Here’s a diverse collection of links for you to enjoy at the start of the month.
Genevieve Vierling’s site is Blue Light Lady. There are colorful graphics throughout the site, which includes a series on each of the 12 signs. Her current entries are described as “News you can use.” A recent one, Uranus Retrograde and the Uranus-Pluto Cycle: Navigating the Best of Times, the Worst of Times Part III, is an overview of the outer planet square and ideas about our personal place in it. (She is a lovely writer, inspired, in part, by Richard Tarnas and Jeffrey Wolf Green.) She says: “I like to think that the most positive outcome of this next Uranus in Aries square to Pluto in Capricorn would be the innovative force of millions of individuals all taking action to create a better collective world.”
Lana Wooster writes weekly on the Aspects. In The week beginning 31 July 2011 she makes observations about the tragic events in Norway and Amy Winehouse’s death. Of the singer’s death, Lana writes: “She had not been able to find the right structure for her life, and in addition was facing a Nodal Reversal, which involved the Mars/South Node conjunction around that weekend (so there was a significant karmic element to the timing of her passing). Let us hope for a breakthrough in the understanding of addiction, and the true role of Rehab for the next generation, so that such huge talents are not snuffed out before their time.”
Hiroki Niizato is a highest honor graduate of Noel Tyl’s Master’s Degree Certification Course in Astrology. His site is very easy to navigate and full of short and simple lessons. How to Print Your Birth Chart & Midpoints List in Less Than 5 Minutes is a very useful guide for beginners. An earlier article, Midpoints in Astrology, is an exceptionally clear description of the subject.
Ask Christine Astrology: practice horary, the astrology of questions and answers is also a teaching site. (The author is a student of John Frawley. The current Horary lesson is What does Jupiter in Taurus mean?
Julie Rimmer is the prolific blogger at The Astrology Place. Her site is well designed with nice visuals and with lots of articles divided into basic topics, i.e., signs, planets and aspects, as well as Astrology Research, Astrology and the Movies, Celebrity Astrology, Mundane Astrology and many more. Some newer entries include Amy Winehouse Dead: Club 27 and Venus-Neptune Aspects: The Trouble with Aphrodite
Molly’s Astrology has a succinct forecast for each month. After noting key events for August (i.e., Mercury retrograde, Neptune re-enters Aquarius, Mars ingress into Cancer, etc.), she summarizes the month with “Mark your calendar!” For this month: “The best days to make your mark are August 1, 2, 4, 7, 15-18, 20, 25, 28, 29. Take it easy August 8-10, 22-24.”
Pat Paquette also writes a weekly forecast at RealAstrologers. For the week beginning on August 1, she writes: “Mars is cranky enough in Cancer without the conflicting aspects to Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn. I suspect we’re going to see a lot of events in the headlines based on anger, paranoia, and an excessive need to protect loved ones and personal property, although that’s more likely to occur next week and the week after……Next [this] week is tough, so have fun while you can and take time to make some backup plans, to the extent possible.”
Terry Lamb’s newest blog is A Guided Tour of Liminal Space. She has some lovely thoughts about being in a liminal state, which is one “’between the realms’, neither this nor that.” She writes: “When we decide to bring transformative processes into our lives (or life imposes them on us), we are also accepting a transformation of all that we cling to in life — our familiar surroundings, our context. Because Planet Earth is going through a transformative process as humans try to balance their relationship with it, we are all in this transition zone.”
News hounds will enjoy Nancy Sommers’s new blog, Turmoil and Trouble. How’s this for imagery describing the debt crisis and the current Saturn return, square the Sun (in the Sibly chart): “It is as if the US is morbidly obese and has just been told to lose 100 pounds in the next few months or expect a diabetic coma or a stroke.”
And, the ever-loving Michael Lutin brings us an alluring reminder (via Marilyn Monroe) of the Sun and Venus in Leo (coming to superior conjunction on the 17th) in the August 1 Daily Fix.
Pema Chodron is another ever-loving presence. Here’s a short clip of her teaching Tonglen practice, for a “world that is falling apart.”
Ok everyone, onwards and upwards. Here’s to a week that brings us all closer — to ourselves and to one another.
Thank you, Mary. Always beautiful, helpful work.
Thank you so much Mary for the link and the lovely comments about my blog.
I am touched that you have included my blog here. Have followed The Mountain Astrologer and your articles over the years, so it means so much. Thank you!
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Mary, thank you for linking to my blog! I’ve been away and only just discovered this. Very much appreciated!
One of my clients just sent me the link to your blog. Thank you for including me in your comments. I’ve been a faithful subscriber to TMA for—–Wow!—-as long as I can remember.
Dear Mary,
A belated thank you for mentioning my blog! I appreciate your kind words.
Hiroki Niizato
Thanks for providing such a wonderful list of blogs.
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