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Inspired by TMA

I suppose you can blame it on the recent and ongoing Aries stellium as to why this staid old goat decided to start writing a blog. It was not something I brooded over for a long period of time; in fact, it burst forth, in good Aries fashion, from nowhere. This “out of nowhere” can be attributed to the fact that Aries is on the cusp of my natal 12th house. The current pile-up of planets in the sign seems appropriate for an initiative arising so spontaneously without any forethought.

The forethought came in the selection of what to blog about. I’ve read a few blogs, both astrology and non-astrology related, and I’ve noticed that one has to have something to say, and my inspiration for this blog was the February/March 2011 issue of TMAThe Archetypal Roots of Astrology. Glenn Perry wrote a piece in that outstanding issue entitled The Emerging Field of Archetypal Cosmology, in which he mentions a new book by Keiron Le Grice called The Archetypal Cosmos. I bought the book and read it.

Le Grice presents an outline “of a new mythic world view through an exploration of the theoretical basis of archetypal astrology and its application to mythology, psychology, and contemporary spirituality.” (1) After exploring Campbell and Jung, Le Grice explores the theorists of the new paradigms of thought, i.e., David Bohm, Fritjof Capra, Teilhard de Chardin, Erich Jantsch, Stanislav Grof, Rupert Sheldrake, and Brian Swimme. All these thinkers are challenging the orthodox scientific worldview as being full of dichotomies — subject and object, cause and effect, mind and matter, nature and spirit. They present a more holistic and unified worldview that recognizes the interconnectedness of all phenomena.

So where does astrology come in? Le Grice feels that what happens in the human soul or psyche, and is then enacted on the world stage, is very much related to the physical structure of the universe, to the pattern of the planetary alignments in the cosmos. In other words, both cosmos and psyche are made of the same “stuff,”meaning that we carry and bring forth the universe’s deepest intentions.

As a long-time astrologer, now devoting myself to a full-time practice, I am wondering why more people don’t come to see astrologers. Are they afraid that we know something more than they do about their lives? In reading Le Grice’s book, I was struck by the thought that if more people understood the theoretical basis upon which many astrologers operate, as embodied within the new paradigms in science, the hesitation and fear would be alleviated. Learning to gently use the planetary symbols (because symbols are mysterious) by watching them work in our lives could greatly increase a more relaxed and open attitude toward astrology by the general public.

From mid-March to mid-May, we have three Mercury-Jupiter conjunctions in Aries, a New Moon in Aries, as well as Uranus and Mars entering the sign of new beginnings. It’s time to expand our minds and our philosophies, to start a new journey in expanded consciousness. We are so lucky to have this understanding in our tool box. I am even learning to love retrogrades, as there seems to be less time pressure to get it right the first time. And that is something this Capricorn loves.

(1) Keiron Le Grice, The Archetypal Cosmos, Floris Books, 2010, pg. 21.

Kate Plumb is a certified NCGR Level 4 Counseling astrologer. She was also certified by Jim Lewis in A*C*G.  She first studied astrology in 1971 (thanks to her sister) with Rod Chase and Alan Oken in Brooklyn Heights and later with Zoltan Mason in his bookshop on Lexington Avenue. She has written for TMA, teaches classes, and sees clients in her home office in Sag Harbor, New York.  She has recently started a at


  1. Strange as it may seem to many people, astrology DOES have its roots in science! Far from being the continuous ‘nothingness’ that surrounds every object, space actually has a very fine and minute ‘grainy’ structure. (Scientists call it ‘quantization’.) The discovery was made (I believe) by the Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov in the 1960s, based upon evidence from particle physics.

    I’m sure it is this property of space that gives rise to the phenomena which we call ‘astrology’.

    • Thank you Anthony for your contribution to the discussion. It sounds like you’ve been thinking about this connection between astrology and science yourself. That Russian scientist is not mentioned in Le Grice’s book, that I recall. You would love the book though, I am sure, because so many of the other physicists are. Thank you again-kate

  2. I have indeed long thought long and hard about the connection between astrology and science. I’m a retired physics teacher – and I’ve been interested in astrology since the age of 9.

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