There is a letter in the new (June/July) issue of TMA from a reader requesting more articles with an in-depth analysis of planetary cycles and financial information. Ray Merriman’s article, Is It Camelot or an Economic Armageddon?, in the new issue, (which subscribers will have any day, if it’s not there yet) addresses that request in his article.
Merriman coined the term “Cardinal Climax” in 1999, and much has been written on Saturn, Uranus and Pluto all entering cardinal signs in hard aspect to each other. Pluto in Capricorn is the harbinger, followed by Saturn moving into Libra this fall, and Uranus into Aries in May 2010. The impact of the Cardinal Climax is from 2008-2015.
This configuration is currently joined by the rare (i.e., in 3,000 years it has occurred only once – in 1843) mutual reception between Uranus in Pisces and Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius. Merriman relates the 1843 mutual reception to events surrounding Andrew Jackson’s abolishing the Second U.S. National Bank and what is happening now with our current private bank, the Federal Reserve.
The charts of the current key players are discussed in the article – the U.S. national chart, Obama, the Federal Reserve, Robert Gates, Timothy Geithner and Ben Bernanke (all with planets in early degrees of cardinal signs).
For readers who may not be familiar with Ray Merriman, he is a financial astrologer with a keen understanding of long-term cycles. Even if you’re one of the lucky ones and financial matters are not of interest to you, Ray’s descriptions of the psychological implications of these transits are invaluable.
A brilliant point he elaborates on, for example: Once Saturn is past its last opposition to Uranus (in July 2010), that planet will be in waning phase with all the outer planets. Saturn is fearful, and the last square is fretful. He writes: “With the waning square, the light is on the decrease: The future seems more and more uncertain.” However, the longer cycles of the outer planets (i.e., Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) are in waxing squares to one another, implying a time of growth. ”In the waxing square, the light is still on the increase: The future is brighter.”
I thought Ray’s article was a riveting overview of the great issues that are keeping some awake at night. (Lest this sounds like TMA bragging, I personally had nothing to do with the editing, etc. I read the article along with many of you as it arrived in my mailbox.)
This blog is merely a hint of what he’s written about. Once you’ve read it, come back and let’s talk about it.
Hi, Mary —
I too was riveted by Ray’s article. I am a big fan of Ray’s. As soon as I read it I put up a link to The Mountain Astrologer and implored my readers to buy the magazine and immediately read Ray’s piece.
I was glad to see that he brought up the chart for The Federal Reserve. I have been hinting around that people should be take a look at THAT chart. If they did they would reach for the oxygen masks! Glad Ray spelled it out. I don’t have the guts. lol.
Hi Tracy,
I’m with you on the “guts” factor that Ray has!
Thanks for referring your readers to TMA as well..
Onwards and upwards!
ehh… love it ))
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