Feb/Mar 2012 Issue

Feb/Mar 2012

Highlights of this issue:

    • The 2012 Presidential Candidates
    • The Picture that Launched a Thousand Accusations
    • Terrorist Attack on Norway: The Disaster We Will Never Forget
    • The Winters of 2011 – 2014: An Astrometeorological Assessment
    • Hippocrates, Humours, and Temperament in Traditional Astrology and Medicine
    • Venus Returns
    • Student Section…..and more.



From this Issue:

Table of Contents | Letter

Scratch Some Virgo, Find Some Pisces

We’re very happy to welcome guest blogger Eric Francis back to TMA. His new blog offers a look at the polarity of Virgo and Pisces and the current planets on this pair – “the axis of practical imagination.”

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Michelle and Marilyn

Mary Plumb writes about Michelle Williams and some of her essential connections to Marilyn Monroe and Heath Ledger (and their daughter, Matilda).

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Welcome to 2012

Mary Plumb greets the New Year with a quick glance backwards, a toast to the current visible planets and a welcome to Neptune in Pisces.

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Venus Cazimi

Mary Plumb, collaborating with Arielle Guttman, writes about current transits to the Sun-Venus cazimi point and other thoughts on the synodic cycle.

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