Jupiter, now retrograde and closest to the earth, is glorious in the night sky. If you have a view and clear skies, do go out and see that beautiful planet traveling west across the night sky. Since Uranus is so close, a peer through a telescope will show the unprecedented-surprising-awakening one right there as well. (The conjunction was exact on June 8 and September 19, 2010, and will be again on January 4, 2011.)
Tomorrow (September 21) the Sun will be at 28º Virgo, opposing Jupiter and Uranus; for a few days the energies of these two planets are exceptionally vivid and bright.
There are some fine blogs now on this conjunction. I thank and appreciate all the creative and generous thinkers and writers out there who add so much to our understanding of the wondrous times we live in!
Jessica Murray says in her always beautifully thought out blog at MotherSky:
“The issues the world is dealing with now are huge (Jupiter), and they are coming at us fast (Uranus).”
Anne Whitaker is a careful observer of these planets. She has written a book, Jupiter Meets Uranus: From Erotic Bathing to Star Gazing (reviewed in TMA Apr/May 2010), and documents her continuing research in Jupiter/Uranus do Religion: Countdown to 19 September.
Regarding the conjunction, I always remember my sister Kate’s description of Jupiter-Uranus as “our own personal walk on the Moon.” (She’s referring to the conjunction in July 1969 when man literally did walk on the Moon.)
In this time of rhetorical excesses (Jupiter) and up-side-down (Uranus) storylines (one of which I mention in the Footnote below), here are a few simple real life stories from the past few days.
I have two friends (a mother and daughter team) who are each very tuned into Jupiter: one is a Pisces Sun with Sagittarius rising, the other a Sag Sun with Pisces rising. They have had a long summer with lots of struggles and upheavals. On the day of the exact conjunction, the older one told me they both felt a “breath of fresh air.” She said it was like a whoosh! of energy just moving through and clearing the way.
Another Sag rising friend told me about an unusual (for her) dream on Friday night: she was in a car feeling too restrained by the seat belt. She was extremely restless and wanted to get out and go, yet she didn’t know where she was actually going; it was the vivid feeling of pushing against the constraint of the safety belt that defined the dream for her.
I spoke with another astrologer about her experience with this passage of the ongoing Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. She had a riveting experience of being “jolted” by connecting with a group of people in an innovative and collaborative effort, whose key elements include sustainable agriculture, music, and history! Sounds like the future is coming.
With Jupiter so brightly visible in Pisces now, maybe we are getting a message to be willing to feel — subtly, sorrowfully, joyously, ecstatically and more. Uranus does shock; we may experience it as mild or quite devastating, but the nature of that planet does require a change of perspective.
The portal whereby we — one way or another, like it or not — surrender a personal frame of reference (i.e., Uranus in Pisces) also allows us to recognize a new view from the brilliant fire that Uranus always carries. A splendid, creative “Yes!”
And I heard the conjunction speaking when a yoga teacher suggested gently this weekend (whilst having her students hold an especially strong posture): It’s your life, don’t miss it.
Republican primary winner Christine O’Donnell could be the first conservative candidate to have “dabbled in witchcraft” (the news of which may make her more interesting to some). O’Donnell was born in August 1969, a few months after the last exact Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in March 1969. Her natal Uranus is 2º Libra, with Jupiter at 7º.
Christine O’Donnell was born in Morristown, N.J. on August 27, 1969.
Mary, this is a very good article…I always appreciate your viewpoint, and I really like that you have shared some other excellent perspectives. Thanks.
Thanks, Catherine..
Hi Mary
thanks so much for this thoughtful and interesting post – the personal snapshots are so vividly illustrative of those planets’ mould-breaking impact on the small as well as the large scale.
And thank you too, for another heads-up! I remain fascinated with researching this planetary duo – and so appreciate the fact that people are prepared to offer up their experiences to enable me to do so.
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