Guest blogger Gary Caton writes beautifully on this week’s Cardinal Cross Lunar Eclipse, both with a mundane perspective and in a personal way. He includes helpful ideas on how to navigate through our personal relationships, as they are bound to be a place of high focus! Thank you, Gary..
Continue readingA Shared Birthday Eclipse
In her blog, A Shared Birthday Eclipse, Mary Plumb looks at the connections between Barak Obama and Helen Thomas.
Continue readingThe Aries Point: It’s All About Me
Mary Plumb writes a personal blog about the weekend’s Jupiter Uranus conjunction on the Aries Point.
Continue readingAstrology Blogs
Mary Plumb has scouted around and brought back some great blogs from diverse writers. Enjoy!
Continue readingWelcome to the Aries Point
Mary Plumb brings stories from friends and clients about Jupiter and Uranus coming to the Aries Point in personal horoscopes. Enjoy!
Continue readingUpheaval and Rebellion on the Horizon
Robert Blaschke offers what can be described as a Master Class in Mundane Astrology in his new article, Upheaval and Rebellion on the Horizon: The USA Progressed Sun-Uranus Square of 2011. An amazing work. Thanks, Robert!
Curious about Uranus?
Good Monday! Mary Plumb looks at perplexity and paradox as Uranus is at the border of entering Aries where we become heroes, one and all.
Continue readingCry, Baby, Cry
Mary Plumb’s new blog, Cry, Baby, Cry is personal – she describes the myths of Chiron in Pisces, Ceres and Pluto in some current real life events..
Continue readingRetrograde Mercury in Taurus: Recurring Cycle for Goldman Sachs & Global Financial Crises
Robert Blaschke explains the different types of Mercury retrogrades, and why the current one is in the “awful” category. He explains the current 128-day synodic cycle of Mercury and the Sun and discusses the financial news dominating the airwaves now with Mercury retrograde in Taurus. Excellent and informative..Thank you, Robert!
Continue readingReports from Around the Astrology Blogs
Mary Plumb collects some fine astro-bloggers this week covering Mercury retrograde, the Chiron ingress, Saturn and Uranus, some funny things, a cool musical animation of the planets and more. Enjoy!
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