Full, Full Moon

This week’s Full Moon, exact on Friday, December 12 at 8:38 am PT, is especially dynamic and we have a week upon us where paying attention to our emotional reactions and keeping steady amidst strong stimuli may be a very good idea. The planets suggest a volatility and passion in the air. The Full Moon has a grand cross in mutable signs: The Sun in Sagittarius has just past its conjunction to Mars – this was exact on December 5 – and Mars squares Uranus in Pisces on December 10, and Saturn in Virgo on the 15th. The Full Moon at 21° 02′ Gemini, therefore opposes Mars, which squares both the Saturn and Uranus. These two planets, Saturn and Uranus began their long (i.e., through July 2010!), challenging, creative, maddening opposition on November 4. The long term stories playing out for us all – around defenses, fears, self-limiting beliefs, finding a move to make in spite of imagined or real opposition – get easily triggered this week. We may be overstimulated and too quick to take offense. Giving and taking is essential this week – two mutable oppositions squaring one another certainly implies a stimulating engagement with many others, both individuals and their points of view and ideas. It is extremely creative and engaging – a wide view or vision of where we are heading may show itself brightly and clearly, and enthusiasm may lighten the heart. A Full Moon always offers the ahah! moment, and this one especially so. Look for what is both useful at this time, (Saturn) and on point towards the future (Uranus).

The grand cross suggests that we may feel the urgency for a big change and yet, we may not see where or how. Patience may be a nearly impossible but urgently needed quality this week! Have confidence that the ideas and visions of the Gemini/Sagittarius Full Moon will be exploding with creative ideas for the future, rather than feeling that someone else is cramping our style.

At the Full Moon, Mercury is on the World Axis at 0°25′ Capricorn, conjunct Pluto at 0°33′ Capricorn. With the swift-footed messenger of the gods traveling closely with the harbinger of the massive re-structuring of power centers that is beginning to sweep the globe, we can expect that critical events from various world hot spots will be dominating the news. The conjunction, occurring at the same time as this volatile lunation, suggests that we may see – at best – significant compromises being found, or, at least beginning to be imagined, as well as – most likely – increased tensions and explosive dialogue around many world situations.

I like to return to the ongoing transit of the South Node in Leo and the North Node in Aquarius, now with Venus, Chiron and Neptune all in Aquarius and pulling us all towards the future waiting to be born. We each have a personal role to play or gift to offer (Leo) that is ready to be employed for the good of the whole (Aquarius). There are many altruistic motivations, projects and ideas we can join with. With this Full Moon, some of us may be happy to get through a stormy few days with equanimity and grace, or at least not too many hard feelings.

Here’s to the ongoing work of understanding our own natures and our place in the greater story of the day – it is surely a magnificant Full Moon for illuminations in all departments of life. Here’s to having the courage to see ourselves and our own situations with brilliance and heart.  Enjoy!

Terror in Mumbai

Here is the the mundane horoscope for the City of Mumbai (when its name changed from Bombay), cast for  August 12, 1996 at midnight:


Mumbai has a very rare fallen Cardinal T-Cross comprised of the opposition of Mars in Cancer and Jupiter in Capricorn and each in square to a fallen Saturn in Aries. This aspect configuration can only form once in a century. Just the fallen opposition of Mars and Jupiter alone is considered quite malefic and an aspect such as this occurred in December 1913 at the outbreak of World War I.

This severe debilitation of Jupiter in the mundane horoscope produces an effect wherein the transit of Jupiter can bring the results equivalent to a transiting malefic.

One observes that transit Jupiter opposed the Mumbai Moon (ruling hotels and restaurants) as the terrorist attacks commenced (9:30 PM local time; 16:00 GMT on 26 November 2008).

One sees that at the incorporation of Mumbai, Pluto was stationary in 00° Sagittarius. When Muslim extremists launched their terrorist attacks, Pluto was in 29° 59’ 59″ Sagittarius. On the last day of Pluto in Sagittarius (religious extremism and violence committed in the name of religion), it is ironic that a city incorporated at the ingress of Pluto into Sagittarius should have the fate to be attacked as Pluto finally leaves this sign.

Michelle Obama

Although we don’t have a time for Michelle Obama’s birth, we know that she was born on January 17, 1964 in Chicago, Illinois. (1) The Sun is at 27° Capricorn and Venus is at 1° Pisces, trine her husband’s Venus at 2° Cancer. The Moon changed from Aquarius to Pisces at about noon on the day Michelle was born. Mercury had just stationed direct on January 15 at 4° Capricorn. Mercury’s speed is, therefore, very slow. A slow Mercury is a signature of a deliberate, careful manner of communicating, emphasized also by its placement in cautious and thoughtful Capricorn. I think that careful Capricorn has been easy to see in her media appearances. Many commentators noted her composure and poise during the tense days of the campaign and that quality of steadiness and steadfastness are true marks of the mountain goat at its best.

The Capricorn urge and ability to accomplish shows itself in her biography – she graduated from Princeton University (with honors) and Harvard Law School, as well as being married to president-elect of the US.

