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Meghan Markle’s eventful few years

Meghan Markle — now the Duchess of Sussex — was born on August 4, 1981. (1)

4:46 a.m. PDT
Canoga Park, CA
34N01 118W36
Whole Sign houses, True node

I am going to consider a few events of her recent life, using eclipses and the Hellenistic time lord technique of annual profections. (2)

The prenatal solar eclipse (PNSE) occurred the week before she was born. This was a total solar eclipse (i.e., the Sun was within 5° degrees of the lunar node) on July 30 at 7°47’ Leo. Total eclipses are thought to have a stronger or more lasting impact. Her PNSE was Saros series 1N. (3)

Fast forward to 2017 and the total solar eclipse on August 21 at 28°50’ Leo, the degree of the fixed star of royalty, Regulus. This was also a repeat of the birth Saros series 1N. (4)

(A further hint of Meghan’s connection to Regulus: In the natal horoscope, the Moon/Ascendant midpoint is 29°32’ Leo.)

Now, to add the time lord technique of annual profections: At the time that the natal Saros cycle was recurring — with the August 21 total solar eclipse — Meghan was beginning a 1st-house year in annual profections. August 4, 2017 was her 36th birthday, which is always a 1st-house year. In her case, the natal Ascendant is Cancer, so the Moon was the Lord of the Year. (Therefore, the time from August 4, 2017 to August 4, 2018 was a 1st-house year.)

During this profected year, her engagement to Prince Harry was announced on November 27; she married the prince on May 19, 2018 (watched by 1.9 billion people worldwide), and she became pregnant. (5)

There were two eclipses during this time period as well: a total lunar eclipse on January 31, 2018 at 11°39’ Leo conjunct her natal Sun, and a partial solar eclipse on July 12, 2018 at 20°49’ Cancer, very close to her Ascendant degree.

Fitting the symbolism of the Leo eclipse conjunct her natal Sun, her father suffered a heart attack and was unable to attend her wedding, and, looking back from when her pregnancy was announced, it is likely that she became pregnant around the time of the Cancer solar eclipse.

On her birthday on August 4, 2018, she entered a 2nd-house profected year. In her natal chart, Leo is on the 2nd-house cusp, so the Sun is the Lord of the Year. On October 14, her pregnancy was announced to the world — her child, due in the “Spring of 2019,” would be seventh in line for the British throne. (6)

The total lunar eclipse on January 20, 2019 was at 0°49’ Leo, Meghan’s natal lunar nodal axis, and the two eclipses this summer will also strongly impact her chart. On July 2, 2019, the total solar eclipse at 10°41’ Cancer is conjunct natal Mars (11°26’), which rules the 5th (Whole Sign) house of children. And on July 16, 2019, the partial lunar eclipse at 24°00’ Capricorn is conjunct her Ascendant–Descendant axis.

There is, of course, much more to say. Still, leaving aside how we may feel about royalty in these times when unequal distribution of wealth is a global issue, I hope that this demonstration of easy-to-use techniques has been interesting to you, dear readers.

Have a good week, everyone.


(1) AA data from BC

(2) I am using annual profections from the Ascendant (with Whole Sign houses).

(3) The Saros cycle, understood by the earliest known astrologers, the Chaldeans, connects eclipses at 18.3-year intervals. There are cuneiform tablets from 670 BCE marking this cycle, which lasts about 1,300 years and is comprised of approximately 75 eclipses.

(4) In Meghan’s lifetime, there was one other Saros series 1N solar eclipse on August 11, 1999 at 18°18’ Leo. That eclipse, part of a fixed grand cross, is well known in mundane astrology, but I have not researched her biography to see what was going on in her personal life at that time.

(5) Economic Times

(6) New York Times