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Curious about Uranus?

It came to me last night to try to capture something about the paradox and perplexity of Uranus as it is leaving Pisces and moving into Aries. (This happens on May 27th when Uranus will be in Aries for the first time since 1927–1934; Uranus has been in Pisces since 2003.)

I got out my copy of Rex Bills’s The Rulership Book and made lists of some keywords and started mixing it up. (For any non-astrologers reading this, although all the planets and signs are complex and multi-layered in meaning, we can take a shortcut and use keywords to encapsulate meaning into succinct phrases, meant to kindle the imagination.)

To start, a key idea of Uranus is the awakener. In Pisces, Uranus awakens through subtlety, sorrow, empathy, and an invisible — though keenly felt — presence. In Pisces, Uranus awakens through sacrifice of a personal reference point.

In Aries, Uranus awakens through pure joy in the life force, courage, impulsiveness, acting as a warrior, and jumping in without thought. In Aries, Uranus awakens through a pronounced and fearless individuality.

Uranus signifies brilliance and takes us to the farthest reaches of creativity. Uranus in Pisces aligns us with brilliance through believing; trusting; the awareness of intangibles; watercolors; dreaming; pretending; schemes and schemers; séances, secrets, and our innermost emotions.

Soon upon us, Uranus in Aries takes us to the extremes of creativity through the distinction of separateness; bravery; valor; heroism; physical activity; sleeplessness; adventuring through life; and being willing to face conflict.

In Pisces, Uranus opens inner vision; in Aries, Uranus motivates direct action and initiative.

Uranus also agitates and accelerates. In Pisces, this can happen through intoxicants; or in private life; or with the destitute and mystics; or in mazes, monasteries, and all places of confinement.

Uranus in Aries agitates and accelerates our physical activity; the conquering of new lands and spaces; heroes and leaders; the military; surgical equipment and procedures; headaches and sleeplessness.

In another guise, Uranus brings sudden change and detachment. In Pisces, that can be from our disappointments and self-deceptions. Uranus in Aries may bring detachment from, and a different appreciation of, the experience of being alone.

Uranus can also be deviant, disagreeable, distorted, eccentric, perplexing, and extraordinary. It is where we disobey and bring disorder. Uranus rules uprisings, uncertainty, the unconventional, the uninvited, the unprecedented, and the untimely. In Pisces, these things may be hidden and cloaked; in Aries these qualities come to life in plain view.

Uranus alarms, amazes, and astonishes — in Pisces, we are astonished by our sensitivity; in Aries, we are astonished by our courage.

Uranus inspires by bringing the future into the present. As Uranus changes signs, may the potential self-undoing, sabotages, and undermining of Pisces turn to a resounding “yes!” for the next great round of challenge that Uranus in Aries will happily bring.

(And, for those who haven’t had quite enough time to awaken in the fog, veils, and damp, wet places, take heart:  Uranus will be going back into Pisces from August 2010 until March 2011.)



TMA writer Mary Plumb is available for personal astrology sessions. Please check my website: or email


  1. Key words are nice, but I wonder how one makes a paragraph out of them?
    I also wonder if Uranus is in manifest aspect to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto and Mars, what happens to the key words and how do they mesh with the key words for those others?
    And on signs, how do you mesh the key words of them with the planets, and account for polarities, or geometry (T square)?
    And once one has a proto-paragraph in the works, what tense and mood will the verbs be?
    I wonder, how absolute are the key words?
    And does Uranus “bring the future into the present”? or is that just the passage of time from present into future?

  2. Hey Lorenzo,

    All good comments, thank you for taking the time..

    This was meant as a brief, lighthearted look at Uranus, almost like a koan or haiku or something..a right brained exercise..

    Of course all the other planets, aspects, geometries, etc are significant and impactful..

    I was keeping it simple..

    I think that Uranus has foresight and we can sometimes see/feel what’s ahead…not a technical explanation, just an intuitive one..

    I don’t think the keywords are ‘absolute’ in any way…these were just some that I recognized..

    Best to you

  3. Hello Mary,
    Thank you for this! I only wanted to comment that I quite like the idea that with Uranus in Aries, we will be astonished by our courage, as you say. I truly feel that, in the midst of the crisis we are facing with the approaching T-square formation, true warrior-like courage is what will pull us through. Some of my clients have been getting very worried about the hard aspects ahead of us, but I have my eyes on Uranus (having Aquarius rising) and even though it is a part of that T-square, I believe it has something very positive to say!

