Dec/Jan 2013 Issue

Dec/Jan 2013

Highlights of this issue:

    • Pluto, Uranus, and the Financial Crisis: Reaching the Limits of Growth
    • Saturn in Scorpio: The Pleasures and Pressures of Intimacy
    • The Saturn-Neptune Trine
    • Twelve Signs, Twelve Distinct Planetary Rulers
    • The Divine Science: Reflections on a Life in Astrology
    • C.G. Jung’s Crisis and Renewal
    • Horary Astrology, Part 2: Questions and Significations….and more



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | TMA’s Directory of Astrologers

Michelle Obama & Ann Romney

Inspired by their pink dresses, Mary Plumb considers Michelle Obama and Ann Romney. With no birth times, she looks at eclipses and connections to their husband’s horoscopes.

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