrologer.com […]
Hi, Mary. Thanks again for all that you do. I do like Steve Judd’s site. And I would not have found it without your post. Where oh where is that Chiron video you refer to this week? Can NOT see it though I have explored. His heads up about the 26 July new moon is most intriguing!
Found that video with a search for this link to his videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/SteveJuddAstrology
Hi there MAK,
Thanks for posting the link..I just asked Steve to help me find it again, so much appreciated..
It is a curiosity that it seems to be invisible on his site. Technology and its secrets! Maybe Steve will share more about how to see it on his site specifically…
Hi Mary,
You must have heard about the Indian calendar [Panchangam], which is referred by Indians the world over to know good and bad times of the day. These times are specifically named and known to bring success or failure to the activity performed at the specified time.
This is a web portal dedicated to panchangam, which is the Indian calendar.
It is quite different from the general calendar in that it is individualized based on the birth details of the person.
Favourable/Good dates for the whole year and farther can be identified for being more successful in individual endeavours. Please try it out and post your comments with us.
Hey, thanks for recommending my Blair post & sending some readers my way.
I’m afraid poor Tony Blair is deeply unpopular in his own country.
Thanks Mary et al..they are fun sites to visit…
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