I may have wandered a bit in the subject matter of this selection of links for this week’s blog, but I’m thinking of it as a display of the rambling tendencies of the Balsamic Moon in Pisces, along with Venus, Mercury, and Neptune, as well as my interest and focus going in many directions. I hope you find something that helps to give a great start to the week.
Esoteric Astrology, produced by Monadic Media, is a one-hour introduction to the subject with four different speakers, accompanied by graphics and music. This video includes introduction to the study of the Seven Rays, which emanate from the seven stars (“seven rishis”) of the Great Bear. The seven sister stars of the Pleiades and Sirius are also very important in this approach, which considers the long cycles of the evolution of consciousness and, in essence, tries to understand how the soul wants to pattern the nature of consciousness in the life. A summary from the YouTube introduction states: “Esoteric Astrology has been called the ‘science of all sciences’ because it is a system of relating every single living entity together. It is truly the science of relationships; human, planetary, zodiacal and stellar.” The speakers are Heidi Rose Robbins, William Meader, Phillip Lindsay, and Michael Robbins.
Esoteric Astrology: Revealing the Soul’s Intention is a video of a talk given in April 2018 at The Theosophical Society. this one-hour and 40-minute presentation, William Meader describes how each of the signs of the zodiac shapes the consciousness. He includes the traditional and esoteric rulers of each sign, the Rays that are connected to each, and the higher and lower influences within each of the zodiac signs and their respective Rays.
There are many talks and videos of the late Jungian psychologist James Hillman (1926 – 2011) on the web (some uploaded from the Intellectual Deep Web). As a start, I recommend Accentuate the Positive: Reclaiming the Country from the Nation, a 26-minute talk given at the 2006 Bioneers National Conference. “The renowned psychologist and author dispels the fog of duality and polarization that enshrouds our society, such as under-thinking while over-working, or preaching democracy while failing to vote. Paradoxically, knowing what’s wrong with our nation is what paralyzes us. We play the mind game of opposites — red or blue states, religion or science, winning or losing — and fail to find a third way. Searching out the meaning of the symptom might release us from this stalemate. On-the-ground community building, voting and governing the government, Hillman believes, could help us reclaim an Earth-based culture and more decentralized society from our stalemated, empire-building nation.”
Here is Hillman’s seven-hour seminar given in March 2005 in Santa Barbara, California: In Defense of Carl Jung. (This is audio only.)
Steven Forrest writes on the (current) Shadow Dance Between Pluto and the South Node. “The South node of the Moon, like Pluto, brings wounded material to the surface. The combination of the two symbols last month and this month suggests that the ’boil’ of the fear-driven side of conservatism is currently bursting. Everything truly terrifying about it is being laid on the table of collective consciousness.”
For those in the mood for something (even) darker, Astrology in Crime, written by Mountain Misst, is devoted to “criminal profiling in the 21st century; a blurring of psychology, astrology and mythology — all realms of pseudo science.” There is an article on the recent murder of a woman and her two daughters in Frederick, Colorado. The author looks at the chart for the time of the call to law enforcement and the natal charts — with asteroids — for the two adults involved.
Another article at the same website is on the recent Boeing plane crashes.
(There is also a horary section where the astrologer employs methods from Guido Bonatti and William Lilly.)
At Awakenings: Astrology with Sarah Varcas, the U.K. author offers March 2019 – April 2026: Uranus in Taurus, Thinking Outside a Broken Box. She writes: “With Uranus’s final arrival into Taurus where it now remains for seven years, the consequences of the choices we make in our relationship to mother nature and the material world will come ever thicker and faster … But at a time when messages of doom and despair are rife, this is not one of them! Uranus can be our saviour, our liberator from past mistakes. It awakens a more radical knowing enabling us to recalibrate the future and create a sustainable world to replace a dysfunctional one.”
And here are some current forecast videos:
Rick Levine Astrology Forecast for April 2019 is 55 minutes long.
“GREEN LIGHT SPECIAL! The long wait in the deep fog is over and the cosmos is letting us proceed.”
The Astrology School features Chris Brennan, Kelly Surtees, and Austin Coppock for a 2-1/2 hour April forecast. “The forecast for April features a grand fire trine, three outer planets stationing retrograde, and Mercury finally leaving its retrograde shadow and moving from Pisces into Aries.” (The video is time stamped, so you can can skip ahead to any specific topic.)
In this 32-minute video, Adam Elenbaas of Nightlight Astrology delineates the major transits for April 2019.
Here’s Pam Gregory on the first half of April and the New Moon in Aries 5th April 2019. (28 minutes)
And the always expressive Barbara Goldsmith gets to the heart of this cycle’s energy in the eight-minute New Moon in Aries, April 5th — A Fresh Start!
Have a great week everyone.
Thanks for the great suggestions! I never miss Rick Levine or Chris, Kelly & Austin. I learn so much from all four of them.
I look forward to checking out the Sarah Varcas talk – we could all use some hopefulness about now.
What a treasure trove of recommendations! Thanks much.
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