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There are three types of Capricorn: Stoic, Sensual, and Supernatural

Happy MLK Day!

What a fabulous Capricorn to celebrate on the last day of Capricorn season

There are three types of Capricorn: Stoic, Sensual, and Supernatural. Excitingly, they are not all ruled by Saturn.

Additionally, a Capricorn can segue between these different modes at various points in their life or manifest a hybrid version.

Fittingly for the only chimeric sign of the Zodiac, Capricorns excel at “X by day, Y” by night lifestyles.

Here are the three core types of Capricorn:

Stoic Capricorn

These are the Saturnine ones, Time-God ruled and they know it. They keep score, calculate odds, and set deadlines. They don’t resent rules, they master them. Stoic Capricorns would rather be in a position where they make the regulations, write legislation, or have enough clout to be a formidable challenger.

They’re stoic in that often, from an early age, they define themselves by their ability to endure what others cannot, whether hardship or their self-imposed regime of study or training. Many report an early peak moment when they felt suddenly charged with a distinct ambition or calling.

Temperamentally, they’re drawn to areas with measurable, non-negotiable success metrics: Difficult university degrees, black belts, trophies, and job titles that say ‘boss’ or provide the precise experience/info required. Shunning hubris, they devise ways to leverage their assets or access without false reckonings or profit-destroying pride.

Shunning Hubris, They Unsentimentally Leverage Their Assets
Stoic Capricorns are not moved by baubles or the ‘rich look, although they study successful people and will unquestionably sacrifice so-called leisure to attain their goals. Know them by their air of maturity, polished public statements, and coolness with systems/bureaucracy, even when young.

They’re not scared of self-discipline or accountability, only of failure and time wastage.  Some are admirable, some not so much but whatever they’re up to, you can see that they’re climbing.  These Saturnians are the classic mountain goats, strategizing their next hoof-hold, eyes on the peak, and exerting enormous strength to maintain composure as they rise.

Cold showers, conscious self-control, and spread-sheeted everything aside, they’re purposeful. They often restructure or fortify society, lead, inform, or inspire.

They include Simone de Beauvoir, Jeff Bezos, Christy Turlington, Michelle Obama, Muhammad Ali, Greta Thunberg, Franca Sozzani, Zora Neale Hurston,  Louis Chevrolet, Shulamith Firestone, Alexander Hamilton, Fareed Zakaria, Susan Sontag, Christine Lagarde, Justin Trudeau, and Lebron James.

Sensual Capricorn

The Sensual Capricorns are ruled by nature deity Pan, the Wild God. AKA the Green Man and Cernunnos, Pan represents forests, free love, music, and pagan pleasures. Pan disdains temples – wood glades and waterfalls are his church – and artifices like work or clothes. An animal lover, he demands that no creature be sacrificed in his name. Rather, revere the trees and rivers.

Sensual Capricorns Are Affiliated With Wild God Pan

The Christians took his appearance – Pan is a satyr, half-goat, half-man – and turned it into their devil. Was it the ‘idolatry’ of nature, the God’s penchant for frolicking around looking hot and playing the Pan Pipes? Or all the sex outside of procreation? The word ‘horny’ comes from Pan and in the old days, children born without an obvious father were said to be Pan’s offspring. He is also credited with having a gigantic phallus and being the god of masturbation.

Like his namesake Peter Pan, this God of Sensual Capricorns is forever young. The secret of his youthful vibe? Orgasms and creativity. Unlike belief systems that say sex is depleting, the ethos of Pan is that it nourishes and sustains inspiration.

This is the deity who reigns over the Sensual Capricorns. Know them by their resolute devotion to pleasure,  disdain for shame or judgment, genius artistic instincts, ease in moving through the creative demi-monde, big appetites, nature worship, and innate sex appeal.

The successful ones make their fortune from being charismatic talents, actors, musicians, and painters, etc but their main skill is in giving people permission to be wild themselves. They’re energy magnified, rebel muses for the masses. They hire Saturn people to take care of the details. They’ve got life force to spare, emerging from sex scandals or party decadence mishaps. looking supremely relaxed.

