Wade Caves, who has studied both Hebrew and Arabic, has had a long interest in “Palestinian liberation and Israeli statehood.” In his webinar (presented via Skyscript on November 2, 2023) he discusses some historical points, such as why Saturn has been associated with the Jewish people and Venus with Muslim people. He has charts for significant events in recent history, i.e., the Balfour Declaration (1917) the UK Mandate for Palestine (1923), as well natal charts for Netanyahu and the State of Israel. He shows the lunation charts prior to key events when there is no known time, and points out the overlapping degree areas across multiple charts. (A further addition are maps of the land at different times in the conflict.) (1 hour, 30 minutes.)
Although he did not give a yearly overview last year, Richard Tarnas is back speaking On the Planetary Alignments 2024, An Archetypal Astrological Analysis.
Astrologer, CIIS Professor Emeritus, and cultural historian Dr. Tarnas speaks to the world situation through the perspective of Jungian and transpersonal psychology. His work helps us become “more conscious of the deep unconscious, less like puppets and more like co-creative participants in relation to the archetypal powers within us and around us.”
Placing our time within a long, broad, and deep view, his work is restorative to fractured attention spans and an antidote to the hyper-focused vision which can arise as we maneuver through the never-ending details of modern life. Take time to enjoy this renowned thinker and interpreter of “the profound drama currently facing the Earth community.” (1 hour, 30 minutes.)
Here are a few popular astrologers on the upcoming lunar eclipse:
(35 minutes.)
(1 hour, 14 minutes.)
And, to highlight a delightful moment within a complex time, don’t miss:
(15 minutes.)
Thank you for thought thoughtful inclusion, Mary & the team at TMA. I’ll be delivering an updated version of this talk at the upcoming World Astrology Summit (https://skyscript.co.uk/inmundo/summit) at the end of March, for those interested.
Hi Wade,
I’m glad you saw this…good to hear about the upcoming version.
I was very impressed with your talk, your knowledge of the history, etc. and your open minded and nuanced point of view.
Take care, I do hope to make it into Brooklyn to see you before too long,