Good Monday

We’re taking a break from a blog this week. In honor of the Sun’s last day in Taurus and giving us all a chance to enjoy the lushness of the day.

Kate and Tem are getting ready for NORWAC and I am enjoying the company of Kate Petty who is in Ashland to be our guest speaker tonight at SONCGR (Southern Oregon chapter of NCGR) – informally known as Astrology in Ashland. Here’s the event: Astrology in Ashland

Please come if you’re nearby!

Have fun everyone near and far..

June/July 2014 issue

June/July 2014


Highlights of this issue:

    • The Complete and Totally All-Inclusive Guide to Horticultural Astrology
    • The Many Faces of Mercury Retrograde
    • Mercury Retrograde: A Slow Dance with the Trickster
    • Moving Planets, Living Symbols: Towards a Participatory Astrology
    • Enriching Our Days: Astrology’s Gods as Rulers of the Seven-Day Week
    • Queer Astrology: Not for Queers Only
    • Four under Forty: The Future of Astrology…..and much more



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Directory of Astrologers

2014 and Beyond

Special guest writer Louis Acker takes us through the stellar/political/social landscape beginning with today’s Full Moon eclipse. He is a marvelous guide to the pathway that is upon us.

Continue reading

April/May 2014 issue

Apr/May 2014


Highlights of this issue:

    • The Astrology of Pop
    • The Moon, the Musician, and the Listening Public
    • Playing the Villian: Marilyn Manson and the 1990s
    • The Spectre of an American Music Pioneer: Profiling Phil Spector
    • The Singer and the Song
    • Captain Beefheart: Poet, Painter, and Visionary Crank
    • Chiron-Neptune, the Ecosystem, and the Nuclear Threat…..and much more



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Directory of Astrologers