The north node is at 11° Cancer, and the south node at 11° Capricorn. We can infer from this the great importance of her role as a mother – her personal focus will undoubtedly be with her daughters, especially while they are young, as well as in fulfilling her professional obligations.

Without a time of birth, one thing we can do is set the prenatal solar eclipse chart for the place of birth to get a feel for the big themes and purpose of the life. Michelle Obama was born several days after a solar eclipse – curiously, the same eclipse that preceeded Sarah Palin’s birth in February 1964.

If we look at the solar eclipse chart, January 14, 1964 (2:30 pm CST, Chicago, Illinois) the Sun Moon conjunction at 24° Capricorn falls in the 8th house. This is a signature of 8th house matters being paramount for expression and fulfillment of the the life purpose. The 8th house, of course, signifies resources shared intimately with others. Capricorn will naturally take very seriously the matters involving the intimate partner. Barak Obama’s natal Saturn, co-ruler of his Aquarius rising chart, is placed in its own sign at 25° Capricorn, exactly on Michelle’s prenatal solar eclipse. I think this is a striking symbol of a marriage destined to be connected to governance and the public life.

(1) biographical data from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelle_Obama

Good Monday!

Hello all,

I am writing this from a very beautiful remote ranch in west Texas by the Rio Grande. We are surrounded by distant mountain ranges, including 9,000 foot peaks in Mexico to the south and the colorful Chinatis to the north. It’s a windy day and the sky is becoming a brilliant blue after a gorgeous sunrise.

And, most importantly, I’m working an article on Michelle Obama that I will post later today. Thanks for stopping by and see you soon.
Warm wishes to one and all,

Mary Plumb

Early Thoughts on Obama

We’ve enjoyed several weeks of relief and hopefulness about the US election, and articles about the President-elect are beginning to appear on the web. Like many of you, I’m delighted to be looking at some new figures on the national scene and I’ve selected a few of the early blog posts.

Joyce Hopewell is a teacher of the Huber Method of Astrological Psychology and her article Barak Obama Revisted includes assessment of Obama’s “Age Point”, a technique unique to the Huber’s which finds a particular place in the chart for each year of life. Since Obama has just celebrated his 47th birthday, “his Age Point is in Libra in the 8th house.”

Elizabeth Spring writes on the similarities between Jung’s and Obama’s astrological charts. Read Elizabeth’s article for a deeper understanding, but for a start, both gentlemen have 6th house Leo Suns (square Neptune), Aquarius rising, and Venus in Cancer.


Terry Lamb’s writes enthusiastically about the team Obama-Rahma! The Chemistry of Obama and His New Chief of Staff. She uses a solar chart for Emanuel (no known birth time) who is a Sag with several planets in Scorpio.

And for a down-loadable PDF file interpreting Obama’s natal horoscope (written by Liz Greene) go here.

Enjoy – and please do leave your comments and suggestions.

Yes, He Did!

At 8:00 pm PT on November 4 MSNBC announced that Obama had won the presidency. Over 200,000 people erupted in celebration Grants Park in Chicago and in tv rooms all around the country, indeed the world. At that moment, the Ascendant in Washington, DC was 10°11′ Leo, very close to Obama’s natal Sun at 12°33′ Leo. For the next 13 minutes or so and celebration and amazement was at its height, the local Ascendant moved to exactly align with Obama’s Sun in Leo. Quite a victory moment. The transiting Moon was at 1°59′ Aquarius conjunct his natal Jupiter and the sign of the US Sibly Moon, ruler of the people.

Obama’s South Node is conjunct the US Moon at 27° Aquarius – he has an instinctive resonance with the soul of the American people and can speak to the idealism, longings and dreams of the people in our country that has been battered these past eight years.  The Saturn Uranus opposition arrived with a bang on election day and we chose a leader who seems both firmly grounded in his own being, and also able to hold a greater, more unified vision for what needs to happen next. The ability to take one step at a time towards a grand new vision might be one of the clearest interpretations of the opposition and, here we are with a new president with Aquarius rising in his natal chart. Saturn and Uranus, of course, are the co-rulers of Aquarius and this sign holds a key to the paradox inherent in the opposition. This gentleman, who speaks often and eloquently of bringing people together, maintained humor and a high road during the sometimes brutal and devisive tone of the campaign. What a promising way for the oppostion to have manifested.

As one of my favorite headlines in the days after the election read: “Suddenly, It’s Cool to be American Again.”

The Aspect of the Year?

Much has been written on the upcoming Saturn Uranus opposition, exact on November 4. This is the first in a series of five exact oppositions that will last until July 2010. The previous opposition between these planets – representing the old and the new, the status quo and the visionary – was between April 1965 and January 1967 when there was also a series of five exact aspects. One very striking thing about tomorrow’s aspect is that it is angular in Washington, D.C. Saturn is conjunct the Midheaven and Uranus at the IC. This is a very graphic picture of the importance of this aspect for the US – as if we needed another clue to the fractious, groundbreaking, nature of this US election.

The symbolism of this planetary pair is being echoed in lots of ways: I heard a woman in an interview about the economy saying, “It’s as if you’re afraid to breath, and you know you have to breath.”

So, here’s to many deep, easy breaths as we find our collective and creative way to the other side of the opposition..

