Hello friends,
With the Full Moon in Pisces approaching on Sunday, I spent some time watching the 911 coverage, as I imagine some of you did too. Here are some fine bloggers’ comments on the time.
Kathy Biehl at Astro-Insight writes eloquently about today’s Full Moon in Pisces, “on the morning after a somber anniversary that is itself bound up with these energies.” She observes: “The pond of existence is jiggling and reverberating with ripples from more pebbles than a human mind can count.”
Julie Rimmer at The Astrology Place writes personally about this lunation, Full Moon in Pisces: Why Do I Feel So Sad? “Piscean sadness is usually elicited by a feeling that something is lost and a painful yearning for it to be returned.” (Anyone who watched the coverage of the 911 events on Sunday will certainly relate to what she has written.)
Lynn Hayes at Astrological Musings! looks back to September 11, 2001 and at today’s Full Moon. “The Full Moon is the culmination of the lunar cycle and well known for its effect of heightening emotions as the lunar instincts are illuminated by the reflection of the Sun.”
Robert Wilkinson looks at today’s lunation in Destiny Still on the Move: Major Rewards On The Way! Robert is well known for his attention to what he calls the “grand irrationality” series of aspects, based on the 7th harmonic. “The Sun in this Lunation biseptiles Pluto, triggering the Grand Irrationality.” And further: “Jupiter and Neptune rule the Moon in the Lunation. They are just coming off a near quintile, showing we can now find unique qualities and gifts of intuition and growth as we ‘tend our garden’ while emerging from some old life cocoon.”
Mandi Lockley writes about September’s aspects on her blog Astroair Astrology, uplifting astrology for downshifting times. Of today’s Full Moon she writes: “Practical hard work might feed the belly, but connecting with something bigger than yourself will feed the soul. This is the Harvest Moon, so whatever you believe in spiritually, it’s a time to give thanks and set your spiritual intentions for the next month.”
April Elliot Kent’s Big Sky Astrology blog is called Full Moon in Pisces: Dancing with the Leaves. She writes: “Which is more important: results or process? At this Full Moon, the Sun in Virgo argues for efficiency and results. But across the zodiacal wheel, the fully illuminated Moon in the opposite sign, Pisces, makes the case for enjoying the process of life. For dancing with the leaves and having an absolutely wonderful time.”
In The Astrology of September 11, 2011, Beth Turnage looks at the results of the 911 events. “The resulting catastrophe scarred the current generations of Americans for the rest of our lives.” She concludes: “We are in a war, but it is not jihad. It is a cultural war partly but a financial war mostly. And I think you agree, this is not what we signed up for.”
Pat Paquette’s Full Moon in Pisces, Pluto Direct entry considers this Full Moon being at the halfway point between the past summer’s eclipses and those coming up in November and December. “What direction are you heading in? What progress have you made since last December, when the new series of eclipses in Sagittarius and Gemini began? What challenges are still before you? Are you limiting your potential for success by clinging to erroneous beliefs?”
At the same site, guest writer Ruth Hadikin writes about the zodiac archetypes of this lunation from the view of esoteric astrology: Virgo-Pisces: Returning.
Ruby Slipper Astrology (There’s No Place Like Home) offers Horoscopes for September 11th to September 18th with a short forecast for each sign.
And at TMA’s favorite columnist, Dana Gerhard’s web site, here’s an Intuitive Message for the Full Moon in Pisces, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs by Julia Bondi.
My feelings at this Full Moon (appropriately) veer all over the place. I have a deep appreciation for the bravery and heart shown by so many every single day, and an undeniable awareness of the terrible cost of the ongoing “war on terror.”
Here’s a short video I love (I know it’s a commercial)
And a song
And a political comment
Best to all..
12 September 1683. Victory of the Holy League, The Holy Roman Empire, King Jan III of Poland-Lithuania over the infidel Turk at the Gates of Vienna. This was the defeat of the Islam cause which Osama-bin-Ladin wished to erase by his attacks on the West and Europe, for it was the beginning of the end of Islam’s thousand-year war upon Christian Europe, which he continued, and his followers and sympathisers still continue.
Deus Vincit apud nostro exercitu regeque!
You need to get out more in the world Lorenzo.
Wow Mary…this is a banquet you have set before us and just at the right time to bring some insight. I love your blogs!
Although this anniversary reminds us how vulnerable life is and no part of this planet is completely free of acts of violence.
60 years ago on 12/7/1941 a similar unexpected attack occurred in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor. That tragic event left more than 3,00o military personnel and civilians killed in cold blood by Japanese Bombers. Although may of the people that lived through that tragic day in history they still remember how that changed to course of History for not just America but for all countries under siege during WWII.
So as conscientious Citizens of the US it is important to understand there is no innocence where war is concerned. 60 years ago changed the world as people knew it just as 9/11/01 also has changed life as we know it.
Unfortunately, Sara, Lorenzo IS in the world. It is a violent one and there are many wars. As Bernadette Brady commented that as a species we like them. Perhaps the gateway of 11/11/11 will begin to reverse many Earth negative habits of the human race, including war.
Thanks for the link Mary. It was a sad day to remember, and one of great loss.
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