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Monday morning notes

I’d like to share a few points made last week at our local NCGR panel on the elections. Obviously this election year has been a great year for astrologers shall we say, as the planets are speaking so starkly. (I especially mean in terms of the overall zietgist of the times, predicting the winner is another matter.) Each speaker focused on one of the key players charts (i.e., Obama, McCain, Biden and Palin) and we all had far more to say than time to say it. We also looked at the election day and inaugural 2009 charts.

Talking about Ms Palin, I was struck by the prominence of Neptune. Now that we have correct (?) birth times for Palin and McCain I see that her progressed Ascendant is conjunct his natal Venus, which is also on the natal US (Sibly) Neptune in the 9th house. The US chart has Mars square Neptune – along with other symbolism (e.g., a tendency to be aggressive (Mars in the 7th), towards an ill-defined (Neptune) enemy,  the 9th house signifies the media and the square from Mars suggests a powerful/effective tendency for the media to be used as an instrument to distort. Also, the solar eclipse previous to the election was on August 1 at 9 Leo. This was conjunct the Ascendant in Washington, D.C. and had Venus (24 Leo)  opposite Neptune (23 Aquarius). As a simple translation: a media savvy, telegenic woman is part of the theme. (Money matters also loom large, but that’s another story.)

Sarah Palin is, in part, a media/Neptune phenomena – consider, for instance, that she has given no press conferences, yet has appeared on Saturday Night Live, along with Tina Fey, who has been a media sensation herself with her spot-on imitation of Palin. Think of some of Neptune’s qualities in this regards- chameleons, shape-shifters, glamour, actresses, artifice, seduction.

I also noticed that the first exact Saturn/Uranus opposition on November 4 is exactly angular in Washington, D.C. Saturn is conjunct the MC and Uranus at the nadir – very powerful picture of the great importance of this opposition in the US.

I’ll post the relevant charts as soon as I can. At the moment, I’ve  got a minor household emergency to attend to: my hot water heater blew last night, due apparently to pressure build-up. (A householder’s responsibility I was heretofore unaware of.) In any event, pretty good picture of transiting Uranus in my natal 4th house opposite transiting Saturn in the 10th – i.e., I’ve got to get the blog written, I’m late…

Cheers! Be back soon…