The New Moon is on November 5 at 9:51 p.m. PT (November 6, 12:51 a.m. ET) at 13º40’ Scorpio.
Starting Tuesday afternoon, when the Moon is 45º from the Sun, until the New Moon, we are in this month’s balsamic, or the dark of the Moon, phase.
The suggestion of attunement to the dark and the internal life is pronounced now as the Sun and Mercury are in Scorpio, with Venus retrograde there as well. The asteroid Vesta is the closest body to the New Moon; she is within a degree and a half of the lunation.
Vesta is the goddess of the hearth to the Romans. Her presence was recognized by the sacred fire burning in the hearth. In our world, she shows us how to tend to the inner fire of our own being.
Venus retrograde in Scorpio, in very ordinary language, certainly suggests awkwardness in social situations. She tends toward being ill at ease in her sign of detriment. Her natural grace, and confidence in her own appeal, so clear in Taurus, is weakened in Scorpio. Venus’s retrograde phase, beckoning towards inner contentment, can also bring unskillful moments in what would generally be expected to be easy, effortless situations.
I have heard stories this week from friends and clients about bumbling social situations. Most of these stories have the hallmark of a moment where things just didn’t “feel right” — nothing particularly devastating, or of long-term consequence, but a bit clumsy or inelegant.
I went through something today that caught me by surprise: a friend, not a close friend, but someone who has been a fellow traveler and confidante this past while, told me that he felt misunderstood and unsettled in our last meeting and is choosing to end our friendship. I know Venus retrograde is blundering and prone to misunderstandings, but I was surprised by how this impacted me. Ah! But then I remembered that Chiron and Neptune both station direct on November 5. Aside from an exquisite openness to guidance from the invisible realms, the pervasive sensitivity of this combination can be experienced quite subjectively, and ‘hurt’ feelings are easily magnified.
Vesta’s close presence at this lunation shows us something, too. The inner flame can be kindled now within ourselves, in whatever ways we have access to — look to Vesta’s placement in the natal chart as an entryway to that internal source of life.
There may be some newly found inner resource or gem from Scorpio’s undying knowingness that comes to life with this New Moon. In the meantime, I will enjoy whatever time I have to be alone now, and I’ll try to be extra kind, as everyone is in this sometimes awkward dance together.
Thanks for coming by.
I hope you all have a good and deeply restorative week.
I am not worried about the retrograde Venus
I have it 16 minutes conjunct Sun in 9th in my just recently started Solar Return period. It trines South Lunar Node in 5th,square Ascendant/Descendant and sextiles Ceres-Pluto North Lunar Node in 11th. In Declinations, Venus parallel Pluto and Sun parallel Neptune. In Right Ascension, Sun-Venus trine Neptune.
I just believe that I have to focus more on inner qualities and less on outerqualities. I think that it’s more about loving myself which enable to attract love in my life. I am interested in a spiritually oriented type of woman than I am in glamorous,sensual types of women. I am not about focusing on frivolities. I want deep,meaningful relationship with a spiritual emphasis.
I believe that there will be romantic opportunities, but I have to be careful in making decisions about them. If I don’t, I can pay the price. I believe that I focus on a woman because of her inner qualities, I could have a good relationship with her. If I focus on a woman because of her outer qualities, I could end up having problems with her. I believe that retrograde Venus can be good for not being superficial.
I am in 6 Personal Year now, and that’s pretty much about home,family,love,relationships. I read that it’s a great year for marriage.
thanks mary-your bringing up vesta is appropriate for me as I have natal vesta here in mid scorpio and I have been feeling an acute sense of need to go inward-with venus of course also in her retreat phase.
maybe i’ll have a new beginning for my vesta as well. Your words are sweet.
Had the Sun/Venus Inferior conjunction directly opposed my Taurus Sun- almost to the minute. Narrowly avoided a person who has been threatening me.
I’ve also just been hurtled through all the phases of an intense romance that started with the Venus SR and ended this past Saturday.
Am still dealing with both of these situations- wondering what the New Moon will bring but am hopeful for the future and at the same time grateful to be alive.
Both situations were awkward as well. There were many miscommunications with Mercury passing through Scorpio. Lots of hostility with powerful Mars transiting there as well.
Right now there is a relationship beckoning to me from the past which still miraculously has a spark it seems- even though she has recently moved away- a few months back. Perhaps it’s Vesta’s flame- protected and still burning brightly- that I’m about to experience with the coming New Moon.
For you it was the sudden loss of a friendship. But loss can be healing to comtemplate as you imply- if we cna only accept the limitations of our personal power. This Venus Rx seems to be about loss of Plutonian power for me. But in the end I think I’m being protected by my ruling planet Venus, however wounded she may be right now.
Thanks Mary
Thank you for sharing this. Vesta is very special for me.
How do I find out where my Vesta is?
thanks to everyone for the insightful and kind comments…
For Carl: I think Venus retro in Scorpio could also mean that your personal power has “gone within”. . .and is waiting to be rebirthed when Venus goes direct on the 18th of Nov. and returns to it’s retro degree of 13 Scorpio on the 20th of December, close to the Winter Solstice. Perhaps your power will be more “outward” in it’s manifestation at that time. To me it feels like a scorpion sting, but not a deadly wound. 🙂
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