Hello twenty ten 

Remembering Janus, the Roman god of gates, doorways, beginnings and endings, Mary Plumb looks back and ahead as we enter the new year. Welcome twenty ten!

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Happy Winter Solstice

TMA‘s Mary Plumb takes a tour of the Winter Solstice with links to many sites – from an economic forecast to other astrologer’s views of the Solstice chart to ceremonies and music on YouTube. Enjoy these days!

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Venus and the Sun

Following up on Adam Gainsburg’s recent blog, Mary Plumb looks at the Venus-Sun synodic cycle with a few key events from the past few weeks.

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Waterloo at the FED?

Mary Plumb takes notice of the Pluto transit to the Sun in the Federal Reserve chart. The  “populist anger” at the financial powers looks like it might manifest, in part, as an audit of the mega-bank. The blog has links to other commentators on the subject.

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Dec 2009 /Jan 2010 Issue

Dec 2009/Jan 2010

Highlights of this issue:

  • The Heavens Declare: A Conversation with Alice O. Howell

  • Water, Water Everywhere…The Astrology of Nature’s Profound Gift
  • Enthusiastically Embracing (the Possible Arrival of) the New Age of Aquarius
  • The Offstage Leo
  • Astrological Indications of Influenza
  • Challenges of Aging: Transits from 58 to 84

Sample Features from this Issue:

Table of Contents | Letter | Forecast Calendar
Current Lunations | Astrology News | Feature Article