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Happy Saturn in Scorpio

We are committed to keeping readers up-to-date on the political front, so I will begin with (just) three blogs on current U.S. politics before moving on to Saturn.

Nancy Sommers writes on The President’s Chiron Return at Starlight News Blog. “During the September 20 to October 20 phase, Chiron is accompanied by some stressful Saturn transits to the president’s chart, suggesting the wounds are sharp and the struggle to overcome them difficult.”

Eric Francis at Planet Waves writes a thorough exploration of Mercury Retrograde Election Day. (This is the only time in history where Mercury stations retrograde on Election Day.) He concludes: “Question what you see and hear in the media. Question your own opinions. Educate others about what you learn. Use every tool at your disposal to get the word out. Take a personal stand and refuse to believe lies, and refuse to be manipulated. Research the truth yourself, and try to figure out what’s really going on. Yes, Mercury will be retrograde, and it may be hard to get to the bottom of things. But astrology is no excuse.”

Late addition: here’s a very informative article on the Vice Presidential Debate at Tracy’s Astro Salon. “First of all we know that both Joe Biden and Paul Ryan are scrappers. Pundits are pretty confident that both of them are going to come into event like prize fighters entering the ring. Fists up.” (The debate is Thursday, October 11 at 9 p.m. in Danville, KY.)

Okay, enough politics for the moment. Let’s move on to lighter fare – Saturn in Scorpio.

Matt Savinar at North Bay Astrology writes Saturn in Libra versus Saturn in Scorpio: The Lord of Karma Moves from the Sign of the Marriage and Family Therapist to the Sign of the Deep Cover Detective, the T-800 Terminator, and the Doctor of All that is Taboo.
(The movie clip from The Witness, illustrating Saturn in Scorpio, is a bit grisly; don’t watch it if you’re not in the mood for the sight of blood.)

Austin Coppock has an excerpt from his 2012 Astrological Almanac on Saturn in Scorpio. His subheadings: La Petit Morte, The Book of the Dead, If I Die Before I Wake, We Have Nothing to Fear But…Witches!, and Corruption (all with graphics).

Willow’s Web Astrology writes on Saturn in Scorpio. Of the time, she writes: “Legitimate power through Scorpio comes, in part, from facing fears head-on and working through them. Once we can no longer be coerced or controlled through our deepest fears, we’re liberated. And then we can start to hold some real power.”

A new entry at Solaris Astrology is called Learning to Accept that You Don’t Always Have Control. “The key during this period is to accept the restrictions placed in front of you. It may be that you will have to share responsibilities, allow someone to take over part of what you own, that you don’t fight against giving up some power to gain some freedom, you might bring someone into the most secret and intimate areas of your life or just step up to the plate and face your fears head on.”

Diane Lang writes Observations: Saturn in Scorpio Advice at her site Libra Seeking Balance. She begins: “Judging from the comments people are leaving, I thought I’d offer more information for the different signs on life with Saturn in Scorpio. First of all if you generally live by Saturn’s rules anyway then Saturn transits often end up being no more than fine tuning. You know . . . behave responsibly, pay your bills on time, be a dependable friend and lover, be respectful and don’t make too many rude gestures when frustrated.”

Donna Cunningham at Skywriter has an excerpt from Mandi Lockley’s newly published Saturn in Scorpio: Your Guide through the Dark. “Problems occur when we let our fear of danger get out of proportion to the threat at hand. Losing our perspective, over-defending ourselves, and giving in to irrational fears limit our choices and create a barrier to positive change and development.”

Saturn in Scorpio is Julie O’Mahoney’s current entry at The Astrology Place. “Many of these individuals handle other peoples’ crises well, but have difficulty when it comes to their own turbulent emotions. Saturn tries to block what it fears, and is afraid of how deeply it feels. The art of transformation fascinates Scorpio and life itself feels like one big roller-coaster of emotions, and in order to change they need to learn how to let go.”

