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Waterloo at the FED?

Although I am not an especially close observer of financial matters, Pluto’s last transit over the Sun in the horoscope of the Federal Reserve on November 10 does coincide with a rather obvious event.

A little over a week later, a “lifelong fight” by Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) had a significant step as the House moved closer to an audit of the privately held (and massively influential) bank.  H.R. 1207: The Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 is “an epochal development in the relationship between the government and the country’s quasi-governmental central bank.” (1) Astrologers will have no trouble recognizing Pluto’s transit over the heart and creative life of any entity as being “epochal.”

In other interesting language, Alan Grayson (D-Florida),  a strong supporter of the bill, said, “Today was Waterloo for FED secrecy.” (2)

Federal Reserve & Pluto on the Sun

For a few quick observations, the Federal Reserve chart has Cancer ascending with the Moon in secretive Scorpio. Ron Paul’s natal Mars and Jupiter are in Scorpio right on top of the Moon.  Another close-to-exact connection is Paul’s natal Pluto at 26°28’ Cancer conjunct the Federal Reserve first-house Neptune at 27°31’ Cancer, which seems to speak of Paul’s persistence in taking on what many perceive as the nebulous workings of the bank.

Federal Reserve & Ron Paul

Here are some links to a few of the many astrological writers on the Federal Reserve chart:

A few years ago my friend Don Cerow alerted me to the significance of the Federal Reserve and he’s written extensively for years on the subject. If you go to Athena’s Web and scroll down to The Freedom Trail and follow the links, you can read a recent series of his analysis of the U.S. chart and Fed chart in relationship to Pluto’s transit into Capricorn.

Consulting astrologers will enjoy a blog entry that imagines the Fed as a client in the astrologer’s office, just as the transit of Pluto is upon itself.

Bill Meridian’s classic article, The Horoscope of the Federal Reserve, is a thorough treatment of the matter and has been updated since its original publication in 1985.

Washington D.C. blogger Jude Cowell brings Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke into the mix here.

And, for a non-astrological explanation of the Resolution from London’s Financial Times, Auditing the central bank: a jolly good thing!

Your comments and observations about the events are most welcome.

Chart data:

Federal Reserve; December 23, 1913; 6:02 p.m.; Washington, D.C.

Ron Paul, August 20, 1935, Pittsburg, PA;  from Wikipedia

Footnotes: (1) The Big Money

(2) The Progressive Mind

Additional reference: House panel votes to Advance Paul Plan on Fed Audits