Until Death Do Us Part

Mary Plumb looks at the charts of Edward Kennedy and his two marriages. He has the Sun in Pisces as does Vicki, his second wife, to whom he proposed at a performance of La Boheme. (Is there a Pisces anywhere who isn’t moved by this beautiful, tragic opera?)

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Jackson Death Ruled Homicide

Alex Miller spells out the intricate and highly specific minor asteroids, planets – and TNO Chaos –  in Michael Jackson’s and Dr. Conrad Murray’s natal charts and for the day the death was ruled a homicide. Amazing.

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Prelude to the Cardinal Crisis

Gary Caton writes on the Prelude to the Cardinal Crisis: Mars, Mercury, Pluto T-square at 0° Cardinal which happens this week as Mars arrives at 0° Cancer. The Cardinal-T Square is angular in Washington, D.C. and Venus has just passed the degree of the July 21 eclipse. Gary addresses some mundane events tied to this potent chart.

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The Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009

Robert Blaschke looks to Dane Rudhyar for a key idea in interpreting the ongoing, ultimately uplifting conjunction of these two planets. Robert writes, “…. either a revolution or a legislated redistribution of wealth must take place.”

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Food, Inc.

Food, Inc. is a documentary about the politics of food. Activist and writer Michael Pollan has natal Ceres in Capricorn prominent in his horoscope – and transiting Pluto is helping him get the word out on the politics (and pleasures) of food and eating.

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A Beer with the President

The solar eclipse was in the President Obama’s 6th house of public employees and he wants to turn a much debated verbal goof into a “teachable” moment. With Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune hovering together above us all, maybe he can pull it off.

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Total Solar Eclipse

The century’s longest total solar eclipse is almost upon us. Mary Plumb writes on its meaning and includes links that show the path of visibility, a great YouTube video, and some famous people whose natal charts are sensitive to this eclipse. Enjoy!

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