Eclipse patterns and nodal connections offer unlimited insight into cycles of time. They are also useful to work with when the birth time is unknown. The nodes form an axis across the birth chart, often pointing to deep, soul issues or moments of destiny in an unfolding life. An eclipse of the Sun or Moon will always fall when one of these bodies is close to the Moon’s nodes and in parallel aspect to one other. (1)
The actor Michelle Williams was born on September 8, 1980 in Kallispell, Montana (time unknown). (2)
(All charts have been calculated on a Mac with IO by Time Cycles Research.)
I saw her newest movie, My Week with Marilyn, this weekend and wondered what kind of connection she might have with Monroe.
Even though they do not look at all alike, Williams has been praised for her ability to capture the essence of the wondrously, glamorously vulnerable Marilyn Monroe. (3) In an interview about the film, Williams said: “I have always been drawn to Marilyn……She has that magnetism and that draw for so many people, so I read about her when I was young, devouring biographies.” (4)
We do have an accurate time for Marilyn Monroe. She was born on June 1, 1926 at 9:30 am in Los Angeles, CA. AA data (5)
She has the Moon in Aquarius in the 7th house opposite Neptune in Leo in the 1st house.
Williams’s north node at 20° Leo is conjunct Marilyn’s natal Neptune; her south node at 20° Aquarius is conjunct Marilyn’s Moon.
That so well describes the kind of compelling attraction that nodal connections can indicate. I’m thinking too of Williams’s ability to capture the beguiling (and sorrowful) quality of Marilyn’s appeal. She was able to feel deeply into Marilyn’s emotional nature — at least enough to create a beguiling film presence herself.
Williams was born on the day of a New Moon at 16°50 Virgo. (The Moon traveled between 14° – 26° Virgo that day.) She has the Sun, Jupiter, (and maybe the Moon) closely square to Neptune. Her sturdy Virgo nature is also porous and malleable, a gift for an actor.
Marilyn has the Moon opposite Neptune; her public image was powerfully erotic and open to projection. Saturn in Scorpio in the 4th house is squaring the opposition; her early life was one of emotional devastation. (Midpoint watchers may be interested to see that on the 45° dial, Marilyn has the Uranus/Neptune midpoint with Sun, the Moon, and the Venus/Mars midpoint.)
I don’t want to get too far a field with this blog, but I have included some links to articles about her chart below. (6)
Williams was in a relationship with actor Heath Ledger from 2004 until September 2007. Again, with no known birth time, I’ve cast the sunrise chart. (7)
Her natal Sun is conjunct Ledger’s north node at 17° Virgo. The couple separated in September 2007; there was a solar eclipse on September 11, 2007 at 18°24’ Virgo, conjunct her Sun-Jupiter and his north node.
Heath Ledger died from an accidental overdose on January 22, 2008. At his death, transiting Pluto was at 29° Sagittarius (with Venus at 28°) square her natal Mercury at 29° Virgo (with Saturn at 29°). His natal Mercury is 29° Pisces, also being squared by transiting Pluto.
Transiting Mercury and Neptune were conjunct at 20° Aquarius, her south node, when he died.
One other thing we can see in these two sunrise charts are planets “at the bending,” i.e., square the nodal axis. Williams has Uranus square the nodal axis, specifically the North Bending (8) One event from her biography that matches that symbolism is that at “age 15, faced with her parent’s disapproval, she emancipated herself from them. This was in order for Williams to better pursue her acting career and not have to worry about child labor laws.” (9)
Heath Ledger has Neptune at the North Bending, a hint to a highly sensitive nature, as well as a testament to his gifts as an actor. The Dark Knight was the last film he completed before his death. He was awarded Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor as well as numerous other posthumous awards.
Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger have a child, Matilda Rose, born on October 28, 2005.
Her Moon is between 9° – 21° Virgo, close to her mother’s. Matilda’s north node is at 13° Aries, exactly conjunct her father’s Sun. In a statement Williams gave at Ledger’s eulogy, she said: “I am the mother of the most tenderhearted, high-spirited, beautiful little girl who is the spitting image of her father. All that I can cling to is his presence inside her that reveals itself every day.” (10)
Maybe we can hear echoes of the north node/Sun conjunction between father and daughter in her words.
May they both have continued prosperous and happy times ahead.
(1) A parallel occurs when planets are within one degree of the same degree of declination, i.e., the position above or below the celestial equator, described in degrees and minutes north or south of the equator.
(2) Wikipedia
(3) “Initially terrified of taking on the role, she turned down the offer. ‘Physically and vocally, everything about her is different from me,’ she explained. Eventually, she found the offer too good of an opportunity to pass up.”
The Telegraph
(4) The Telegraph
(5) AstroDatabank
(6) Here are a few places to read about her:
Marilyn Monroe 80th Birthday Horoscope
Ohio Astrology
(7) Wikipedia
(8) “Planets at the South Bending are related in meaning to the South Node, that is, they signify a point of release — experiences are internal and have difficulty being expressed outwardly. The North Bending resembles the North Node, which is a point where energy comes in; events and experiences will manifest in the outer world.
To easily see which bending the planet occupies in a chart, start with the North Node and move clockwise around the wheel; if a planet is at the opening square, it is the South Bending. Continuing clockwise around the wheel, if the planet is at the closing square, e.g., 270° from the North Node, it is the North Bending.”
From my earlier blog, At the Bending
(9) Wikipedia
(10) The Daily Telegraph
[…] Mary Plumb at The Mountain Astrologer compares Michelle’s birth chart to Marilyn’s: “I saw her newest movie, My Week […]
“Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger have a child, Matilda Rose, born on April 28, 2005.”
Should read October 28, 2005! Thanks so much for an interesting article.
Hi Kat,
Thanks for noticing that error…I have the right chart, just labeled it incorrectly..
Glad you liked the article..
Yes, I did enjoy it very much. I’m a huge fan of both Williams and Ledger, and you! I was so engrossed in the article, but then noticed the different dates, so wanted to bring it to your attention. Astrology continues to blow me away…so fascinating. Thanks for truly being a guiding light. 😉
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