Comet ISON

Guest writer Melanie Reinhart takes us on an amazing visual journey of the Comet ISON’s current travel through the constellations.

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Dec/Jan 2014 issue

Dec/Jan 2014


Highlights of this issue:

    • 2014: Riding the Rapids through the Heart of the Uranus-Pluto Square
    • Uranus-Pluto and the American Grand Cross
    • The Hebrew Names of the Planets
    • Jupiter: Your Gateway to Developing Your Potential
    • Jupiter in Your Chart
    • The Space Between the Stars: The Nature and Function of the Planetary Nodes
    • The Lunar Nodes: Desire and Transcendence…..and much more



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Directory of Astrologers

The Luminaries

Guest writer Brian Clark shares an article about Eleanor Catton’s use of astrology in her book which has just won the Man Booker prize.

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