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Good Monday

We’re taking a break from a blog this week. In honor of the Sun’s last day in Taurus and giving us all a chance to enjoy the lushness of the day.

Kate and Tem are getting ready for NORWAC and I am enjoying the company of Kate Petty who is in Ashland to be our guest speaker tonight at SONCGR (Southern Oregon chapter of NCGR) – informally known as Astrology in Ashland. Here’s the event: Astrology in Ashland

Please come if you’re nearby!

Have fun everyone near and far..


  1. are you about to retrograde? smiling, ~ rishi ~

  2. I thought I saw Katy Perry” was coming to Ashland ..had to read it several times!! LOL.
    Regards, Dee

  3. Thanks for a very interesting analysis, Gary. It reminded me that historically, Pallas Athena was a woman warrior on the intellectual and spiritual planes and sometimes on the physical plane of battle as well. Pericles counted the goddess his closest advisor and strategist and featured her insignia on many of his coins. She is a complex character, primarily a warrior on the intellectual level but also a passionate defender of Athens who was often seen to walk among the troops in battle, leading them to victory. I think of her as the Hillary Clinton of her age.


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