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Uranus-Pluto-Time blogs

I saw something yesterday that captured a crucial view of Uranus-Pluto — an amazing documentary, Katie Teague’s Money and Life. (It’s in what I believe is called post-production phase, not quite finished yet.) It’s beautifully written, and informative (lots of great interviews) and provocative in explaining the bigger picture of the financial story. It is also an inquiry into what money is and what it means to us.

Ann Krielkamp’s site has Barbara Hand Clow’s article on the first exact square.
This seems to be a very useful insight: “Many people are already noticing that they feel good when they are riding the new energy wave, yet they feel chaotic and terrible when they resist the changes and cling to the old ways. This evolutionary tidal wave is rolling anyone who can’t flow.”

You can download Ray Merriman’s comprehensive article, Consequences of the Debt Explosion, from his website. Looking back to 2008 he writes: “Today the zeitgeist has changed, which is also typical Uranus. We have been in the Twilight Zone for four years. We are getting adjusted to this new world, even though we still haven’t a clue as to when, where, and how it will end.”

Dipali Desai’s blog at Celestial Space follows up an earlier post on the big square. From the new entry, Second Part to the Many – Uranus Square Pluto:
“Remember, planets do not cause anything. They symbolize things happening (already) within Consciousness….. Do your best not to be fatalistic when you speak or think about astrological transits and planets. Think about it differently and you may just feel more empowered than before.”

Leah Whitehorse scans the news a bit before looking at the astrology in Uranus Square Pluto – Radical Revelations. She includes the Sabian symbols:
“The first of the squares on the 24th June 2012 will involve the Sabians:
A Crystal Gazer (Uranus 8ARI23)

An Angel Carrying A Harp (Pluto 8CAP23)

Both of these Sabians seem to encourage us en masse to turn to our spiritual side in order to deal with the changes and tension that are occurring.”

From New Moon Astrology: After a long and thoughtful discussion of the build-up to the first square, the author (named Anita) ends with this personal note: “I am ready to ride the wave in front of me, take the wheel instead of being taken for a ride — as well as help anyone else who may also be in the throes and wake of this pernicious energy pattern.”

Astrologer Divine Harmony writes: “A lot of clients and friends in my life are going through REALLY intense times. Some people have every aspect of life seemingly falling apart before their very eyes! I try to help my clients see that what is occurring is happening for a reason. And very often the things that are up for them right now are things they should have dealt with years ago. Only now are they being forced to do so after having had many opportunities to complete/deal with things previously. The point of this awareness is not to go into victimization or get stuck in a woe-is-me mindset. The point is to see clearly what the lesson is and then get on board with learning it, mastering it, and moving on.”

Blue Light Lady Genevieve Vierling writes on the Summer Solstice horoscope. “My eye goes right to that opposition of Pluto in Capricorn to both the Sun and Moon in Cancer. Pluto feels oppressive to the tenderness of a New Moon in Cancer trying to get a hold on security and safe places to nurture and be nurtured……This certainly looks to be a rough three-month period ahead.”

Virginia Bell Astrology posted a blog on June’s planets. “Our secret weapon, our hidden asset, lies in Chiron and Neptune, these two great gods of compassion and forgiveness, currently in healing Pisces. Uranus and Pluto can generate self-righteousness and impulsiveness. Chiron and Neptune remind us that we need a new paradigm for this time in history; brute force and fighting are not enough; we also need fairness.”

You can download a pdf on Uranus-Pluto from psychological astrologer Margaret Gray’s site. Her paper, “Prometheus Unbound Meets Hades Bound! A Cosmological Drama in 7 Acts,” has wonderful graphics and a rich understanding of the myths associated with the planets. (She is keen on Venus’ relationship to Inanna and Uranus’ connection to Prometheus.) The author has lots of practical suggestions and looks at the transits as they connect to one’s individual chart, i.e., the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant.

Onwards into the week, everyone. It’s good to know you’re out there.


  1. It’s even better knowing that YOU are with us! Thank you for all that you do, Mary Plumb. Without your blog, I would not discover everything you generously share each week.

  2. Thanks Mary for mentioning my article in your blog. Great blog. I really enjoy reading it.

  3. For me, things are loosening up with this transit. My natal chart has a Mars-Pluto opposition and Saturn T-squaring a Sun-Mercury opposition Uranus. Uranus is also in a Grand Water Trine with the Moon and Jupiter.
    Otherwise unaspected Venus is square Neptune, which also forms a wide square with Sun-Mercury

    I happen to be a Capricorn with a Scorpio moon and Leo rising, so I’m somewhat accustomed to the changes and transformations. It has quite often in my life seemed that I was quite stable while everyone else had upheaval and turmoil in their world. Of course, I’ve had to learn some harsh lessons and ongoing disciplines require patience…but that’s Saturn!

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