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New Moon in Cancer July 20, 2020: One more opportunity to connect to our true needs and emotions

The next New Moon at 28°26’ Cancer is another step on the path to connecting with our emotions in a positive way that will allow us to care for and nurture ourselves and others. It’s been a tough journey for all of us with the recent activity on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, which deals with the balance between softness and roughness, family life and career, emotions and discipline. There have been a series of eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn as well — the first in July 2018 and the last on July 4, 2020 — that have opened the door to exploring our emotional worlds. This New Moon continues the powerful call to sink more deeply into the inner sanctuary of our feeling nature.

The opposition from Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn to the Sun and Moon in Cancer makes this new lunar cycle especially intense. We may feel pulled between right and wrong, or we may experience ups and downs in how we perceive our emotions. Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn provoke us to release attitudes about authority figures and social status. Outdated attitudes may prevent us from realizing a new beginning in Cancer’s realm, which, at best, can harmonize our family lives and emotional health.

To work with the energy of this New Moon, we can ask ourselves: What new beginnings can I bring in addressing my emotions and honoring my feelings? Perhaps it’s a new home environment, or a new job or hobby, that nurtures us emotionally. Or we may simply feel drawn toward becoming more familiar with our needs. A key aspect of this Cancer New Moon will emphasize our capacity to work with and understand our emotional reactions.

Throughout 2020, we’ve discovered that we function well when we retreat back to our inner core, while leaving our desire for power and control behind. We all want to experience fulfilling lives of being in touch with our true self and having success in important areas of life, such as relationships, family, and career. But sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and forget that not everything is about hard work and achievement.

The New Moon in Cancer opposes transiting Saturn and Pluto, which indicates that to have the desired outcome, we must let go of any authority that feels heavy on our soul and drains our energy. It will be a good time to reflect on how we work with authority in our daily lives. Are there authority figures that block our capacity to achieve harmony in our lives? Or, in trying to be respected and successful, have we built a layer of authority around ourselves that keeps others away? Do we repeat past mistakes and patterns that leave us feeling trapped and limited?

On this Cancer New Moon, we can set intentions connected to our home, family, heritage, motherhood, and children, and we can direct our energy toward getting to know our emotional world. After the solar eclipse in Cancer (June 21, 2020) and the lunar eclipse in Capricorn (July 5, 2020), this New Moon is a natural next chapter in the story of finding deeper meaning in our lives, particularly in the way we emote and in our capacity to give and receive care and support.

Bio: Margarita Strashilova publishes astrological articles on her Facebook page @MargaritaAstroecstatic which are appreciated by many on a daily basis. Her mission, through her articles and private astrological counseling, is to help as many people as possible to get to know themselves better through astrology. In the future Margarita plans to develop courses and seminars on astrology topics. Her other interests include energy practices, psychology, spiritual and personal development. She can be messaged through her Facebook page or emailed: