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Some thoughts on prediction and a personal story..

The question of whether it is possible to foretell the future is one which has preoccupied humans ever since we evolved into self-conscious beings and began to conceptualise past, present, and future — now thought to be around 80,000 years ago. Prediction has been around for a long time. Economists do it. Weather forecasters do it. Politicians do it. Physicists do it. Futurologists do it.

Most of the foregoing predictors direct scorn and derision at the people who have done it for longer than anyone else: astrologers.

There is several thousand years’ worth of recorded empirical evidence — much of it stored on clay tablets, as yet undeciphered, in the basements of museums across the world — demonstrating that the movements of  the planets in our solar system correlate with particular shifts in “the affairs of men” (Shakespeare’s term, not mine!).

This empirical observation continues into the present day in the consulting rooms of astrologers across the world. For example, a number of politicians and economists consult astrologers regularly. They are mostly unwilling to admit it, though we astrologers know who they are!

What we can, and cannot, do

Both astrologers and astronomers, via planetary observation, can look at and correctly plot the unfolding pattern of energies through space-time. After that, astrologers step into a different realm than that of observation of the external, material, planetary world. By looking at a section of any points or moments of the past, present, or future via a horoscope, they can examine the essence of that moment in terms of its meaning, and speculate with moderate accuracy about what some of the branches manifesting in the wider world, or in individuals’ lives, may be.

What they can’t do, (with some notable exceptions, which I hope readers of this blog may offer!), is to see exactly, and with consistency, how those branches are going to manifest. Historically, our track record on hindsight is much better than it is on foresight!

There have been some spectacularly accurate predictions made by astrologers in the public realm over the centuries; a famous one was made by Luc Gauricus in 1555 to the effect that King Henry II of France (then aged thirty-seven) was in danger of death in his forty-second year, by a head injury incurred in single combat in an enclosed space. And five years later Henry duly died of a lance splinter which entered his eyes and pierced his brain.

There have also been some spectacular failures, e.g., to predict that the Munich agreement of 1938 would lead to World War II.

A new model slowly emerging

We do much better at describing the essence of a pattern, but identifying the exact branches is much more hit and miss. Personally this cheers me, since it appears to suggest a creative balance between fate and free will in the universe; chaos theory in contemporary physics also has strong parallels with the astrological paradigm. Both the language of astrology and the language of quantum physics tells us that not everything  is pinned down.

Indeed, a view and a model are slowly emerging, despite considerable resistance from the diehard defenders of reductionism, which can demonstrate convincingly that the lenses of astrology and quantum physics are focusing on the same underlying, all encompassing Reality.

The perspectives offered by contemporary writers, astrologers, depth psychologists, and scientists, such as Richard Tarnas, Liz Greene, the late Charles Harvey, Stanislav Grof, Brian Swimme, Rupert Sheldrake, and others — including very recent books by astrologers Armand Diaz and Kieron Le Grice — have been of inestimable value to me in the last few years. I urge any readers of this blog who are keen to expand their own perspectives to explore their work.

Consciousness holds the key

My view, based on my personal experiences and those of clients and students over 30 years, as well as extensive reading and study, is that the key dimension in determining how a particular planetary pattern will play out in a person’s life is the level of consciousness at which they are operating at the time the inevitable challenges of life come their way.

Most astrologers have had the humbling experience of looking at the horoscope of a client which looks so difficult that the impending consultation feels very stressful, but upon encountering the client, they meet someone who has faced, dealt with, and grown through hard experiences that would have flattened a less aware person. We can never predict the level of awareness of a client we have never met, although we can have a pretty good idea that, e.g., Mars conjunct Saturn conjunct Pluto square the Moon is going to be no walk in the park.

I am personally very hesitant about both the accuracy and the wisdom of predicting at all, especially for individuals, in any more than a “describing the core and speculating about the branches” kind of way. Predicting that a specific branch will manifest may well close down possibilities rather than open them up, which also takes us into the realm of self-fulfilling prophecy.

For example, when Uranus was about to cross my Pisces Descendant in 2005, beginning its seven or so years’ traverse of my 7th house, I became concerned about what this might mean for my marriage. The rather problematic implications of Uranus’ impact on the relationship realm that practising astrologers see every day in their students’ and clients’ lives, as well as their own, worried me.

