I’ve been wondering about Michelle Obama and Ann Romney ever since they appeared onstage after the last debate in the same bright pink garments.
I don’t know of verified birth times for either of them, although there are times for their respective spouses.
Ann Romney and Michelle Obama were both born a few days after an eclipse, which suggests that their lives are colored by larger collective forces and fates.
Michelle Obama was born on January 17, 1964, in Chicago.
Her prenatal eclipse was a solar eclipse on January 14. Set for Chicago, the chart has 29° Gemini ascending with the lunation at 23°43’ Capricorn in the 8th.
To quote from a blog I wrote in November 2008: “This is a signature of 8th-house matters being paramount for expression and fulfillment of the life purpose. The 8th house, of course, signifies resources shared intimately with others. Capricorn will naturally take very seriously the matters involving the intimate partner. Barack Obama’s natal Saturn, co-ruler of his Aquarius rising chart, is placed in its own sign at 25° Capricorn, almost exactly on Michelle’s prenatal solar eclipse. I think this is a striking symbol of a marriage destined to be connected to governance and the public life.”
Venus is elevated in the eclipse chart at 27° Aquarius, the degree of her husband’s south node and the U.S. Sibly Moon.
Ann Romney was born on April 16, 1949, in Detroit, the day of a Sun-Venus superior conjunction at 26°33’ Aries.
On April 12, there was a total lunar eclipse at 23°56’ Libra. When set for Detroit, her birth place, the chart has Aries on the 5th-house (whole signs) cusp, with Mars, Venus, Mercury, Sun, and north node in Aries, in part, a marker for the mother of five sons and the grandmother of 18.
Ann’s natal Juno at 5° Gemini is conjunct her husband’s Ascendant and north node.
Mitt Romney was born on March 12, 1947, at 9:51 a.m., in Detroit.
Mitt Romney’s natal Moon in Scorpio is precisely conjunct Jupiter — stationary and turning retrograde — which, along with being a signature of ambition and a drive for power, can show something about his wife.
The eclipse before Ann Romney’s birth was a total solar eclipse on November 1, 1948. This eclipse was at 8°43’ Scorpio conjunct her husband’s natal Chiron. Also, Chiron at this prenatal eclipse was at 26°28’ Scorpio, conjunct his natal Moon conjunct Jupiter at 27°33.
The Chiron-Moon connections suggest that some kind of healing, teaching, or mentoring is a theme in his emotional life, activated strongly through his connection to his wife.
The year of his Chiron return (exact on November 4, 1997), Ann Romney became seriously ill. Transiting Juno was also at 8° Scorpio, his natal Chiron (and her PNSE degree) on November 8, 1998. (See chart above, Ann Romney’s PNSE.)
“During 1997, Ann Romney began experiencing severe numbness, fatigue, and other symptoms, and just before Thanksgiving in 1998, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Mitt Romney described watching her fail a series of neurological tests as the worst day of his life. He later said: ‘I couldn’t operate without Ann. We’re a partnership. We’ve always been a partnership so her being healthy and our being able to be together is essential.” (1)
(Mitt Romney’s prenatal Sun-Venus conjunction (November 17, 1946) was an inferior conjunction (Venus retrograde) at 24°50’ Scorpio, with Juno exactly at that degree, too. This certainly suggests a very deep loyalty to partner as an underlying theme in his relationship life.)
I haven’t done extensive research into their lives, but a few highlights stand out. Mitt and Ann were married on March 21, 1969, three days after a solar eclipse at 27°25’ Pisces.
The year she was diagnosed with MS, there was a solar eclipse at 28°47’ Leo. The August 22, 1998 eclipse was conjunct her natal Saturn (29° Leo) and square his natal Moon-Jupiter conjunction at 27° Scorpio.
There is a total solar eclipse on November 13 at 21°56’ Scorpio. This is close to the president’s natal Midheaven (29° Scorpio); conjunct Romney’s progressed Jupiter (22° Scorpio) and opposite his progressed Sun (25° Taurus); conjunct Joe Biden’s natal Mercury (21° Scorpio); close to Michelle Obama’s natal Juno (25° Scorpio); conjunct the president’s Uranus/ASC and NN/ASC midpoints (at 22° Scorpio), and much else I’m sure. (It is also within a few degrees of my natal Ascendant; maybe that’s why I’m so nervous about the whole thing.)
Onwards! Let’s see what the ladies are wearing tonight.
(1) Wikipedia
Thanks for this fascinating collection of connections between the two spouses of the candidates, as well as the candidates themselves.
Turns out that tonight the asteroid Phaethon will be at 21+ Taurus (rx), so opposite the eclipse yet to come in November. Because Phaethon discovered that his father was Apollo (Sun god), and because Apollo granted his son’s wish to fly the Sun’s chariot, Apollo lost his son due to his being unprepared for the demands of the job. It will be interesting to watch the debate tonight with all this in mind.
Personally, I have been thinking that the President’s natal Uranus will be the star of the show. It’s a hunch of course, but based on the MC of the start-time chart, about 25 Aquarius as I recall, a lot of important points in both Romney’s and Obama’s charts will be activated. I see the President’s Leo Uranus coming out of nowhere (from the unseen bottom of the chart) totally unexpected.(It is also conjunct his north node and trine the Galactic Center so I suspect it is part of the divine plan!)
However, now with you calling attention to the November solar (Apollo) eclipse, I’m adding Phaethon to my bag of hunches, feeling that Romney’s performance will show his lack of readiness for the task he desires so much. Those who decide which man gets to be the next U.S. President will factor this into their decision, but due to the Mercury rx, and the November eclipses, we might have to wait for the answer.
Post debate, and for what it’s worth, I believe Phaethon’s position at 21+ Taurus (rx) so closely aligned to where the solar eclipse will be (21 Scorpio 57) is giving us a clue as to what the eclipse could bring.
Phaethon, in myth, flew too high and was brought down. In opposition to the eclipse degree, Phaethon might herald something hidden because on election day, Nov. 6th, asteroid Sphinx will be in that area, at 22+ Taurus.
I think some folks might be aware of the secret, like Romney for example, or the President, partly because the U.S. Neptune at 22+ Virgo is trine 22 Taurus. Pres. Obama has Mars at 22+ Virgo, and Romney has progressed Jupiter at 22 Scorpio, conjunct the eclipse and opposite Sphinx on election day and opposite Phaethon last night.
Possibly the 2 candidates have gotten the word about the secret because yesterday Mercury was at 22 Scorpio opposite Phaethon and Venus at 22 Virgo was trine Phaethon and conjunct the U.S. Neptune.
I get the feeling that the solar eclipse in Scorpio might have something to do with the stock market because the U.S. natal Vesta is at 19 Taurus 46 and conjunct natal asteroid Atlantis at 23 Taurus 10, opposite the eclipse in Scorpio.
In the U.S. solar return chart asteroid Juno (partner) at 21 Scorpio 46 rx is conjunct the solar eclipse degree and opposite Black Moon Lilith at 22 Taurus. This is subtle, but BML in the SR chart forms a yod or as some say, finger of God or destiny, with Saturn sextile Quaoar. Quaoar is an energy that “dances” something into being. With Black Moon Lilith at focal point of the yod and opposite the Eclipse on Nov. 13th, there could be a separation of some kind related to finances an/or investments (BML opposite Juno in the money signs of Scorpio and Taurus). It might be why Romney appeared so confused and why his wife had to hold on to him as he shook hands with audience members last night
Great information Thanks for you……..
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