A gorgeous picture, a painting from 1903, Cave of the Storm Nymphs, accompanies Julie Demboski’s Saturn Into Scorpio. “In Scorpio, Saturn becomes self-reflective; we look at the reality that surrounds us and see ourselves in it – and that sends us on an emotional (Scorpio is a water sign) journey, one that plumbs the very depths of the intimate ties between psyche and emotional perception.”

Ruby Slipper has a short blog called Lucid Dreaming: Saturn in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces, reminding us of that aspect accompanying the first weeks of the Saturn ingress. “If you’re into it (and experienced), this is a fantastic influence for meditation, lucid dreaming, energy work…anything that involves focusing (Saturn) to achieve a heightened awareness (Neptune). Scorpio’s power can add some single-minded intensity.”

Marcia Wade, in Star Sister Astrology, writes Saturn in Scorpio: For You Are the Cosmic Shape-Shifter. “We don’t normally think of Saturn as a shamanic energy. We think of him as the ruler of structures, boundaries, and effort. He’s also the ruler of the world of form. In truth, nothing is more shamanic — more shape-shifting and infused with intention and energy — than matter. When Saturn is in Scorpio, we begin to understand the tremendous energy and life-changing power of our deepest desires.”

Divine Harmony writes on the positive side of Saturn in Scorpio. She talks about the difference between ego and Soul running the inner life. “Saturn is restriction and limitation and the ego wants none of that..Saturn is also about mastery of Self..” She signs her work, “yours in the alchemical fires of transformation, divine harmony.”

I will end with Agent 12 Julija of Cosmic*Intelligence*Agency, who sums up her blog with what sounds to me like very good advice. “Don’t be scared, but open your Third eye, delve into and uncover further the mystery of what you’re made of, what drives you, who drives you, what stops you and what turns you on or off. Get to know the devil that resides within, as the devil you know is better than the one you don’t know.”

These writers have some good ideas, don’t you think?

Have a good week everyone..


  1. ‘Lighter fare’…Saturn in Scorpio- Hah! Mars/Scorpio was bad enough for this Taurus.

    I’m looking at Saturn entering the sign of the Romniac’s Moon/Jupiter conjunction and hoping that it puts out or at least dampens his curious new (coffee induced…or is it something stronger?) fire.

    Thanks for the blog info- the quotes are particularly interesting.

    • Hi Carl,

      Glad you got my joke about lighter fare..


  2. Thank You Mary, it’s an honour to be included here. The more we do and write Astrology, the more it just flows.

    • hi Julija,

      yes, indeed..

      sorry we didn’t have more time at UAC, but really glad we met face to face..


  3. Mary, Thank you very much for the mention–I appreciate it! Best to you, jd

    • Hi Julie,

      You have such a nice site…

      best to you..


  4. While of course as I finish reading this article, I then as I so often do, turn to read the symbol for the Ascendant at this time, as a symbol of what this transit of Saturn in Scorpio is all about.. moving between 24 & 25 degrees of Capricorn.. beginning at *24degCap..

    A WOMAN ENTERING A CONVENT.. Total commitment to a transcendent goal..

    A convent is a place made available by a community which believes in the possibility of reaching a world transcending state of Consciousness. It is made available to individuals who may be variously motivated. To some it is an escape from the intolerable pressures of family & Society; to others it represents the possibility of pursuing in peace a Spiritual ideal to which the whole being aspires & is totally dedicated. The important point, in this phase, is that the existence of a convent expresses another aspect of the relationship between the Society, its religion & Culture, & the individual. In the preceding symbol Society rewarded the individual for a noble performance in its service; here Society accepts the fact that beyond its normal daily patterns of behaviour & commitments, another way of life exists which, in a higher sense, also has Social value. In the old Hindu Society dominated by a rigid caste system, the ideal embodied in the sannyasi – the wandering holy man or yogi meditating in a forest or a cave, who had entirely given up all that caste implied – was seen to be the very culmination of the Social process.

