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Mercury retrograde

Mary Plumb corrects a very public error – writing a blog based on an incorrect birth time.

Oh dear, this is embarrassing…although before I wrote the blog on Sam Shepard I had been in personal touch with AstroDataBank to clarify the time, I just got an email that they have changed the record and it is more likely CWT after all. (I based the blog on CST.) I apologize for my error. (In an attempt to make this a teaching moment: the current Mercury retrograde in Virgo is quite close to my MC degree…right out there in full view for all to see.) Mary


  1. Mary,
    You’re the best! What a great teaching moment to share and surely gives all of us a “heads up” when it comes to communicating in this mercury retrograde time. I love your honesty.

  2. Mary, I didn’t receive the Sam Shepard post and I am confused as there seems to be no link to the article…..

    • Me too! Mercury R strikes again! 🙂

      • Hi Rachel,

        I took the article down because it was based on a quite possibly wrong birth time..

        I may write on Sam Shepard again though..

        Thanks for writing..

    • Hi Judi,

      I took the article down because it was based on a quite possibly wrong birth time..

      I may write on Sam Shepard again though..

      Thanks for writing..

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