Dec/Jan 2011-12 Issue

Dec/Jan 2011-12

Highlights of this issue:

    • The “Outing” of Ophiuchus: What It Means for Astrology and Humanity at Large
    • Astrology and the Art of Synthesis: An Interview with Noel Tyl
    • Into the Blue: Neptune in Pisces
    • Remembering Ellen: An Astrological Reflectification
    • Astrologers’ Forum on 2012: Bill Herbst, Bob Makransky, J. Lee Lehman, Rick Levine, Tem Tarriktar, Julija Simas, Alan R. Wheatcroft, Kushal Kumar
    • Student Section…..and more.



 From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Letter

Return to Basics

Mary Plumb’s blog is a Return to Basics along with a bow to the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, countless asteroids, the Great Attractor and the Centauric bodies.

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The Birth of a Movement

Guest blogger Eric Francis offers his insights about the beginnings of Occupy Wall Street, including the importance of the minor planets and the Great Attractor. Enjoy his fine work.

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Astrology Blog Mix

Mary Plumb mixes it up with a collection of bloggers from far and wide. Please enjoy reading an eclectic mix of star-inspired wordsmiths. Thanks to all for your work.

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Venus and Mars

Paul McCartney married Nancy Shevell yesterday. Mary Plumb looks at the astrology of the married life of the highly creative (and romantic) artist.

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Troy Davis

Mary Plumb looks at Troy Davis and his connections to the U.S. horoscope, including the eclipse patterns around his birthday, and at the murder of the police officer in 1989 whom Davis was convicted of killing.

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