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Revisiting Chiron

Transiting Mars and the summer eclipses are dominant and visible players in our current story arc. I had planned to write on one of those topics for today, but a different impulse drew my attention yesterday, and I decided to follow it.

Chiron entered Aries on April 17 and made its first station in that sign on July 4 at 2°25’ Aries. The transiting Moon was at 29°58’ Pisces at the precise station (according to the IO software); her sensitivity, depth, and emotional content were present at that moment. (1)

Within his multilayered symbolism, I have seen Chiron as the shaman or, broadly, the one who takes us out of ordinary time — he travels between Saturn and Uranus. I listened to what was arising in me and followed an inner thread. I also relate to the experience of healing and wounding, which many of these videos and blogs address from different angles.

The context: I’ve been having conversations recently with a family member whose natal Chiron is at 2° Aries. My natal Moon is at 2° Cancer, so this Chiron station has been squaring my Moon as well as pinging the natal square between our charts. Although Chironic themes have been arising between us, on Sunday I surrendered to the Centaur. Some readers may recognize the process of attending to a “wound”(gently and kindly) in the spirit of gaining insight.

I hope these links are useful to you and provide insight. As I’m fond of reminding myself, we’re all in this together! So happy to know that you all are not far away.

I don’t know the fellow’s name at White Light Astrology, but he uploads videos frequently. This video, Chiron in Aries 2018 – 2027: The Healed Warrior, is 33 minutes long. (He mentions that he was born with Chiron conjunct North Node at 10° Libra, which makes him about 22 years old.) He is energetic and blunt and uses Jesus, Angelina Jolie, and Eminem as examples of Chiron in Aries. He speaks of Chiron as representing where we are sensitive and Aries as symbolizing our sense of self. About Chiron in Aries, he writes: “Where is your healing coming from. Are you ready to take action on your healing?”

In this 15-minute video, Sue talks about Chiron in the birth chart. She makes the point that at Chiron’s discovery in 1977, those who practiced the alternative healing modality therapies, such as acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, reflexology, etc., were thought to be a “bit strange because it wasn’t mainstream at all.” Sue (Fletcher) goes through Chiron each of the houses in her video.

Leah Whitehorse’s 35-minute video, Chiron enters Aries 2018, is a class on Chiron’s astronomy, mythology, and meaning, as well as historical events and upcoming themes. Leah has natal Chiron in Aries and seems to have a particular feel for this placement. She has timestamps for her talk if you want to go straight to a theme of interest.

In The Fearless Fifties: Chiron Return, Robert Wesley Branch tells the story of the mythological Chiron and the story of his own Chiron return. The 23-minute video has nice graphics, and his voice makes this a wonderful story to listen to. He emphasizes “the energetic opportunity to (once and for all) heal old emotional, spiritual and psychological wounds.”

Here is a 90-minute webinar of David Cochrane’s presentation at Kepler College (2014) called Chiron: Wounded Healer, Quiet Charisma, or Focused Self-Expression? David’s work is based on his research with charts with an “extremely strong Chiron.”

The Wounded Healer is a six-minute video with song and quotes from spiritual teachers, which display Chiron’s well-known significations. “In his search for his own cure, he discovered how to heal others.”

Claire Dunne is the author of an acclaimed illustrated biography, Carl Jung: Wounded Healer of the Soul. This is a 25-minute video of a talk she gave on her book at Watkins Books in London in 2013.

On the other hand, here is a brisk five-minute video, wherein Steve Judd describes Chiron through the houses. He speaks about that area as where the shadow resides and where we can begin to really face ourselves.

Religious studies scholar and author Christine Downing gave this 80-minute lecture on
Only the Wounded Healer Heals
at the San Diego Friends of Jung in 1993. (This is audio only.)

Jessica Garfield-Kabbara gives a 35-minute lecture on Chiron: The Archetype of the Wounded Healer. This talk is an excerpt from an online course, Archetypal Astrology: Working with the Fundamentals. Among other topics, she discusses the need to “titrate” our Chiron wound — to paraphrase: experiencing the poison in our wound just enough to be able to claim the wisdom therein.

And here’s one more evocative, short (six-minute) video on The Wounded Healer, with music by Deuter. It is designed for you to have a virtual healing moment. Among the quotes: “When I stand before thee at the day’s end, thou shalt see my scars and know that I had my wounds and also my healing.” Rabindranath Tagore


(1) “2060 Chiron, provisional designation 1977 UB, and also known as 95P/Chiron, is a minor planet in the outer Solar System, orbiting the Sun between Saturn and Uranus. Discovered in 1977 by Charles Kowal, it was the first-identified member of a new class of objects now known as centaurs—bodies orbiting between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt.” Wikipedia