UAC was more fun and more inspiring than I had even imagined – my only discord was a minor one that I am half-heartedly attributing to retrograde Venus: I did not have enough time to talk to everybody! There are so many of you whom I merely glanced at in the elevator journey or hallways of the hotel. It seems obvious that we must do this again soon.
I wanted to be there especially with Carol Cilliers Blaschke. Robert P. Blaschke was posthumously nominated for The Marion D. March Regulus Award for Discovery, Innovation and Research. He was in very fine company, so Carol and I were stunned when Robert was announced as the winner at the awards dinner on May 28.
(I recovered myself enough to note the time at about 9:30 pm. If anyone has a video of the moment with a precise time, I’d love to know.)
There were some sweet omens in the horoscope for that moment. Transiting Venus retrograde was at 20°25’ Gemini conjunct his natal Midheaven at 20°45’. The Sun that night was at 8° Gemini, just past his natal part of fortune at 7°36’ in the 9th house of publishing and teaching.
In his last year he talked often about his natal Mars, ruler of the 8th house of death, in Libra (detriment) in the 1st house. (I am using Porphyry, his preferred house system.)
He was very aware of his progressed Mars coming to the progressed Ascendant. He told me once, in a rueful (and hopeful) voice that if he survived long enough to see another Scorpio rebirth, it would prove the strength of the progressed Mars dignified in Scorpio as outweighing the detriment natal Mars in Libra. (Robert was a proponent of Alan Leo’s idea that “sensitive souls” might feel the progressed chart more deeply than the natal.)
Robert’s secondary progressed horoscope has Mars at 13°59’ Scorpio exactly conjunct the progressed Ascendant on May 28. As many of you know, Robert was keen on precise aspects – I know this is especially significant for him.
Alas, he passed away peacefully on January 18, 2011.
The eclipses close to the event are also connected to Robert’s natal horoscope. Midpoint watchers may note that he has three natal midpoints directly on the degree of the June 4 Full Moon eclipse at 14°13’ Gemini/Sagittarius: Moon/Ascendant, Saturn/NN and Venus/NN, all at 14° – 15° Sag. The eclipse triggered his personal connection with the public, and being appreciated and recognized for his work.
The next eclipse is a total solar eclipse on November 13 at 21°56’ Scorpio; Robert’s natal Sun is 22°44’ Scorpio.
One more note as a marker of the occasion: Robert’s wife Carol has Libra rising and Aries at the Descendant of the natal horoscope. Her natal Mars is in Sagittarius, disposed by Jupiter at 0° Virgo. Regulus, the King maker, bestows honors and fame. It is one of the four Royal stars of the Persians and has recently ingressed into Virgo after approximately 2,200 years in Leo.
The Descendant rules the marriage partner. When her late husband received the Regulus award, this great star was on 0° Virgo, the tropical degree of the dispositor of her 7th house ruler. (1)
On the birthday before he died (November 15, 2010) Robert wrote about his 2009 and 2010 solar return charts for TMA.
Here is his solar return for 2011, the year he received the Regulus Award:
Robert used degree symbols in his work – the Sabian symbol for 4° Taurus, the degree of the solar return Jupiter is: “The rainbow’s pot of gold.” His progressed Moon had just past this degree as well.
This is a nocturnal chart with the Moon in Cancer conjunct the Midheaven – a beautiful tribute to the public honor of receiving the award.
Travel well, friend. We remember you always. (And, Carol and I danced with as many of your many friends as we could that night!)
(1) Agent 12 Julija of Cosmic Intelligence Agency has an article about the ingress into Virgo here.
Delighted that he was honored! He is missed — and remembered by many. Thank you for sharing this article and insight.
Hello Tanzanite,
Thank you for your words…
Thank you for posting this, Mary. I felt very emotional for Robert on Regulus night – proud for him, but so sad he couldn’t be there to see it.
Thank you, Nick..
Writing this helped me somehow…another layer of goodbye to Robert..
I greatly appreciate hearing about your feelings for him too..
Be well..
Mary, thanks so much for the link to Regulus article.
Like you, as explain so well the UAC conference being so big and with Venus rx I met so many people, but all to briefly.
The timing for Roberts award couldn’t have been more perfect with transiting Venus on the MC in Gemini reflecting all the astrologers that knew and loved him so much.
Great to meet you also Mary during this special time.
Hi there!
Seems you had a grand tour? Tulum,etc?
Great to know you now too, Julija..
and, yes, I love what you noticed about Robert’s SR and the Venus transit.
Just thought of something, for the Solar return chart for Roberts award, Mercury and Venus are opposite the Venus Transits degree of 15 Gemini.
Thanks for sharing this, Mary. Even though I only “met” him via his writing, I can tell he was a wonderful and sensitive person and a great astrologer. Very happy about this award!
Robert so deserved this award for his pioneering work with progressions, degree symbols and synodic cycles. I believe that years from now when we look back it will be obvious to all that his last book cracked open an entire new paradigm for the field of astrology
[…] Mary Plumb’s recent post on the TMA blog where she points out some significant transits that were coinciding with Blaschke’s natal […]
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