Elizabeth Smart was abducted on June 5, 2002 when she was 14. She was held prisoner and sexually abused every day for nine months.
She is very forthcoming about her “nine months in hell” in her newly published memoir, My Story (October 2013). (1)
Smart said in a recent CNN interview: “I wanted it to be really what happened and what it was like every single day I was there, because I don’t think I’m doing anyone any favors by sugarcoating it.” (2)
She has become a highly visible activist for children who have been abducted and sexually abused. “Her goal as a public figure is to make ‘talking about rape and abuse not such a taboo.'” (3)
Elizabeth Smart was born on November 3, 1987. The Scorpio Sun that day was newly infused by its conjunction to Pluto the day before. (4) The Moon was in Aries the entire day she was born, and Venus moved from 29° Scorpio into Sagittarius in the afternoon of her birth.
Elizabeth Smart was raised in a close Mormon family. Transiting Neptune at 10° Aquarius squared her natal Sun five times between April 2002 and November 2003. Aside from disappearing from her life in the middle of the night, another image of that combination is her abductor’s claim to be obeying God’s orders in taking her and raping her. She knew differently. “My parents have always raised me believing in a kind and loving God who cares about each of his children here on earth,” she said in an interview. “When I was kidnapped and being told that all of these things were done because God commanded it — it made my personal faith stronger, because I knew God would never demand these things.” She said her belief in God was never swayed or negatively impacted by the experience, a different testament to Neptune. (5)
She was abducted on June 5, 2002. There was a solar eclipse on June 10 at 19°54’ Gemini. Saturn was at 18°34’ Gemini, conjunct the eclipse and about to make the (only) opposition to natal Saturn at 18°48’ Sag, exact on June 11. The transiting south node was on natal Saturn in the 2nd house (solar chart); the eclipse triggered a staggering loss (SN) of her security and physical safety.
Elizabeth Smart was born very close to Mercury stationing direct. Retrograde at birth (28° Libra), Mercury turned direct on November 6; by secondary progression she would have been about 3 years old.
Mercury ingressed into Scorpio on November 12, 1987 — by secondary progression, she was about age 9 years old, sometime close to the fateful moment of the half-nodal return. The bearer of messages and traveler between worlds left the land of beauty and balance (Libra) and joined the Sun and Pluto in the land of a sometimes gruesome underworld. Her inner resources were deepening.
While she was held by her captors, transiting Pluto began to conjoin natal Saturn. Although that certainly took her to the hell realms, it also showed her tremendous fortitude — the first passage was in January 2003. In interviews, she speaks about the fear that kept her from trying to escape. She is adamant about not judging: “You can never judge a child or a victim of any crime on what they should have done, because you weren’t there and you don’t know and you have no right just to sit in your armchair at home and say ‘Well, why didn’t you escape? Why didn’t you do this?’ I mean, they just don’t know.” (6)
She was recognized and freed on March 12, 2003, the day after Uranus’s ingress into Pisces — what an answer to prayer that must have felt like to the deeply religious girl and her family. Transiting Mars (dispositor of natal Sun and Moon) was at 5° Capricorn, conjoining natal Neptune 5°49’ Capricorn: Mars severed the entrapment (Neptune).
Scorpio has continued in her story. Since her rescue (when she was 15), progressed Mercury conjoined natal and progressed Pluto in 2004 and 2005 (she was 17 or 18). She also had a progressed New Moon at 28°24’ Scorpio sometime between October 2004 and October 2005. (Working with a sunrise chart, I can’t be more specific about the time.) Significantly, the themes of healing, rebirth, darkness, and the taboo of sexuality are generating this relatively new 30-year cycle of her life. Mars, dispositor of the Scorpio Sun and Aries Moon, was in Libra at her birth. Mars also ingressed into Scorpio in May 2008.
She was married on February 18, 2012. (The transiting Sun was on her natal Juno at 24° Aquarius.) In the New Yorker interview she said: “There’s a huge difference between rape and sex. Having experienced both, I know it’s not the same thing.”
Transiting Saturn has been on natal Pluto and the Sun throughout 2013; the last exact passage was in October. Saturn has escorted her harrowing and redemptive story into form.
Her book was published in the month before last week’s solar eclipse, which happened on her birthday, November 3, 2013. The eclipse was at 11°15’ Scorpio. (The Sun on the day she was born traveled between 10°19’ and 11°19’ Scorpio.)
Margaret Talbot, author of the New Yorker article, writes: “Smart presents herself as a pure girl who emerged from degradation purer still – stronger but somehow still innocent.” (7)
Many happy returns to Elizabeth Smart.
