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Venus Eclipse of the Sun

In this blog I want to talk about a timely and unusual book: The Venus Eclipse of the Sun 2012, by David Tresemer.

David Tresemer has a Ph.D. in psychology and is a student of Rudolf Steiner. He and other colleagues, namely Robert Powell, William Bento, and Robert Schiappacasse, have taken the study of the wisdom of the stars in Steiner’s work (i.e., Astrosophy) to a new audience. Astrosophy can be considered a specialty within the larger body of Steiner’s work, Anthroposophy.

Tresemer’s newest book looks deeply at the implications of the upcoming celestial event. We know this is rare — the transit of Venus over the Sun on June 5 is the second in the pair of transits that occur about every 125 years. The pairs arrive every eight years; the June 2012 transit follows the one of June 2004. The next pair will be in 2117.

The work relies on the sidereal zodiac; the June eclipse will be at 20° – 21° Taurus (rather than 15°44’ Gemini in the tropical zodiac).

Part of the author’s examination of the significance of the eclipse rests on his research into 20° – 21° Taurus and its opposite, i.e., 20° – 21° Scorpio. Tresemer previously developed a system of “word Images” based on the notion that each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac carries a different quality. (Although it may sound familiar, it has no relationship to Sabian or other degree symbol systems.)

Tresemer’s degree system work is part of his Oracle of the Solar Cross, which describes an Image for each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac.

He has taken his cue from “the statement by the philosopher Rudolf Steiner that Christ Jesus was in complete accord with all celestial movements in the heavens.” The word Images used herein are derived from the author’s study of the events of the last four years in Christ Jesus’s life, which has been catalogued by earlier writers in the Anthroposophical field. (I mention this background for the Images as it may be of interest to some readers, particularly those with an interest in Anthroposophy, but it’s not essential to appreciating Tresemer’s book.)

Tresemer offers the word Image for 20° – 21° Taurus and teases apart the symbolism. It’s beyond the scope of this brief review to go into detail, but the author does weave a quite magical and multi-valiant tale. Suffice it to say, one overarching theme is an examination of the use (and misuse) of tools and technology.

Although the work is primarily focused on the Taurus and Scorpio degrees, some of the many events he includes in his research occur with planets square, opposed, or trine to those degrees.

Essentially, events that happen as the Sun is at that degree are connected to the Image, and also to the degree opposite, in this case 20° – 21° Scorpio. Tresemer speaks of people and events tied to these degrees. The people may have been born with the Sun therein, or died on that day.

In the chapter, Mentors and Spoilers, Tresemer discusses the notion of “bodes,” something like a residue of those events or people who have passed through that particular degree, or stargate — “they either bode well and become mentors, or they bode ill and become spoilers.”

He talks about befriending these personages, or investigating the historic events of that degree for positive support and guidance in these times. He writes of “star resonance” or “world memories” stored at each degree.

Since the Venus transit is for the entire world, the events and people at those degrees are mentors and spoilers for us all. Herein are fascinating thoughts on why listening to Mozart, or having a respectful dialogue with Carl Jung (among others) may be important in the days ahead.

Profound qualities of Venus herself are also richly and creatively discussed in this book. The author writes on her connection to Eros and “erotic phantasms;” love’s unhealable wound; the seductive power of technology; and the urgency of finding one’s soul group as themes that may all be quickened by her travel directly across the Sun.

David Tresemer is a clear and conscientious writer. Where appropriate, he explains Steiner’s views and generously references others’ work. He also has a lot of personal stories and anecdotes from his well-traveled and keenly observed life. He is certainly a devotee of astrosophy (rather than astrology), but his ideas cannot be easily categorized or reduced.

He ends his treatise on the significance of the Venus eclipse with a summary, Hands of the Heart. “We can respect the wonderful tools and magical implements that exist in the outer world, but learn to depend on the capacities of our own hearts.”

This is a book unlike any other; from Rudolf Steiner’s esoteric lore to recommending activities that include connecting your hands to your heart, David Tresemer is at home in a wide range of experiences. His last sentence: “Expand your vision to include what can be felt, that is, in the terms of this book, learn to see with the heart.”

David Tresemer has written a fine and fascinating book. If you feel called to a deeper contemplation of the Venus eclipse of the Sun in June, this is the place to go.

The Venus Eclipse of the Sun 2012, by David Tresemer, Lindisfarne Books, 610 Main Street, Great Barrington, MA 10230, 2011. Softbound—151 pp.—$15 (ISBN 978-1-58420-074-1).



  1. Fascinating concepts. The review intrigues me enough to read the book! Doesn’t hurt that this eclipse is on my south node….

    • Hi Kathy,

      Thanks for stopping by..


  2. There are always hypothetical concepts given in astrologies and science. In the personal blue print (horoscope) concepts can gives different results. If one read Saros cycle than the eclipse for June can be one of success….. Dead or birth predictions should not be written or said by any astrologer. It can up said a person live and gives unnecessary unrest.

    Be Happy!

    • Hello Dhyana,

      Yes, in this book, Mr Tresemer writes of those already deceased..there are no predictions of death…but rather the exploration of the technique from Astrosophy that considers the moment of death as an important event in the life..

      All the very best

      Yes, Be Happy!


  3. Mary –

    Thank you so much for bringing this book to our attention and for your excellent review. I will play my Mozart and read the book with hopeful and heart warming thoughts…..


    • Thanks Rebecca…you probably know that Mozart’s birthday was on Jan 27. My local classical station played him all day…Enjoy yourself…

  4. I have a 20 degree Scorpio rising in the western system, does this translate into the rising that the author is reflecting about?


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