However, a profound, totally unexpected spiritual experience on my husband’s part linked both our spiritual journeys into walking the same path at the same time. This has had a supportive, deepening effect on our marriage and not one I could possibly have envisaged before Uranus crossed my Descendant.

My personal prediction story

Having just made what I hope is a coherent case for specific prediction being a practice of dubious merit and only intermittent accuracy, here is my own striking experience of being on the receiving end of a specific prediction I never asked for, at a time when I was a typical astrology dismisser, i.e, I considered that astrology was rubbish without ever having taken the trouble to study it.

Bath, Somerset, England, June 1974: I was engrossed in the Sunday evening chore of doing washing in the launderette on the London Road, near where I lived. It was a liminal time in my life. After having resigned from a lecturing job, I was preparing to leave Bath, and a return to the Outer Hebrides was imminent.

A strange looking couple came in, accompanied by a little girl of about five years old. The woman was tall, slender, with long dark hair, a very scruffy Afghan coat, and a distinct look of Cher (of Sonny and Cher fame). The man was smaller than her, slight, with unruly greying hair and a mischievous face.

I carried on with my laundry. The little girl was chatty; soon, she was putting money into the dryer for me, I was telling her stories, and we had become great friends. I met her parents. They were both artists and astrologers. (Editor’s note: “Seamus” and “Gloria” are fictitious names.)

“Not the kind who do that stuff you see in the papers,” said Seamus scornfully, having noted the fleeting look of disdain which crossed my face at the mention of the word astrology. (I had given one of my mature students a very hard time a couple of years before for her public devotion to what seemed to me a subject unworthy of someone of her intelligence.) Seamus said, “We are the real thing.”

Twenty minutes later, I was sitting in their cramped basement kitchen, drinking tea, and being charmed by Seamus. His combination of erudition, intensity, conviction, humour, and blarney was irresistible.

An unsuspecting client . . .

“Do you know your birth time?” he asked. “Yes, 7:35 a.m.,” I replied. “Why are you interested in that?”
“Because I am going to draw up your horoscope”, he replied. Whether I wanted such a procedure embarked upon or not was of no consequence to him. So slain was I by his charm that I didn’t offer any resistance.

As I watched, interested in spite of myself, Gloria and Seamus assembled a hefty tome, a slim pamphlet, blank sheets of paper, a calculator, a fountain pen, and a newly sharpened pencil. The tome was an ephemeris, they informed me —  a list of the planets’ placements everyday at noon for the whole of the 20th century.

Seamus took a blank sheet, carefully drawing a circle freehand in its centre. He then proceeded with great rapidity and fluency to insert squiggles — “Planets!” — and numbers around the inner edge of the circle. He then drew lines within a smaller inner circle — “Aspects, or links between the planets at the time you were born.” He and Gloria then sat back, gazing with silent preoccupation at the image they had created.

The chart from 1974:

Anne Whitaker, natal 1974

I can still recall very, very clearly what followed.

Seamus, looking at his drawing and only briefly at me, gave an astonishingly accurate description of my father’s complex, domineering, idiosyncratic and wayward character. That was bad enough, not least because it reminded me of certain aspects of myself! Worse was to follow.

“You are a person rich with creative gifts,” he said. “But you need to know and face more clearly the more difficult facets of your own nature. It’s time to do that, since you are approaching 30 and your Saturn Return.” With that, he forensically summed up those parts of myself which I knew were there, but had tried very hard to avoid facing or admitting to anyone — a very common and human failing that Saturn transits expose and challenge on a cyclic basis throughout our lives. I was feeling by this time as though I’d been hit on the side of the head with a sock full of sand.

Then, with true rhetorical skill, he delivered the punch line. “You tell me you are a total sceptic now,” he said. “But stop fooling yourself. You have a deeply spiritual nature, which needs to find meaning and connection with something greater than yourself. Until you manage that, you will be driven by the same restlessness that still drives your father, and you will not find inner peace.”

There was a long pause.

“And I can see, from where the planets will be in about seven years’ time, that the Big Picture is going to come seriously calling at your door. In your early thirties, you’re going to end up either doing what I’m doing now, or something very like it.”

I was utterly shocked. I had known those people for less than an hour, most of which had been spent walking back from the launderette to their flat and organising cups of tea. They knew nothing about me of any significance. How could they produce such specific and accurate material from marks on a piece of paper? I couldn’t even begin to get my head round the prediction. It seemed beyond absurd.