(1) Huffington Post
(2) CNN
(3) Gone Girl: The extraordinary resilience of Elizabeth Smart
New Yorker
(4) November 3, 1987; Salt Lake City, Utah; time unknown Source: Wikipedia
(5) The Blaze
(6) The Blaze
(7) Scorpio’s obvious presence aside, her prenatal Sun-Mars conjunction was part of a stellium in Virgo: Sun and Mars at 1°34 Virgo, Venus at 2°, Mercury at 6°, and the Moon at 10°.
I find your writing and your astrology to be utterly exquisite. It is a great joy to read what you’ve written every week.
hi fireywoman,
What a wonderful compliment…thank you very very much…
Yet another well written, accurate article without hyperbole. I, as many others followed Elizabeth Smart’s story closely and have read her book about the nightmare she endured. I think her natal Mercury in Sagittarius trine natal Chiron in Gemini may have been her saving grace as during her abduction she kept a journal written in French. Her ability to write about her pain was a way for her to escape mentally from her situation and allow her intellectual freedom.
I have one question for you. As a Uranian/Leo woman with a Gemini Moon I am curious about the significance of the prenatal chart. I do not understand what a prenatal chart represents. Is it possible for a brief explanation of its meaning? Or could you provide a link about prenatal charts?
Thank you for another insightful, thoughtful, and sensitive article about a survivor not a victim.
Hi Angela,
First of all, thank you for reading and commenting..
There are lots of kinds of prenatal charts…I always look at the prenatal eclipse degree (especially the solar eclipse) as being a lifelong sensitive degree..Robert Jansky (I think?) wrote about this.
Also, as I mentioned in this article, you can look at the conjunction of any planet with the Sun before birth to see what synodic cycle you are born in..I was seeing Elizabeth as having such a strong Virgo quality, kind of ‘underneath’ or at a primary level of desire and will..and her stellium at the Sun-Mars conjunction also brought in Venus, Mercury and the Moon in Virgo…adding the influence of those other planets…she could write about (Mercury) her ordeal as well as appear quite forgiving and “pure” as the interviewer said..
Here’s a quote from a blog I wrote (referring to Robert Blaschke’s work)
“Another idea from Robert: people born in the same prenatal synodic cycle are part of a “soul group” who have incarnated together. (This notion does explain why you can have an especially close or familiar feeling about people born close to you, again specifically depending on the planet you are talking about.)
Since Mars is the subject here, look (in the ephemeris) for the conjunction of Mars with the Sun that occurred before you were born. Cast a chart for that conjunction at your place of birth. In the case of Mars, Robert felt that “one’s individual hologram of passion emanates from an immense ‘desire matrix,’ of which one is a part.” (2) He also said that those born in our same Sun-Mars synodic cycle have “similar karmic inclinations and tendencies, as well as similar leadership abilities.”
The degree symbol (Sabian or any other symbol system) for the Ascendant shows one’s personal place within that group. The degree of the conjunction is also significant as well, of course.
I spent time yesterday looking at family member’s prenatal Sun-Mars conjunction charts cast for the birthplace and it was riveting. The aspects to the conjunction are important as well. (I have the prenatal Sun-Mars conjunction in an exact square to Uranus, which feels like it says a lot about me, and, as Robert writes, it will also describe all the souls born within that 25-month cycle. The Ascendant degree is what makes it specific, as well as the way the prenatal conjunction chart interacts with the natal.) “
Mary, thank you for sharing Elizabeth’s story and birth information. Over and over again astrology proves that truth is stranger than fiction. It seems that Elizabeth’s natal Persephone (kidnapped) at 18+ Capricorn and conjunct Memoria (memories) at 17+ Capricorn was being opposed by Venus (19+ Cancer) and Jupiter (17+ Cancer) on the day she was abducted.
But here’s the unbelievable part, on 6/5/2002, transiting Nessus (abductor and rapist) was conjunct Elizabeth’s Persephone, both at 18+ Capricorn. The fact that she kept a journal (thanks for that info Angela) in French is attested by transiting Photographica on the day she was kidnapped at 17+ Capricorn, conjunct her natal Memoria and Persephone.
Hi barbk,
Thanks for those fine points..
There are lots of connections within her story with fixed stars as well..
Maybe a recorded time will surface one day, but I always like to see what we can when a time is not available too…
Best to you,
Nice article, Mary. I, too, read the New Yorker story and was struck by how she was strengthened by her experience. Not everybody would have been; that much is certain.
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