    In this fourth stage symbol we see the paradoxical nature of the Social process operating more strongly than ever. This derives from the fact that mankind’s nature contains in seed the possibility of overcoming & transcending itself in acts of complete denials & of surrender to a “higher” Law or quality of being. All Spiritual techniques are indeed paradoxical. Rigid discipline conditions pure inner freedom. The final goal is the attainment of TRANSCENDENT SECURITY…

    While also moving towards the next degree symbol.. at *25degCap..

    A STORE FILLED WITH ORIENTAL RUGS.. The use of Cultural & artistic processes as a means to enhance personal comfort & appreciation..

    Coming after the previous symbol this one brings us back to the material, yet aesthetic, aspect of the benefits of Society can bring its members. A “rug” always implied to some extent something on which a person stands or sits. It is a foundation for Cultural “under-standing,” & as such it can have a magical or sacred meaning, as in the case of prayer rugs. The “woman in a convent” probably knows only the bare floor, because her goal is one of transcendence, of surrendering comfort as well as Cultural patterns. But to the Social elite, or even to the oriental devotee praying to their god, Society offers the relative comfort of beautiful rugs so he or she may meet the Universe, not merely in terms of the support the natural soil gives, but protected by & securely established on the mental Spiritual as well as manual achievements of those who keep the Cultural symbols alive.

    This is the last symbol in the fifty-ninth five-fold sequence. It shows the beautiful products of dedicated & inspired group performance at the level of tradition. It emphasises the value of RELIANCE UPON TRADITION…

    NB: Symbols from Dane Rudhyar’s ‘An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformation & It’s 360 Symbolic Phases’…

  5. Note; Saturn is in Mutual Reception with Pluto (and Mars from 11/16 ’til 12/26) Mayhaps seen as the Power of Change made Manifest in the ‘business’ of Politics. Mercury makes its inferior conjuction with the Sun @26 SCORPIO, conj the NoNode between the two Eclipses. This degree squares the People=Moon in Sibley @ 27 Aqua. Also, Mercury retrograde @4 Sag is in opposition to the People=Moon in the Fed’l gov’t chart.(Mar 1789) Are these signs/clues that the idealism of the Declaration can now be recognized in actual performance, as the ‘truths’ of mal-practice are corrected to the integrity of our Constitution? The Asc deg of Darrells’s comment is conj Pluto in the USA’s birth chart and Mars will be conj on the Solstice ! Pray Security as we Transcend to the Reliable Tradition…just quoted !

  6. Thanks for the mention, Mary! It is indeed an honor to be included amongst this group of great astrologers. 🙂


    • Hi Diane,

      Thank you for keeping up such a good astrology blog..

      Best to you..


  7. Thanks Mary for digging out and writing on this most illusive of signs; and for bringing in so many good ideas from so many different astrologers about how to use Saturn’s concretizing energy in the passionate watery world of Scorpio…

  8. Thanks everyone for stopping was fun finding such a wide range of views..

    Astrology has so many wonderful pathways of insight…so happy we have this great gift in our lives!



  9. Everyone seems to be missing the amazing beautiful thing, here:

    The period of Saturn in Scorpio corresponds virtually exactly to the window of time we have left to change to survive climate change. We have until 2015, the environmentalists tell us; after that, there is NOTHING we can do.

    Saturn (structure, power etc) moves into the sign of Power to Change (Scorpio) exactly when we need it. Scorpio in Saturn is SUPPORT and PUSH to make us do what MUST be done for us to rise from the ashes of the industrial age, during EXACTLY the tiny window of time when we must totally restructure all our cultural institutions so that people and planet mutually thrive.

    I think that’s a beautiful synchronicity that should take our breath away with wonder — not fear.

  10. There is a strange astrological similarity between the current period and the mid 6th century CE. For example, in 542 CE (during the Plague of Justinianus) Pluto was again in the sign of Capricorn, Neptune in the sign of Pisces, Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Gemini (from May on). These are the very same zodiacal positions the planets are sharing now! You may take a look at my relative article:

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