Slowly, I carried my laundry home. There was no way I could find to make sense of the experience I had just had. There was no file inside my head into which it could fit.

Seven years later

Seven years later, a friend gave me a copy of Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology. I had no idea why, but had enough respect for that friend and his opinions to begin reading. About three pages in, I had the strangest sensation of someone pulling me into the book, saying “Come here, you’re for me…” I still have this battered old copy with my signature on it — February 1981.

And my transits at the time? The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Libra exactly conjunct natal 2nd-house Neptune and exactly sextile natal 11th-house Mercury (my ruling planet); Uranus crossing the natal IC; Neptune beginning a long opposition to the natal 10th-house Uranus-Mars conjunction, and trine to the natal 12th-house Sun; Pluto trine natal Uranus and sextile natal Sun; North Node conjunct natal Mercury. A summons, pretty much . . .

In February 1981, that prediction, (which I had never quite forgotten), and the feeling of fascination, compulsion, and exhilaration which Alan Oken’s book triggered in me came together in a way that has profoundly shaped the whole of my subsequent life.

Concluding thoughts

It’s good for us all — especially people like me, with seven planets in fixed signs! — to get jolted out of our positions now and then by experiences that don’t fit our frames of reference. Hopefully, the jolt will have the effect of breaking down some of our old defences and letting new experience and new knowledge enter our lives.

I re-interpreted Seamus’ prediction in the light of my own subsequent astrological knowledge; it was pretty obvious by then how he had got there, as was the timing of it.

I still think about the encounter with him, his child, and partner nearly 40 years later. Did his prediction, at some subliminal level, point my life in a direction that it would not otherwise have gone? I will never know. But I do know, as a result of our encounter, that whatever my reservations are about the wisdom of offering such specific outcomes to people, astrologers sometimes have the power to do just that.

Whether they should do it is another issue altogether!

Bio: Anne Whitaker is a writer and astrologer based in Glasgow, Scotland. She holds the Diploma from the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London, UK. Anne blogs at Writing from the Twelfth House at  and returned to her astrological practice in May 2012 after a very long sabbatical.


  1. Astrological forecasting is very much like weather forecasting – in that the forecast will say what the general conditions will be like at a given time, but not what will actually happen. No weather forecaster ever says precisely where or when lightning will strike – and it is the same with astrology.

    ‘Critical’ transits will identify potentially critical moments in time – but these are wild cards. Often transits which look quite threatening come and go without anything untoward happening.

    I usually find long-term forecasting more helpful than trying to forecast critical events – and in this respect I would commend Edward O Hammack’s excellent (but little-known) book: ‘Complete Book of Practical Astrology’.

    • Anthony, many thanks for this helpful amplification of the points I have made in this post which of necessity needed to be kept fairly brief. I was hoping other practitioners would drop by to add their perspectives. Also thanks for the book recommendation.


  2. Anne, thank you for a fine article on a very important topic.

    Astrology, like law and medicine, is based on a core set of principles that expand into numerous specialities, one of which is predictive astrology.

    However, just as no attorney or doctor has expertise in every area of their practice, neither do astrologers.

    Many who don’t excel in this area routinely provide this service because they would lose clients and income if they didn’t. Consequently, their mediocre record reflects poorly on predictive astrology in general.

    If you’re being sued for malpractice, you wouldn’t hire a matrimonial attorney; if you need heart surgery, you wouldn’t consult a hand surgeon. Moreover, you wouldn’t pick either one from the yellow pages.

    Likewise, if you’re interested in a forecasting consultation, you need to consult an astrologer with a proven record who specializes in it. As someone who earns her living as a predictive astrologer, I feel there are two major reasons why many otherwise talented astrologers fall short in this area:

    1. They fail to put the necessary time into becoming familiar with the chart and analyzing its natal promise. For example, a financial windfall may clearly be on the horizon, but if the chart doesn’t promise great wealth in this lifetime, there will be few zeros in the amount. Meanwhile, the client expects to win the next Powerball jackpot.

    2. When advising a client about future possibilities, they fail to convey to the client that opportunities, possibilities and probabilities are not guarantees. For example, a client’s chart may show a strong job opportunity coming up, which comes to pass but the client fails to get the job. What went wrong? Well, it may be due to free will – perhaps the client undermined herself by showing up late – or it may be that her competition’s chart was stronger.