  4. Quite right.
    I think though that we older astrologers should be careful about giving impressions to the younger ones (the under ~50ies)which fudge the line between light-hearted and astrology-lite.
    I am often flummoxed by the idea that such a highly disciplined poetical form as a haiku or koan should be described as lighthearted or the result of intuition as if intuition were not itself the result of a long, hard, disciplined analytic thought process.
    Equally I find it somewhat old-fashioned to think that the brain thinks in two halves, and that using only half-a-brain is somehow laudable. We think with the whole brain, even the most artistic amongst us.
    Just for the record I think we should see that astrology is ME/UR = SA/UR.

  5. Lorenzo,

    Thanks…you are very precise and articulate..


  6. And Brigitte,

    Thank you…I do think we are creating as we go and articulating a clear vision and possibility is a worthwhile endeavor…we are very blessed to have the planets and stars as our guides…

    Take care..

  7. This is special, Mary. It touches on the spirit ahead of us and the darkness behind us. . . I think Uranus in Aries will lift us from the archetype of the 12th house to the 1st, from fear to courage in many matters, especially in matters of standing up for causes that have been nicely camauflaged by those in control. . . Aries powers of Independence mixing with the collective forces of Uranus are what we need right now!

  8. So–are we getting just a taste of this revolutionary spirit this summer, followed by Uranus going retrograde till 2011? (Am I understanding this correctly?)

  9. thank you, mary… I Love a little Astro haiku…especially with Uranus the most daft planet in our solar system.

    As much of a bitch saturn/pluto square is and is a part of our maligned summer…it really is all about Uranus in my mind and his crazy buddy Jupiter. They will throw in everything they can. Because they can!

  10. I’m looking forward to this summer’s revolution also. Appreciate Tracy’s comment: ‘because they can!” I’d like to add that when I think of Uranus I think about electricity, and the feeling of being ‘electrified’ by something. I feel the Computer is a Uranian invention; Television partly, as it also seems so Neptunian. Another huge influence of Uranus in my lifetime was the invention and development of Electric Bass and Guitar as Uranus moved into Leo in the 50’s – to give us Rock’n Roll!

  11. Hi Bronwyn,

    Uranus moves into Aries on May 27; stays in the first degree until it stations on July 5; goes back into Pisces on August 14. Then at 27 Pisces Uranus stations direct in December and back to 0 Aries in March 2011..

    This first ingress and conjunction with Jupiter on the Aries Point is, in my opinion, the most radical and potent..Not to say the revolutionary spirit will back off, I think it will remain strong once Uranus has gotten to 0 may somehow not be as visible ? but will be in the field, so to speak…

  12. Thanks, Mary, enjoyed the provocation of multi-minding the possibilities with courage if not foresight. Definitely qualifies as “hey, cool !'”

  13. Thanks Anne,

    I’ll enjoy your article..

    And Roberta, “cool” is great..thanks..


  14. that station will be 1 degree away from my Pisces ascendant.I’m feeling a little more lively but no sleeplessness, or twitches. Could be I’m already used to it? My closest aspect is Sun trine Uranus, (many aspects to Uranus),
    when I throw the I Ching these days, it warns me that I’m about to be sidelined, but in a good way.
    Should I buy a helmet?

  15. Hi Mary,

    I love that!

    A helmet indeed..

    yes, sounds like your quite Uranian by nature

  16. Great suggestive keywords of what Uranus in Aries is like Mary. As Uranus traverses the Pisces- Aries cusp, Venus Williams stimulates, astonishes, amazes and shocks the sporting world (Mars) with her unconventional attire in a show of defiant freedom. And she won! (Mars). (Or will this one defiant act contribute to her self-undoing when Uranus slips back into Pisces? 🙂

    Personally , I feel a ‘re-adjustment phase’ as Uranus takes up its new (temporary) home in Aries. It is as if Uranus is adjusting to the new vibration of Aries and ‘finding its feet’ so to speak. Or is it just me adjusting to the new vibration Uranus is already putting out………..

  17. With Pisces moon conj Ceres at 17 Pisces- H9

    8′ Aries MC & Jupiter conj Eros- H10

    I think I am in for an Uranian ride..

    When Trans Uranus in Pisces was approaching my N moon- my first HS love ‘found’ me again through
    the internet..

    I hope to restart an innovative design business



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