What’s New – and What’s Coming – in TMA

Our Dec. 2008/Jan. 2009 (21st anniversary) issue is at the printers now, and it is due to be mailed out to all subscribers in early November. It is packed with useful information, as usual, and I’m always amazed to witness how much care goes into each and every issue. This is what has sustained the magazine’s success all these years, the care and attention to detail — from the writers and editors on down to our friends at Ripon Community Printers in Wisconsin, who have printed every issue of TMA since 1993. In the cover feature of this issue, “The Wild Ride of 2009,” Adrian Ross Duncan looks ahead to geopolitical and economic trends that will likely reflect the planetary configurations of the year ahead. I hope our readers will post their comments about the new issue on this blog.

We are now turning our attention to the Feb./March 2009 issue, which will focus on the lunar nodes in depth, with excellent articles from Brian Clark, Kathy Allan, and Linda Johnsen. Just last Friday, I interviewed veteran astrologer Bill Herbst for this issue, and he gave his views on Obama, the Cardinal Climax of 2009–2014, Pluto in Capricorn, and the transformative forces now facing humanity. Brad Kochunas, Roy Gillett, Hank Friedman, Fern Feto Spring, and Liz Kirkham are also contributors, as well as Student Section regulars Dana Gerhardt and Donna Cunningham.

We haven’t heard much from writers about the new planet Eris recently, but the last Full Moon in Aries was conjunct the current position of Eris, and it sure has been a chaotic month, especially for the economy. I wonder whether Eris will gain traction and be included more and more by practicing astrologers, or whether it will fade over time. (Tell us, should we include Eris in TMA’s chart wheel displays?) We have published a few articles on Eris in the last two years, primarily in the April/May 2007 issue — which reminds me, we’re going to have a big Back Issue sale starting right after the first of the year. Details will be posted on this site as well as in the printed magazine. We have copies of about 45 Back Issues available, from 2000 through 2008.

It has been a sad time at the office lately. All of us here have worked closely together for the past ten years, and during the last 14 months, our Art Director, Tara Sanders, has been on medical leave fighting a serious illness. We have enjoyed her beautiful cover designs and illustrations in TMA over the years. She is a very special soul. Will you join us now in praying for her healing?

I want to thank all of you for what you have contributed to the magazine, whether as subscriber, faithful reader, writer, advertiser, or just someone surfing the Web and spreading the word about us. It all helps, and we appreciate it!
— Tem

Monday morning notes

I’d like to share a few points made last week at our local NCGR panel on the elections. Obviously this election year has been a great year for astrologers shall we say, as the planets are speaking so starkly. (I especially mean in terms of the overall zietgist of the times, predicting the winner is another matter.) Each speaker focused on one of the key players charts (i.e., Obama, McCain, Biden and Palin) and we all had far more to say than time to say it. We also looked at the election day and inaugural 2009 charts.

Talking about Ms Palin, I was struck by the prominence of Neptune. Now that we have correct (?) birth times for Palin and McCain I see that her progressed Ascendant is conjunct his natal Venus, which is also on the natal US (Sibly) Neptune in the 9th house. The US chart has Mars square Neptune – along with other symbolism (e.g., a tendency to be aggressive (Mars in the 7th), towards an ill-defined (Neptune) enemy,  the 9th house signifies the media and the square from Mars suggests a powerful/effective tendency for the media to be used as an instrument to distort. Also, the solar eclipse previous to the election was on August 1 at 9 Leo. This was conjunct the Ascendant in Washington, D.C. and had Venus (24 Leo)  opposite Neptune (23 Aquarius). As a simple translation: a media savvy, telegenic woman is part of the theme. (Money matters also loom large, but that’s another story.)

Sarah Palin is, in part, a media/Neptune phenomena – consider, for instance, that she has given no press conferences, yet has appeared on Saturday Night Live, along with Tina Fey, who has been a media sensation herself with her spot-on imitation of Palin. Think of some of Neptune’s qualities in this regards- chameleons, shape-shifters, glamour, actresses, artifice, seduction.

I also noticed that the first exact Saturn/Uranus opposition on November 4 is exactly angular in Washington, D.C. Saturn is conjunct the MC and Uranus at the nadir – very powerful picture of the great importance of this opposition in the US.

I’ll post the relevant charts as soon as I can. At the moment, I’ve  got a minor household emergency to attend to: my hot water heater blew last night, due apparently to pressure build-up. (A householder’s responsibility I was heretofore unaware of.) In any event, pretty good picture of transiting Uranus in my natal 4th house opposite transiting Saturn in the 10th – i.e., I’ve got to get the blog written, I’m late…

Cheers! Be back soon…


Chiron with the North Node

Chiron, the celestial representative of the maverick and the wise and wounded centaur, will station direct on October 25 at 21°09′ Aquarius, conjunct the North Node. The two bodies (along with Neptune) have been close all year and were also conjunct at Chiron’s retrograde station in May. Astrologer Terry Lamb has been writing about this combination for awhile. Her new political blog post McCain Rubs Salt in the Great American Wound brings us up to date with the possibilities of a great healing inherent in this combination. Enjoy!