    In fairness, like every other person on the planet, even the best astrologer is subject to human error.

    That said, at the end of the day astrologers, like other professionals, need to understand and respect their abilities as well as their limitations.

    • Debra

      many thanks for your kind words and for this valuable addition of your viewpoint as a practitioner who does work predictively.

      “at the end of the day astrologers, like other professionals, need to understand and respect their abilities as well as their limitations” is a viewpoint with which I very much agree!


  3. A. Burns. Long range weather forecasting can and has said what will actually happen. In the years that I provided a one day forecast for anytime into the future I was up to 100% accurate in describing a day that would be wet or dry, hot or cold, with or without winds and more. I’ve broken Mother Nature’s code. General weather forecasts provided by any one of the list of astrometeorologists at my website will have a high level of accuracy for the week or season, depending on the type of forecast needed.

    A study of astrometeorology actually improves anyone’s astrology.

  4. This is an excellent, well-written article. I personally think predictive astrology is the study of cycles and patterns in a person’s life. If someone has transiting Saturn in waxing square to the natal Moon, what interests me–and eventually, what interests the client–is to focus on what happened 7-8 years earlier, when Saturn was in conjunction with the Moon. It’s the theme itself, and identifying it, that is–to me–one of the best things we can do as astrologers.

    And let’s have more articles by Anne!

  5. Michele

    glad you like the article. Yes, I also think that following – for example – the unfolding pattern of the Saturn cycle can give clients who are prepared to work developmentally with both the inner and outer challenges offered, an opportunity to deepen and broaden their awareness of the life choices they make.

    Gaining insights in this way can hopefully improve the quality of future choices in the light of what they have done and experienced at previous points in the cycle.

    Re more articles – I’m always happy to be asked!

  6. Carolyn, your astrometeorology system sounds impressive, and I have no reason to doubt its accuracy. I don’t think, however, that many weather forecasters are using it – especially the ones we see on television. It was these forecasters that I had in mind. But even astrometeorology will not tell us precisely where or when lightning is going to strike!

  7. fate or free will? it’s a complex issue.

    we’ve been batting around the ‘I have a dream’ speech chart this week (3 PM EDT 8/28/63, Washington DC), and I was very interested to find the following – asteroid King and asteroid Washingtonia conjunct within 2 minutes of arc at 7 leo, sesquiquadrate the 21 sag moon; asteroid Martin Luther 1 pisces opposed the sun/venus conjunction at 4 virgo, with Uranus (equality) 5 virgo conjunct asteroid Martina. asteroid Luthera 20 scorpio squared Saturn (government, legislation) 18 Aquarius and inconjunct Jupiter (politics, fairness) 18 Aries.

    it seems astrology on the macro level, the major planetary level, can be difficult to predict and lends itself to a wide variety of options. but on the micro level, that of PNAs (personal-named asteroids), it’s much more specific. and while I don’t think anyone could say in advance exactly WHAT he’d be doing, it seems clear that Martin Luther King Jr was going to be pivotal on that day, in the nation’s capital. I suppose had free will to the extent that he could have decided not to go, or not to speak, but it all seems decidedly fated as well.

    • Alex,

      many, many thanks for this timeous contribution to the discussion. I was watching a clip from that famous speech this morning on tv and was once again struck by the sheer power of that moment in history.

      I must confess to not knowing much in practice about the micro tuning power of PNAs and the example you give is very striking and, as you say, has a ‘fated’ feel.

      I have my own very small contribution to make on the subject. Many years after becoming an astrologer, I placed the asteroid Urania in my chart – in the first house at 20 Virgo. And then realised that my progressed Sun had been conjunct Urania the year I met the astrologer who made the (subsequently) life-changing prediction I describe in this post. Looking at that surely gave me pause for thought…

      The whole topic of fate v free will, despite our culture’s heavy current overlay of materialist reductionism, seems as gripping now as it has been since we humans began to grapple with it. I can well recall Liz Greene saying to us students in one of our Diploma seminars in the 1990s something to this effect : “Work your life as though you have free will. You’ll soon discover when you haven’t!”

      Thanks again.

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  9. Hi,

    Really good article on prediction.


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