June/ July 2012 content

June/July 2012

Highlights of this issue:

    • The Dollar at the Crossroads: U.S. Economic Outlook
    • Uranus Square Pluto: The Consequences of the Debt Explosion
    • The Synergy of Pallas Athene with Uranus-Pluto
    • Blinded by the Light: Planets Conjunct the Sun
    • An Interview with Laura Nalbandian
    • The 165-Degree Aspect
    • An Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology: Part 2….and more



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Letter

The Moon/Pluto Occultations

Guest blogger Alex Miller has a fascinating discussion of the first (of 19!) rare Moon/Pluto occultations. Lots of possibilities, of course, but it starts off with an international sex scandal.

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Random Wonderful Blogs

Mary Plumb has a collection of blogs for this week – from the political, to the magical, to the Plutonic, to the lighthearted. Enjoy all of these fine bloggers and this Spring week.

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Venus Transit: The Message is Love

Guest blogger Annalee Smith offers a view of the upcoming Venus Transit, including sensitive degree areas likely to be evoked for a special role in “our need for realignment/reassessment of what is truly important or of value in life.”

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