They Emerge From Sex Scandals Looking Supremely Relaxed 

Sensual Capricorns are often nomadic, grounding enough via sex, physical movement, and food to seek their next high. They’re transcendentally minded and you can see them on television talking about karma or Pleiadians and enthusing about everyone in their industry as they eye the exit. But in their heart, they’re in a green valley with bluebirds swooping around, knowing the true name of every single plant and creature.

They include Nigella Lawson, Elvis Presley, Kate Moss, Joe Manganiello, Mary J Blige, Orlando Bloom, FKA Twigs, Sade Anu, Tiger Woods, Ava Gardner, Joe Orton, Marianne Faithfull, Jack London, Skillrex, Donna Summer, Karen Elson, Jared Leto, Stan Lee, Federico Fellini, Dolly Parton, Aaliyah.

Supernatural Capricorn

Supernatural Capricorns are the Mer-Goats, the only hybrid ‘chimera’ creature in the Zodiac. The symbol is based on a story before time or, more likely, pre-flood civilizations whose words and records were destroyed in the Alexandrian library fire. These styles of Capricorns are ruled by the ancient Babylonian Enki, one of the original Annunaki, the pet peeve of many a biblical conspiracy theorist.

Enki is also associated with Odin and Hekate. Odin is the Hanged Man of the Tarot; having suspended himself on the World Tree Yggdrasil, hovering in a weird liminal state to obtain occult secrets. Hekate, like the Saturnine Hermit of the Tarot, carries a light. She walks shadow paths between worlds and lives. Yes, this is the territory of the Supernatural Capricorns. The real story of their mysterious symbol is obscured by time. They’re magicians but it’s Old Magic.

They’re Magicians But It’s Old Magic

They have a mystical awakening early in life, usually something so weird that they pretty much figure out on the spot that they probably should not share it. They’re mature, not because they don’t scream the house down when they get a tax bill or chase people who don’t want them but because their psyche remembers previous existences. They don’t feel old so much as ‘been around’ already.

Regardless of their success, failure, good press, bad press, fans, critics, fortune or no fortune, they’re higher-powered, spiritually guided people who are channeling something rad from another place. It flows through everything they do, sometimes connecting with a vast audience and earning material comforts, sometimes the opposite.

Supernatural Capricorns Are In Kairos Time
Supernatural Capricorns don’t live in Chronos (Saturn) time – they live in Kairos time.  Capricorns like this infuriate the fuq out of people who don’t get how they know things. And it’s not like the Cap aspires to being “spiritual” – they’re not Serenity Signallers, ever. Often when they have their early initiation, the desire is to push it away and go in quest of more socially acceptable goals or guidance.

But they usually end up tuning back in and infusing their magic into their life, work and creations, summoning up that relentless work ethic to do some sort of contemporary alchemy.

The Supernatural Capricorns include David Bowie, Nostradamus, Jeanne D’Arc, David Lynch, Deepa Mehta, Edgar Allen Poe, Marie-Louise Von Franz, Sandra Cisneros, Robert Bly, Andy Kaufman, Mary Karr, Isaac Newton, Louise Bourgeois, Jean-Michel Basquiat, George Gurdjieff, Kahlil Gibran, Charles Addams, Patti Smith, J.R.R. Tolkien, Stephen Hawking,

Time does not allow for an exhaustive list of cool Caps but if you have a favorite Capricorn, please nominate them and the type that you think they are!

Images: Scott Balmer
Thoth Deck – Pan – Frieda Harris

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  1. Bravo, Capricorn finally understood.

  2. GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) Who else can own the Title!

  3. Great original (to me anyway) ideas about Capricorn’s. Being one myself I would like to think that each of us is a little or a lot a combination of the three different types stoic, sensual and supernatural. Or maybe it is as The Mystic Medusa says we morph from one type to another. during our long lives. Either way this piece gives me a lot to contemplate.
    Thank you

    • Yes I agree, I can see all three in my Cap Moon and in other Cap Suns I know…. in different proportion at different times of life perhaps…

  4. Great article about Capricorn, I love to read about these things a lot. Thank you for sharing such great information.

  5. Thank you! I knew a sensual Capricorn who really embodies her Capricorn ID and I could never see it. My mom is very much the stoic type, my idea of Capricorn, this friend was nothing like her. Would love to know why there are three types ruled by different influences

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