Aug/Sept 2011 Issue

Aug/Sept 2011

Highlights of this issue:

  • Alchemists of Soul
  • Revolutionary Years and the Uranus-Pluto Cycle
  • Peter Pan, Eternal Youth, and the Lost Paradise of Childhood
  • Neptune in Pisces: 2011 – 2026
  • Revolutions and Revelations: An Interview with Jessica Murray
  • Synodic Cycles and Lunar Phases
  • The Signs: Noble Disguise, Noble Distraction…..and more.

Sample Features from this Issue:

Table of Contents | Letter | Forecast Calendar
Current Lunations | Astrology News | Sample Feature

Nessus and Pholus

Mary Plumb discusses the Minor Planets Nessus and Pholus, both as they are appearing in the public life, and in personal stories. She has links to other sites on these wild companions of Chiron.

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Happy Birthday U.S.A.

Mary Plumb writes about the U.S. solar return horoscope that is part serious and part whimsical. Please add your comments, it’s a big subject with room for lots of views.

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Weekly Tune-In

Mary Plumb has a few thoughts on the Sun in Cancer, and finds some other bloggers who are considering the nature of the times with a gentle gaze. Enjoy.

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The Twins Are Eclipsed

Mary Plumb looks at the myth of the Gemini twins as we welcome two eclipses in that sign of the zodiac – enjoy all the diversity inherent in this season. Have a good week, everyone.

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Venus: Enduring Symmetry

Mary Plumb writes on Venus – her heliacal rise, her conjunction with Mars, a few examples of sordid behavior in the public eye, and Arielle Guttman’s new book on the “Venus Star.”

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